DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 586: Guardian of the sea giant

Three people, exactly one spell each.

Zhao Dingguo was still worried that it would not be enough to kill an elite monster. Now that he has just one hand, he can consider going directly to the altar of the palace.

As for the bottle of sea eye fountain, there is nothing particularly surprising about its attributes. After using it, you can instantly restore 400 life points. In addition, within the next 20 seconds, any healing skill effect will be increased by 30%.

Some of the expendable props that Zhao Dingguo had obtained previously had similar effects, except that there were no people around him who could heal the skills. Now Shen Caiwei is different. With her continuous treatment, this additional special effect is still very objective.

After putting away the bottle of instant recovery potion and distributing the spell to two teammates, Zhao Dingguo led the team to continue on the road.

Prior to this, in order to search for the elite monsters in the Sea Giant Temple, Zhao Dingguo did not advance fast. Now that everything is in place, the progress of the three is much faster. Along the way, with the exception of the monsters that must be killed, the other three try to avoid fighting, saving too much time outside the altar.

After half an hour, the three entered the innermost arcade corridor.

Among so many Super God users who have entered the Sea Giant Temple, Zhao Dingguo is definitely the first echelon. However, running too fast is not all good. At least after entering the arc corridor, the density of monsters increased greatly. Obviously, not many experts have cleaned up before.

If Zhao Dingguo was alone, he could sneak in all the way. But with Li Feng and Shen Caiwei, Zhao Dingguo had to give up this idea. Killed in with the two of them. Coincidentally at this time, a high-level electric soul arrived at dusk, and temporarily joined the three-man squad. In this way, four pedigree masters go hand in hand. Although blocked by swarming monsters for a time, they eventually entered the palace.

After entering the underground palace, the direction is clear.

Before that, Zhao Dingguo couldn't go long enough to pay attention to the direction, so as not to lead the team astray. But the ground floor of the temple is a central square. He visited again last week, and can be said to be familiar with the road. In the case of two lava elves leading the battle, the three members of the Lan Elf squad still cling to the dark abyss on the right.

With their concerted efforts. The three arrived smoothly near the altar. But getting on the altar is not as easy as last week.

It may be that the monsters here are confused by the Super God users who entered the altar before, in the direction of the three. There are several sea giants with dark green skins guarding them. According to Zhao Dingguo's judgment, they should all have anti-hermit capabilities. If they rushed up like this, the result of the three would only be besieged by hundreds of monsters nearby.

If the blue cat has a big move, or another push stick, the three can barely try.

It is a pity that if there is no use for solving the problem. Li Feng squinted and looked for a while, apparently also felt tricky. It's definitely not possible to rush up like this, Zhao Dingguo thought about it and decided to try to see if they could be led away.

Illusions created by Shen Caiwei's ghost-ghosting skills, as well as his own lava elves. Zhao Dingguo began to try. However, the monsters here have a high number of attacks and the number of monsters is very high. After all, the body of the lava elves seems a bit brittle after all. Often it is only after a few steps in the past that several sea giants are caught up and scattered. Not to mention Shen Caiwei's illusions, taking several times more damage. It passed away instantly!

Tried it several times in succession, but it didn't work.

In desperation, the three had to wait here. On the one hand, those guards clustering near the altar will move by themselves, and there are always times when the defense is weak; on the other hand, there will definitely be more Super God users arriving later. Since the three of them couldn't get through. Then you can only consider cooperating with other masters to enter the altar together.

As for how to assign the guardians of the temple after entering, I can only say that at that time.

The three did not wait too long.

Almost all those who can break into the palace are the masters of dusk. The most unsatisfactory is also the rising sun with tacit understanding. Although this kind of strength is not a big deal, here is the gathering of thousands of Super God users, and maybe even more. Among so many people, it is not surprising to have several masters.

About five or six minutes later, a master of wandering swordsman pedigree killed himself.

This guy is also a junior at dusk, but his equipment is really good. Zhao Dingguo was surprised that Zhao Dingguo had a prosthetic leg, a war drum, black and yellow, and domination. He had a crystal sword. This equipment, after turning on the power of the great move, the DPS played can only be described by the word violence!

Moreover, his powerful swing ability is equivalent to the splash of the battlefury with his own effect.

Zhao Dingguo estimates that this guy should be directed at the demon blade that may fall. After all, the opponent already has a crystal sword, and it is likely that he wants to make a superb divine costume with a crossbow gun. Of course, if you can drop the Inspiring Gem, that's not bad, the Wandering Swordsman also needs a certain attack speed support.

