DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 649: Never seen a small character

The hairy thief who stopped the road was also classified.

That leaps and bounds outside the major secret realms, the strength is often only the rising sun rookie, is the lowest level of hair thieves. Those who are led by dusk and have a fixed organization are undoubtedly a higher level. The three unscrupulous people and the light law all have bloodlines. Although two of them are only incomplete, they are also extremely extraordinary.

They are undoubtedly the best among the "Mao thieves".

From the fact that the three low-ranking guests have even killed high-level masters at dusk, we can see that their real combat power. However, after confirming that the opponent did not have a premeditated plan, Zhao Dingguo took the initiative to stop-not only because of the loss of mana skills, but also because he wanted to fight back.

What about one enemy and four?

If it is all strong control or strong bloodlines, Zhao Dingguo may have to worry. But there is already a light law that is determined to be incomplete, and the other is likely to be a poisonous warlock. In this case, Zhao Dingguo has nothing to worry about. Therefore, before the three cheap guests caught up, he took the lead in recruiting the lava elves.

Two lava elves, one left and one right, are in front of Zhao Dingguo. With the addition of the lv4 ice element, the two lava elves' health has exceeded 600 points. Counting the armor bonus of the earth element, as well as a brand new throwing skill, it has helped Zhao Dingguo's powerful helper.

"Don't really run away?"

When the three unscrupulous guests saw that Zhao Dingguo stopped because of "dreading the loss of mana," they were overjoyed.

Sanjin does not think that Zhao Dingguo stopped because he was conscious and confident in dealing with them. It was only when Zhao Dingguo did not want to lose his magic power. Such a stupid decision made them immediately lower their evaluation of Zhao Dingguo by three points.

"Go on"

The first poisonous player to catch up first gave Zhao Dingguo a common attack. His full-level passive skills, Stinger, can add 20 points / second of poison damage to the attack, and it also has a 14 slowdown effect. Seeing that this deceleration state was hanging up, the poisonous heart was settled. He knew that the mage could not escape the palm of his hand.

However, there was a sentence that shot the bird, and the poisonous poison that rushed to the front was attacked by Zhao Dingguo first.

As the Lava Elves' armor-breaking began to stack up, Zhao Dingguo ’s general attack, which was far beyond the average dusk-level mage, almost immediately made the poison very powerful.

His equipment is also supposed to be good, including the ring of the hawk, phase shoes, war drums, as well as the challenge headscarf and Aghanim's Scepter. Other small pieces such as magic wands, poor ghost shields, magic bottles, etc., are also worth a lot of money. However, it is such a piece of equipment that makes one feel good about himself, but he can't stop feeling in front of Zhao Dingguo's attack.

The Lava Wizard's 10-point armor reduction is not vegetarian.

Against elites like Xu Zhiguo who are highly armored, well-equipped, and top-level super **** organizations, armor breaking may not be so obvious. But to deal with the boss of the three unscrupulous guests, the reduction of 10 points of armor will obviously take effect. Moreover, the chance of attack with 20 fire damage and soul shield attached to the soul equipment is not vegetarian.

The speed of his own blood volume decreased, causing the poison to frown slightly.

However, in the previous observations, they also saw Zhao Dingguo's violent output, so they were already mentally prepared. He just continued to fight with Zhao Dingguo while waiting for his teammates to calmly catch up. Probably because he was afraid that Zhao Dingguo would leave, he also gave Zhao Dingguo a mess of lv1

This nice single skill comes from Arcwatch.

With lv1, it can cause a slowdown of up to 50 seconds for a specified target for up to 50 seconds, and add 15 points / second of damage. In terms of deceleration effects alone, this skill is almost impeccable. However, it has a defect, that is, when there are allies in the vicinity that are affected by the turbulence, the turbulence will temporarily be invalidated.

Because of this, this skill is easy to use to deal with the enemy's entry of orders, and it is quite consistent at the moment.

Although the slowdown effect of the copycat version of the poisonous poison has been weakened due to the conflict of pedigree, the lion distance has also been reduced a lot, but its value cannot be erased on the 1st. However, Zhao Dingguo, who had been in chaos, had no intention of leaving, and the damage that sustained 15 points per second was just adding continuous blood to him.

Just like the Venomancer's full passive stinger

The continuous damage of 20 points per second of this skill is like tickling to Zhao Dingguo.

In addition to the turbulence and the stinger being ineffective, the Venomancer was keenly aware of his weakness. The output here refers specifically to general attack. The damage he caused to Zhao Dingguo in a single time, not even half of the theoretical damage, and also jumped out a bit during the period

How is this going?

