DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 696: Wild Monster Attack

The monsters in Kalimdor Wasteland do not come to attack every day.

If some super-lucky users are unlucky, they may not be completed in a few weeks after receiving the task. However, Zhao Dingguo's luck is obviously good. The season of the theme is just in time to catch up with the Ueno monster in the wasteland. They are dispatched almost every day to plunder the tribes on the wasteland.

The Tauren tribe is just one of the targets of the wild robbers who can't kill them.

Because the terrain here is unfamiliar, the monsters do not come, and Zhao Dingguo is not easy to attack, and can only wait patiently in this small tribe. However, after an hour passed, the monsters in the wilderness did not wait, but he waited for another team of Super God users.

This is a three-man squad.

The captain is a twilight master with Captain Cuenca descent, and the other is twilight, but has no descent. The last person is a high-ranking rising sun, but has the blood of a cannibal magician, and has a higher potential than his teammates. Such a double-bred squad formed with primary contract scrolls is quite good.

At the very least, helping the tauren tribe to block the invasion of monsters should be fine.

Because of this, although they were somewhat surprised that someone arrived here in front of them, and that person was still a master with heritage equipment, they did not have any fear or flattering expression. The three just knew the identity of the tauren leader of the tribe, and then stood silently at the gap in the earth wall.

It seems that this is not the first time they have come to do this task.

This made Zhao Dingguo frown slightly.

The defense of the Tauren tribe is still good. Although it seems to have experienced battle, only the westernmost earth wall has been completely breached. It can be inferred that this direction has the largest number of wild monsters. Zhao Dingguo was originally in this place, but because there were no competitors, he was a bit bored. He temporarily moved a place to rest. Whoever wanted the new three, grabbed his place directly.

I didn't even say hello, it was a little ignoring him

"I said, here's what I'll occupy first, and some people will change places."

Zhao Dingguo decided to talk to the three, but he didn't want his task to be robbed of by others. If you are too busy for a long time and the number of monsters is not enough, then a day is wasted for nothing. His time is precious.

However, the three apparently warned did not agree.

The master of the captain's blood blocked him in the first two steps, in a polite way: "This boss, when the three of us came, there was no one in this gap. If you want to come first, take it, here It should be ours. Besides, are n’t there others in the other three directions yet? Boss, you are a master of inheritance, you can go to one side and guard on all sides.

It's nice to say, but where is Zhao Dingguo? I am afraid that the other three monsters add up, and there are not as many monsters as this gap.

Since so shameless, Zhao Dingguo is also considering whether to give them a bit of color. Don't think that you are three people, you can ignore a master with heritage

Therefore, Zhao Dingguo immediately waved three lava elves.

With the enhancement of heritage equipment, the super lava elves who inherited Zhao Dingguo's 20 health and attack power are extraordinary in strength. Strengthened by earth elements, their bodies are also larger. These three lava elves attacked hundreds of points and had roughly 1,100 health points, immediately attracting the attention of this team.

Moreover, the activation of the elements of ice, fire, and earth also instantly sang Zhao Dingguo's odes to earth, as well as the three-line logo ignited by the elements.

Seeing the three-color magical vision of frost, flames, and rocks rising up and embracing Zhao Dingguo, the captain's captain took a subconscious step back and his eyes leaped. He had never seen these strange signs before. However, with such a clear momentum, as long as no head is drawn, anyone knows that the effect is absolutely amazing

He quietly made a gesture to his teammates in the back, then settled down, and asked, "What is your purpose, sir? Is it overwhelming?"

Zhao Dingguo smiled lightly, and calmly derived the frost barriers and set a passive trigger. This is the only way to be assured: "It is impossible to overwhelm people, just to let a few understand one thing, here is my first Yes, so either get out of the way, or change to another place "

The four element **** turning around the shoulders, combined with the various element logos, caused Captain Cuenca to fall straight in his heart.

He thought that the strength of the three of them should be able to make some of the masters of the evening troubling. But the truth is, these things that people have shown are unheard of. I don't even know the details and what exactly do I use to fight him?

"Shall I say more?"

