DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 729: Once again, Roshan!

"Is there a problem?"

Seeing the solemn look of Dragon Riding and Blue Fat, Zhao Dingguo was a little strange. He was going to chase the Burning Legion in front, but apparently there was something important about the two men, so he had to stop temporarily.

Dragon Knight looked at Lan Fat Xiaohuang again, and pulled Zhao Dingguo to whisper, "I have a big business. I don't know if the executive director is willing to do it?"

What big business needs to be so mysterious?

Zhao Dingguo shrugged and said, "You don't say what kind of cooperation is it, how do I make a decision?"

Long Xiaotian thought for a while and said, "An immortal shield!"

Immortal Shield?

Roshan! !!

Long Xiaotian's voice was not loud, but it surprised Zhao Dingguo. He turned his head quickly, analyzing what Long Xiaotian meant. Are you kidding him, or are you saying ... Think about it carefully, the Root Mountain in the main plane is generally refreshed randomly in one of the five canyons, and it will be refreshed elsewhere in rare cases. In the southwest of the Bleeding Hills, there is exactly one of the five canyons of the main plane, the Sorrow Canyon. The refreshing time of Roshan, the last time, seems to be ...

Zhao Dingguo tried hard to recall the news published in the internal journal, and was shocked!

If you remember correctly, today, last month, Roshan refreshed and was taken away by the American super organization Freedom Paradise. The Roshan of the main plane is refreshed once a month, is it possible?

Your luck shouldn't be so good. Really encountered Roshan refreshing on the main plane?

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's strange expression, Long Xiaotian smiled and said briskly: "As the executive director wanted, it was in the sorrowful canyon of the **** hills. However, the specific position is slightly biased, about four Ten minutes ago. It was refreshed in a valley on the outskirts of Wailing Gorge. Other large organizations should not be discovered so quickly, and their energy was mostly attracted by this reward mission of the Guards Corps, a rare opportunity! "

Zhao Dingguo already understood what he wanted to do.

For a long time, the Roshan of the main plane was almost reserved by major organizations. Only in rare cases can a handful of masters find out in advance by chance and swallow Roshan alone. But today, as Long Xiaotian said, it seems that this opportunity has fallen on them?

Zhao Dingguo couldn't understand what an immortal shield meant. Regenerate in full, and its effect takes precedence over all skills. With it, it is truly a life!

It's absolutely deceiving to say nothing. But Zhao Dingguo knew that Long Xiaotian must have something to say. By no means just to tell him that Roshan is nearby.

Sure enough, Long Xiaotian said: "The time is urgent now, and you can kill Roshan a minute earlier, you can reduce the risk of being discovered by one point. Although Roshan's refreshed location is slightly biased, it is still in the top five. Next to the gorge. I'm afraid there will be other large organizations mobilizing elites after a few hours at the most. "

Zhao Dingguo nodded and asked, "What then?"

Long Xiaotian finally came to the topic: "If the executive director is willing to accept my employment. Together with your team, the degree of pedigree obtained from the final killing of Roshan can be exclusive to you, and I will represent my organization and give You have a large compensation. It may be a victory, or any other God-equipped accessory except the Holy Relic. You can discuss it! "

Zhao Dingguo thought for a while, and asked unwillingly: "You are not afraid that we will regret after we have finished Roshan? Five of us, is it easy to deal with the two of you?"

Long Xiaotian grinned, but there was no half-weakness in his eyes when he looked at him: "First of all. I don't think the executive director is the kind of person; moreover, we also have enough life-saving means. You can definitely beat me. No problem I need my teammates to help me, but it is impossible for me to stay here. Once things spread, it will be a heavy blow to your reputation. The executive director will not do such a cost-effective thing, do you say no? "

Zhao Dingguo nodded slightly and asked, "What if I refuse?"

Long Xiaotian apparently also had a plan and said with a smile: "Then, the way to cooperate is changed. In a hurry, I can't contact more people, and they may not be able to believe in front of the Aegis Shield. Once the news leaks, It's nothing for me. So, since the executive team is the main force, the Immortal Shield can give you. However, I ask for sufficient compensation! "

Is that what you really think?

Zhao Dingguo knew in his heart and said, "What do you want?"

Long Xiaotian raised two fingers: "First, the two deputy captains of the 57th team must have me; second, my dragon heart is missing a Messister plunder. This is my personal Conditions, as well as my teammate Xiao Huang. He is about to step into the dusk from the high-level sun, and give him a special page of the flame system, plus a ball of energy to synthesize a scepter. This condition is not excessive Right? "

Although the flame system's specialization and spirit ball are not cheap, it is relatively easy for Zhao Dingguo to get. The deputy captain of the team must be selected from eight dusk. Although Zhao Dingguo has reported it, he hasn't decided yet. He can change it at any time. He has this right and it is not a problem. The point is, the plunder of Messiast!