Poisonous was puzzled when he hit himself three times, but of course Zhao Dingguo knew what was going on. With his super high main attributes, facing the three guys with the highest level of flawless bloodlines, it is easy to generate power suppression. Although the poisonous output is not bad, it still depends on your own skills. Right now, the passive poisonous wounds have turned into adding blood to the enemy, weakened by 10 damage by power and magic balls, and 20 attacks failed. It is not surprising that his output is weaker than expected.

Even the poisonous output is pretty good.

The high-level light method next to the sun is the most sad.

As a master at dusk, he can still play normally in the face of Zhao Dingguo. However, the light method of the rising sun, facing Zhao Dingguo of the dusk, is subject to level suppression. Although only the first order is not obvious, it is an outright tragedy for the light method that is partial and not well equipped.

Her hard attack attacked Zhao Dingguo with only 20 to 30 points of damage

Zhao Dingguo is sure that if he cuts out the ice hockey and opens the frost barrier, the light attack will be reduced to the point of adding blood to himself ... Anyway, the inferior pedigree is also considered pedigree. For a long time, although the light law was weak, it still had a little confidence in itself. But today, she was completely blown. At last, just before Guangfa was desperate, the poisonous teammates were all over.

Four-on-one, this ridiculous mage in front of you should be fixed?

The poisonous dragon of the same inferior lineage thinks so, so he launched a fierce attack on Zhao Dingguo with confidence.

Here, it is necessary to talk about the skill upgrade mode of the second and third guest. The residual ischemic system that can only rise to the sixth level is very depressing for Duron, because his three major skills are quite practical and difficult to choose. For example, the poisonous attack of a skill, this orb effect can add a good poison damage and slow down, but it must be raised to lv3 in order to be placed without cd.

However, the second skill Ghost Poison can add a huge amount of damage to the basic attack. The less blood the enemy is, the heavier it will be, and the maximum can reach 160 points.

This is equivalent to directly increasing the output of Duron by two grades.

However, when the three abilities are attacked, poison damage can be fed back, the slowing effect can be added, and the magic resistance can be improved. If you heighten it, you can greatly increase the viability of the poison dragon, which is also a good skill.

How to choose, every master of venomous dragon blood may have his own ideas. But for the three bitches, they rely on unlimited poison and slow food. Therefore, the third bitch's second lord finally added a third-level magic ball, then a level of nether poison and a level of passive-their combination does not lack output, and insignificant tactics do not need to burst, so The orbs that can slow down infinitely are more important.

The master who killed the high-level dusk before also relied on this method to fly the kite indefinitely.

The arrival of the poisonous dragon marks that the three unscrupulous guests have begun to exert their own unscrupulous skills.

After giving a magic ball attack, the poisonous dragon immediately gave Zhao Dingguo a big move. With the addition of the Scepter, this large duration is five seconds and the cooldown is only 12 seconds. Can reduce the enemy's attack speed and movement speed of 40, and add 60 points / second damage.

At the same time, seeing the poisonous dragon giving a big shot, the Venomancer did not hesitate to give his own big move.

Although his big move is a poisonous star, although the cool-down time is much longer than that of the poisonous dragon, his lethality is undoubtedly more powerful. This group of big moves caused damage of up to 58 points / second, almost on par with the poisonous dragon, but the duration was as long as 14 seconds-the total damage was almost equal to three poisonous dragons.

Putting these two together, the various active and passive poisonous injuries combined, it is almost close to 200 points / second

Which mage can hold such an output?

Even if the three **** do nothing, relying on such a powerful poison wound can consume the enemy to death. Moreover, with so many slowdown skills, you can't escape even if you want to escape.

It seems that the light method of revenge has already seen the fall of this wicked dusk mage.

On the other hand, the cautious black bird was a little bit apprehensive about Zhao Dingguo's gorgeous skills when he killed monsters, and he inserted the ghost guard of lv1 for insurance purposes.

This skill is very restrained by the mage, especially the one with many skills and high consumption. In addition to reducing the magic recovery speed of nearby enemies, it can also give enemies feedback a damage equal to the cost of the mana cost ~ ~ For example, Zhao Dingguo, release a storm Hurricane cost of 150 points, which is in the skill At the moment of the shot, he will be hurt by an equivalent of 150 points

With such a thorough response, the enemy should close his eyes and wait for death?

However, the elites of really large organizations are not those who think they have seen the world and are still small in nature. All of their skill damage, whether it is active or passive, whether it is a small skill or a big move, not only does not drop any blood on Zhao Dingguo, but it becomes a full blood increase.

Almost every second, Zhao Dingguo's body has the light of four or five cures.

This change made the scumbags think they were embarrassed.

They have seen a lot of Super God users with high magic resistance, but when did Four Enter see the enemies who can carry the dual tricks of poisonous dragon and highly toxic and keep coming back to the blood? Do you let them live?

There must be something weird about this guy (to be continued)


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