Zhao Dingguo was a little impatient with the triad's disinterest. His elemental ball changed back and forth, and he rotated around his shoulder with a mysterious trajectory. For the same task, isn't it good to tear your face? "

"you win"

In the end, the captain did not dare to stubbornly, arched his hands at Zhao Dingguo, and obediently left the two with them. They did not even choose to defend in other directions. From this we can see that the majority of the attacks suffered by this tribe came from the gap, otherwise the three would never leave without trying.

"A few of you ..."

The Tauren originally ignored the contradictions among the SuperGod users, but the three left directly, leaving the Tauren unable to sit still. However, the three-member squad didn't mean to wait for them at all. Lengheng ran away in a blink of an eye, which made the tauren wonder what to say.


Zhao Dingguo was very confident in his own strength, and he had clearly checked from the information of the Illuminati before he came. This monster in the heart was not particularly strong. When he came, he was in twos and twos. As long as it is not several dozens of them rushing up one by one, but one after another, Zhao Dingguo will not be afraid at all.

After all, with his current strength, where can't the main plane go?

Even in the deepest part of Leize, the southern border that was once regarded as a forbidden area, Zhao Dingguo can now easily enter and leave. At best, it's a little evasive when encountering top hegemons, others are completely fearless. What's more, the monsters in Kalimdor Wasteland are not as strong as the monsters in the hinterland.

"Here they come"


Just then, a slightly smaller tauren shouted from a wooden observation tower constructed of birch wood.

Under his warning, more than a dozen Tauren soldiers with powerful combat forces voluntarily ran out, blocking the gap in the earth wall. The tauren leader of this tribe also carried a large totem and came to the back of the tauren warrior, ready to reinforce.

Although everyone in the Tauren family has a good power, it is really this kind of specially trained warrior, which is most useful against the wild bandits. The words of other ordinary tauren will inevitably make mistakes and casualties.

The incoming monster was not slow, and he didn't let him wait too long before he rushed outside the tribe.

Through the resistance of the Tauren, Zhao Dingguo saw these arrogant wasteland monsters. There are roughly more than twenty, led by two centaurs forerunners, mixed with centaur laborers, centaur archers, and a centaur wizard in the back row. Perhaps there was some palpitation of the dozen or so Tauren soldiers waiting to be faced in a serious battle. They did not immediately launch an charge. Rather, letting the centaur archer shoot arrows at a distance is both a waste and a delay.

"These guys should be waiting for other wild monsters together ... really cunning"

The tauren leader complained, and then decided to take the initiative. He raised his totem, held the arrow of the Centaur archer, and then smashed heavily towards the ground. The next moment, with the shaking of the earth, a long gully quickly extended forward from the head of the tauren, and it was applied to the centaur group of tens of meters away.

This sudden shock and gully immediately disrupted the centaur's position.

Almost at the same time, the moment the gully extended, more than a dozen Tauren soldiers launched a charge together. Taking advantage of the brief confusion of the Centaur, the Tauren soldiers approached quickly and launched an attack.

"start work"

Zhao Dingguo patted his hands, followed the steps of the Tauren soldiers, and rushed out with three lava elves.

A long distance away, his onslaught of hurricanes and electromagnetic vortices took the lead, aiming at the centaur archer and centaur wizard facing the lion and archery at the end ~ ~ The former has a burning arrow, The damage is quite high, with the latter having bloodthirsty and witchcraft healing. Without taking care of them first, the centaur laborers and centaur pioneers who can serve as cannon fodder can play 120 combat power. Even if more than a dozen Tauren fighters win, it is estimated that there will be many injuries.

Zhao Dingguo also hoped that they could support for a longer period of time, so naturally have to work harder.

As the levels of ice and thunder elements have been increased to lv5, as well as the ice master's magic system, the power of storms and electromagnetic vortices has also increased significantly. Not only did they successfully disrupt their attack rhythm, the additional electromagnetic vortex also burned the magic of these monsters and weakened the magic resistance of 15.

The electromagnetic vortex is not good for elites full of magic, but it is good for ordinary monsters.

Moreover, the successive triggering of the electrostatic field also caused nearby monsters to take additional electric shock and moonlight damage. After stopping for a few seconds, Zhao Dingguo's skills changed one after another, cutting out the chaotic meteorite and the supersonic sound wave.

(To be continued) ()

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