Wandering swordsman, although strong, is not reckless. After looking at the current situation, they stood side by side with the three and waited patiently.

After the wandering swordsman, other masters arrived one after another. Among them are those who are well-equipped but have no pedigree, and of course they are particularly strong. In the end, an advanced alchemist at dusk caught everyone's attention. Seeing that when he came here, he clearly had at least a second-level transformation effect. After opening the university, his all-round improvement has greatly increased his strength. Powerful acid mist reduction, combined with the electric hammer's chain of lightning, the total output is also horrible.

With such two people, the masters present had full confidence in breaking into the altar.

After continuing to wait for a while, seeing that the masters who have arrived here have already got so many names, Zhao Dingguo thought about it and stood out.

In fact, there is nothing to say, he is a scepter Carl himself, and there is Shen Ranwei, a rare dark animal husbandry, as a teammate, and it is understandable to take the lead. Although there are also some people who are dissatisfied with Zhao Dingguo's grabbing his own limelight, there is nothing that can be said after entering the altar. There is no point in arguing here.

Perhaps it is clear that the masters present under the simple command of Zhao Dingguo formed a very regular battle group. Several powerful melee heroes rushed out, the mage centered out, and Shen Caiwei was at the center, ready to heal at any time.

With all the watches ready, Zhao Dingguo waved his hands, and the nine masters were like wolves and tigers, standing against a large monster, and forcibly killed the stone ladder leading to the top of the altar. The master with wandering swordsman pedigree first turned on the battle roar, provided all teammates with acceleration and armor effects, and then launched a big move. With the addition of the power of God, his base attacks have skyrocketed, and his skin is faintly red due to his powerful power.

The alchemist also transformed, giving out a green acid mist, and began to output continuously.

The chain of lightning strikes from time to time by the alchemy attack, and the amazing crit from the Wandering Swordsman Crystal Sword from time to time made the two arrows assault by many masters.

With them at the front, Zhao Dingguo can attack freely. His output may not seem that amazing, but it's actually not bad. As the block of monsters was stunned by their assaults and surrounded them, Zhao Dingguo's chaotic meteorites and supersonic sound waves were successful. Suddenly hit it, at least can crush a large area. Immediately afterwards, the electrostatic field was passively triggered, and a large area of ​​nearby monsters also suffered a gorgeous percentage of electric shock damage at the same time, followed by an additional 30 moonlight.

The brilliance rising at this moment made the tramp swordsman and the alchemist turn their heads in surprise and looked at him specially.

After the two skills were shot, Zhao Dingguo opened the mask of madness and arbitrarily output in the back row. In addition, he added the cutout swift skills to the Wandering Swordsman, making his outbreak a step up.

Such a team, the ability to attack toughness is simply ruined.

The monsters that stood in front of them were originally quite powerful, but they were beaten by nine masters and fell to the ground almost instantly. However, in just ten seconds of time, the masters who were present rushed to the stone steps. However, here, there are more monsters coming around and more resistance to them. Regardless of whether it is a homeless swordsman or an alchemist, these two main moves have limited time to transform!

If they can't kill them before the time of their transformation is over, then the difficulty will be more difficult.

The masters who were present also understood this, so they took their best efforts. After stepping on the stone steps, Shen Caiwei also gave a big move weaving in this last section. The purple energy network ~ ~ continuously reduces the armor of the monsters in front, making the overall output a step higher. Finally, at the end of the melee moves of the two melee masters, they also killed all the way to the top of the altar only ten meters away.

By this time, the altar was within reach.

With a highly manual wave form with a skill of the Morphling Elf, the other people who were the first to shake off the scene and rushed to the top of the altar, and the Super God users who were killed immediately became confused. As if the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, one by one began to show their magical powers. There are jumping knives, there are pushing and pushing, and more phantom **** fly past. After Zhao Dingguo pushed Li Feng up, he started a ghost walk by himself, relying on a three-second deep stealth to successfully sneak into the altar.

This time, after using the Deep Sea Charm, the magic circle was smoothly released, allowing Zhao Dingguo to lead the follow-up monster one step ahead, passed the light curtain, and entered the center of the altar.

What he didn't expect was that there were already a group of masters of super-users who had entered here in front of them. However, the masters only glanced at this side casually, and re-focused on the magic sculpture at the center of the top of the altar, about three meters high.

Zhao Dingguo only took a look and determined that it was the guardian of the Sea Giant Temple! rQ

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