Whether it is Lao Li or Yan Yuelan, they need a dragon heart.

When the requirements of his team have not been met, he rashly promised to others, such an act ... And, one of the most top-level **** costume accessories is so easy to handle?

Seeing his hesitation, Long Xiaotian simply explained: "I already have a target, and I also have a full set of information and countermeasures, but because I am not strong enough, and I cannot afford enough experts, I have not played. As long as the executive director agrees, he can help. "

In this case, it can be considered.

Zhao Dingguo turned back, quickly discussed with several teammates, and then agreed to Long Xiaotian's request.

"What are you waiting for?"

Long Xiaotian knew that the time was urgent, and immediately took Zhao Dingguo to set off towards the wailing canyon ten kilometers away. In order to increase the speed as much as possible, Long Xiaotian also opened a tricky fog, which increased the overall movement speed by 15%.

"Seven of us, can we beat Roshan?"

The accompanying Lan Fat hung in the back of the team and ran a bit worried, and raised his own problems.

Roshan's fierce name, as long as it is a super user, have heard of it. Although most of them have never played against it in person, the heavy price paid by the major organizations to compete for Roshan is enough to make many super-god users daunting.

However, Zhao Dingguo was not too worried.

Prior to this, he had killed Roshan on Aktura Island with the Illuminati masters. At that time, the Illuminati dispatched more than 20 masters. After a big fight halfway through, the remaining eighteen masters dealt with Roshan and finally completed the kill at the cost of zero death.

But, that Roshan, which has been more than two months after the refresh, has almost evolved to the point of the third generation of Roshan. Moreover, the biggest obstacle at the time was not Roshan itself, but the ghost plague on Aktura Island. Now, there is no ghost limitation and attribute suppression, and the Roshan that faces it is the original Roshan that was just refreshed today. The strength of the original Roshan was roughly only higher than that of ordinary twilight elites!

Zhao Dingguo's current strength, after opening the element field, beyond ordinary twilight masters is not a big problem, which can be roughly compared with the full house over a year ago. And his six teammates are all descent-level blood masters. Whether it is a dragon knight or a centaur of old Li, it is enough to serve as a meat shield. With their three masters taking turns resisting Roshan's attack, plus Shen Caiwei's all-around assistance, killing Roshan may be great.

The most important thing for them is when other large organizations will arrive.

If seven people can finish the killing before the threat comes, it will be all right. But if another big organization comes only after half the fight, it is tantamount to making wedding dresses for others.

Long Xiaotian obviously had the same worry, running fast along the way. Under his leadership and Lan Fat, Zhao Dingguo made two turns in a row and stopped at a fork near the wailing gorge. The end of the fork is their destination.

Generally speaking, people sent by other large organizations will first enter the Wailing Canyon and make a circle. When you don't find it, you will consider searching nearby. Although it is not clear how the Dragon Knight and Lan Fat found this place, but Zhao Dingguo has no time to care about this now, but led the team to kill him quickly.

When passing through Taniguchi, he did not forget to lay various sentry guards and reconnaissance guards, and placed additional detection magic arrays nearby, double insurance.

After being fully prepared, Zhao Dingguo and his teammates went deep into the valley.

This valley is really small ~ ~ Just two or three miles into the road, Zhao Dingguo, as he wished, saw the terrible monster that was about six or seven meters tall and extremely large in size. Its entire body is cast from purple granite, and it looks full of unimaginable explosive power. With each step, the ground trembles slightly. The majesty that radiates from it is comparable to any twilight elite monster!

At this moment, the purple monster regards the valley as its territory, patrolling faithfully.

I remember when I was on Aktura Island, when I saw this guy rushing towards himself, Zhao Dingguo's first reaction was to flee. With his strength at that time, it was the death of two or three punches. But now ...

Zhao Dingguo smiled confidently and rushed forward.

Realizing that someone had invaded his territory, Roshan turned around and rushed towards Zhao Dingguo with great momentum. Compared with its huge body, Zhao Dingguo is almost like a gnome of the goblin tribe on the theme. However, it is just such a humble ant that launched an attack on Roshan!

After negating its spell negation with aging, Zhao Dingguo cut out the rapid cooling and shot all out as soon as he came up. (To be continued)

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