DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 606: Shortcut to Kill

Howling missiles followed.

In the eyes of the remaining die-hards, even if so many missiles can't kill the Voidwalker elders, at least they can be hit hard? Ordinary people watching from a distance seeing the large missiles flying over the sky, are even more excited .

However, few of the Super God users present expressed great expectations for support from the real world.

They are very clear that if they deal with monsters and super **** users below the rising sun level, heavy firepower still has a little effect. Even if they are masters of the rising sun level, powerful missiles can play a little threat. But once entering the dusk stage, under the protection of the Super God platform, and their strong and non-human bodies and defenses, even if they stand and let the oranguts bomb, they will not be harmed.

Their shoe **** user is still like this, not to mention this twilight top Voidwalker elder?

With the first loud explosion, the missile exploded two meters to the right of Elder Voidwalker. Even if it didn't hit directly, according to the real world point of view, this is definitely in the maximum killing range. However, something that disappointed some people appeared. The huge explosion and the shrapnel in the sky did not affect the elder Voidwalker at all. Its red energy body looks as if intact

"how come?"

Ordinary people watching from a distance are stunned and can hardly accept this fact.

However, what makes them even more desperate is still behind. Along with dozens of explosions, including the second, third, and even dense sounds, a large pit was blown out near the elder Voidwalker. The shock wave raised the dust of the sky, and the shrapnel splashed out, deeply embedded in the nearby building ruins, but it was impossible to leave a scratch on the Voidwalker elder.

The masters of the Illuminati can see clearly, the life value of the elder Voidwalker has not changed at all.

On the contrary, the continuous bombardment of missiles disrupted Zhao Dingguo's output. This bombing, instead, gave the Voidwalker elders time to recover

With the last missile falling in the sky, there were so many lucky people who looked at it.

However, Elder Voidwalker seemed to be upset by the explosion. He looked up at the missile approaching him at high speed, and raised his hand and smashed a dark blue lightning bolt. The lightning that broke through collided with the missile that flew straight.The tremendous power of lightning knocked off at this time, and the last missile was completely wiped out.

The elder Voidwalker seemed to have done something trivial, his blood-red body shook, and he looked back at the surrounding Illuminati masters.

Their attacks are more threatening than missiles

Hundreds of missiles have all done useless work, leaving the ordinary humans on the sidelines stuck in a long period of stagnation and completely losing their confidence in fighting monsters. Those high-level military officials who insisted on verifying human force only realized in pain and unwillingness how powerful and important this group of supernatural forces is.


Seeing that there were no more missiles in the sky, Manlou shrugged, and then signaled to the members of the Illuminati to continue the siege.

A little disturbed by the bombardment, the master of the Illuminati took another minute to resume the rhythm. However, as the battle continues, the masters present can obviously feel that the skill release frequency and attack speed of Elder Voidwalker are accelerating.

The attack speed is fast, nothing, the Voidwalker Elder is more inclined to the mage, and the attack power is actually average. There are three masters of twilight, among which there is a meat shield like the tide. It is no problem to resist its ordinary attacks. The key is the frequency of skill release. The virtual ball cannot be said. The focus is on the instantaneous high injury e of the energy pulse, and the death and decay that last 15 seconds. Two major skills appeared one after another, and the masters of the Illuminati were overwhelmed.

This change is particularly evident after the life halo of the Voidwalker elder has completely turned yellow.

The buff itself cannot be fully opened, it has already affected the output of the Illuminati. Now the elder Voidwalker's continuous counterattack has seriously disrupted their rhythm, and even made the battle into an awkward situation. If they do not have to pay for it, using various props, or against the Elder Voidwalker's powerful attack, they can kill it. But then, the pay and the gain are disproportionate, and the Illuminati has not reached the point where it must be desperate

After continuing to talk for a while, the situation of the masters of the Illuminati did not improve, and there was even faint humor and low morale.The two presidents and the chairman of the board couldn't do anything about them, sighed, talked in a low voice, and then released Order for orderly retreat.


The surrounding members of the rising sun are very puzzled. Until now, with the maintenance and good auxiliary protection of the twilight masters, the Illuminati masters have not sacrificed, and no props have been used. Retreating without even trying everything?

When is the veteran Illuminati so soft?

However, these rising sun members do not understand, it does not mean that the senior experts in the meeting are not clear. They smiled and began to strictly implement the president's instructions and retreat to the headquarters in an orderly manner.

"President, why did you withdraw?"

Not everyone understands this problem, so it is inevitable that there will be resistance.

Man Lou knew that this emotion was dangerous. Besides, the next tactic was not a secret, so he steadily seduced the elder Netherwalker through the movement and counterattack, and briefly explained: Lv3 resurrection spring water in the headquarters "


As soon as the whole building was opened, the mystery and noise of a large number of Illuminati masters were attracted. However, no matter how they discussed, they found that this was indeed a good move.

You know, the Illuminati has vigorously upgraded the lv3 resurrection spring water, and the radius of the aura of the increase is close to 200 meters. Within this range, all users with nameplates can enjoy a powerful increase of the maximum health limit +300, all attributes +15 points. And once injured, within 10 meters of the spring, you can get the double acceleration effect of 3 HP per second.

With such a powerful increase, the combat effectiveness of the Illuminati masters can be improved unimaginably.

Of course, the revival spring water effect of lv3 is strong, but in order to maintain its operation, the winning points that need to be paid each month are as high as 15,000 points, which is just the basic expenditure. If the energy of the resurrecting spring water is consumed greatly within a short period of time, an additional temporary fee will need to be paid. Not a top guild, can't afford it at all

Another problem is that the real-world buildings approached by the Voidwalker Elders are brought back to the Illuminati headquarters.

However, with this loss, the Illuminati will not look at it at all.

Does it cost a lot of props, even sacrifice a few twilight masters, to exchange and kill the elders of the Voidwalker, or to exchange a bit of real world architecture? This business, for them, need not be considered at all. As for how to deal with the aftermath, I am sorry, that is the problem that the real-world Pearl City government needs to consider.

The transfer plan was carried out in an orderly manner under the auspices of Manlou.

With the unwilling cooperation of real-world forces, the necessary blocks from the pedestrian street to the Huangpu International Finance Building were all blocked, and the personnel inside were also evacuated. Along the way, some Illuminati masters who learned of the new plan were excited to maintain the peripheral cordon. However, attracted by several twilight masters, the Elder Voidwalker did not carelessly run, but was smoothly led to the outside of the headquarters building.

The final location of the fighting was set 50 meters from the building.

Here is the range of the aura of the resurrection spring water. All the masters participating in the battle can improve their strength. In addition, this distance can ensure that the headquarters building is not easily damaged by the aftermath, but also allows the injured master to quickly return to the spring water supply and then quickly return to the battlefield.

When the Elder Voidwalker was very close to the headquarters, the Illuminati master who was sure that there would be no problem returned early and began to line up to meet the enemy. Only a few assistants were still following the three twilight masters, for fear of something unexpected.

However, how powerful the twilight master is, naturally, no level of mistakes will occur. Two minutes later, the three masters took the horrible monster that was one step closer to the night to the front of the Illuminati headquarters building.

With the return of the three masters, the long interrupted battle began immediately.

Although this long time has passed, this guy's blood volume has almost recovered to full value. However, the Illuminati master who fought at the door of his house burst out with far more power than before.

The reason is very simple. The Illuminati master who was originally difficult to cause effective damage, after gaining the attribute bonus, became able to deal effective damage. As for some powerful Sunburst masters who are limited to the upper limit of their health, at this moment, they have gained 300 points of life and 15 full attributes. Plus recovery is not a problem, so the total number of people able to participate in the battle is much higher.

As a result, the Illuminati's combat power naturally doubled

Among them, Lao Li, Yan Yuelan, and Li Feng who have been watching for a long time later finally got the opportunity to play ~ ~ Be aware that because of the senior team contract, if five people fight together side by side If you do, you can enjoy the full bonus of 12 points. Now coupled with the lv3 resurrection spring's aura increase, it has a terrifying bonus of 27 full attributes and 300 maximum health.

27 points all attributes

An ogre axe of 1000 gold coins in the regular season, but only +10 strength; the ultimate orb valued at 2100 gold coins, but only +10 points of all attributes. Now they have increased their full attributes by 27 points at a stretch, and they are about to catch up with an ice eye attribute bonus, so that they really have the combat power of the twilight master.

As for Zhao Dingguo, who also got a 27-point increase in all attributes, let alone.

His maximum health value broke through the 3,000 mark in one fell swoop, and other attributes have also been improved. This temporary powerful power that did not belong to him gave Zhao Dingguo an illusion. Even if it is the most powerful high-end dusk, he is capable of a war (to be continued)


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