DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 735: Deadly gap on the line

The center of Pingyu city. Green novel lvsexs

Twenty minutes have passed since the Ethereal Organization arrived and fought the Burning Legion. More than two hundred masters of all levels have piled up many dead bodies before they even disappeared. However, the number of monsters blocking the way in front of them has not only decreased, but has also increased.

The large-scale transmission array is constantly operating, and the efficiency is amazing.

Moreover, the monsters that the Burning Legion put into the battlefield this time have almost no low-level arms, and most of them are the backbone of the backbone.

In the past invasion, if three Twilight masters lead the team in person, I am afraid that they will be enough to kill the teleportation in twenty minutes. Although the specific finishing and cleaning up work will take longer, the situation is mostly determined. But today is different, let alone a stable situation. The defense line formed by the masters of the Ethereals is shaken by a continuous stream of monsters and has to step back.

There are already five or six Ethereal members, who have been spiked for various omissions and mistakes.

Such a terrible situation made Xu Zhiguo and Xu Ling, the vice presidents, shocked and angry. Up to now, they have determined the true scale of the Burning Legion invasion, so they are constantly asking the headquarters for assistance while fighting against it. The nearby ally organizations also received their urgent calls and began to send reinforcements.

In this regard, Super League of God is of course happy to see.

As long as the state of affairs is still under control, they hope that this battle will consume all the virtual spirits together with the war potential and reserves of all their allies. By that time, even if the virtual spirit is **** the mouth, it will have to obediently bow its head.

As a well-established first-class organization, the response speed of the Ethereal Headquarters is indeed very fast. Under the personal supervision of the chairman, those members who were not at the headquarters and were unable to participate in the first wave of combat rushed back. Coupled with the two waves of allies who arrived first, the chairman of the Ethereal quickly organized a group of nearly two hundred men and began to deliver to Pingyu City. Green Novel LVSexs

This batch of reinforcements arrived in time. Greatly relieved Xu Zhiguo their pressure.

Due to the previous wrong strategy, Xu Zhiguo split up their troops and faced the fight at the same time, and found that it was too late to change. However, the newly recruited reinforcements did not make this mistake. Instead of using fueling tactics to Riga, they all assembled and attacked from the flank, destroying nearly 80% of the punishment dogs.

More than a hundred masters who were pinned on the flank were immediately drawn back.

With this new force, Xu Zhiguo's other two directions were immediately activated. The reinforcements led by the president also joined the battle. More than four hundred masters combined into one, quickly crushed this intercepting force, and then attacked the Burning Legion's teleportation center with the thunder.

The ghosts / bingyan masters who have been tormented for a long time can finally vent their depression.

However, things are not as simple as they think. because. The scale of this invasion is the same level as the last time the Burning Legion attacked the Scourge Throne. The Ethereal Organization only knew that they had established a teleportation array, but they did not know that after the completion of the first teleportation group, the Burning Legion successively built the second and third large teleportation arrays!

At present, the Burning Legion, in fact, has three teleportation arrays operating together.

The Ethereal organization thought it was a breakthrough line of defense, but the Burning Legion's periphery was responsible for blocking them. The real line of defense is made up of over 10,000 troops. A semicircular pocket was opened around the teleportation array, and the large teleportation array of the Burning Legion was used as the bait. Once the Ethereal Organization rushes in, the Burning Legion can complete the encirclement, and then destroy them!

Even if the ethereal organization meets early. Quickly breaking the game also requires heavy losses.

Since the satellites in the sky are now obscured by the fog of war of the Burning Legion, the Ethereal Organization does not know the truth. On the contrary, Super League seniors who have already set up multiple observation points here have discovered danger. only. Instead of saying a word, they began preparing to deploy reinforcements.

Only surrounded. The ethereal organization will take 12 points to fight hard. In this way, there are two possibilities: first, when they find that the enemy is hopeless, the collective tp evacuates, but that is equivalent to being caught by the alliance; second, using various reserves of props to fight. When it doesn't last, the top ten teams in the major leagues will rescue at the appropriate time. Either one is good for Super League.

So, without being informed, more than four hundred masters were put into the trap of the Burning Legion.

Although Archimonde did not come in person, but with his remote control, the combat effectiveness of the Burning Legion increased significantly. When the self-righteous Ethereal Masters found countless Burning Legion monsters digging out of the rubble of the flanks, it was too late for them to retreat, because the first part of the Master was firmly bitten.

Then there is only battle!

However, in the face of the Burning Legion, which is backed by three large teleportation formations, it is obviously not a wise decision. Although these masters do work very hard, the glow of various skills is enough to cover the sun, but their space is still constantly compressed in front of a larger number of Burning Legion monsters.

After realizing the unprecedented crisis, the chairman of the Ethereal had to pull his face and personally ask for assistance from the top of the Super God Alliance.

"The major teams have assembled and will arrive soon. Please hold on a bit!"

The high-level response from the alliance looks inspiring, but once again, it seems that there is nothing practical, which naturally makes the high-level members of the Ethereal Organization yell, but there is no way.

The battle went as expected and entered the situation that the top of the league wanted to see.

The masters of the Ethereal and Bingyan organizations are in a hard battle. Although the nearby allies have been doing their best to support them, Bingyan organizations have sent experts again. What's more, the scale of the invasion itself can't be achieved by one or two large organizations, but the entire circle must work together. Therefore, even though the various props are emerging endlessly, the Ethereal Organization has tried its best, but their situation is even worse.

Just one hour later, seventy or eighty experts were killed in succession.

This level of casualties not only seriously affected the morale of the masters of the Ethereal Organization, but also surprised some senior Super League alliances watching from a distance. Although the members of the dead are still the members of the rising sun, but more than ten of them have died at dusk. Moreover, as dozens of Doomguards and a Voidwalker elder joined the battle, the front line of defense began to deteriorate sharply.

In this case, not only is the Ethereal Organization unable to sit still, but even the senior members of the Grand Alliance are a bit suffocated.

They do want to suppress the Ethereal Organization, but they don't want their masters to be killed or injured too much. After a brief discussion, the three teams that had arrived early rushed into the battlefield and began to impact the line of defense of the Burning Legion from the outside. That is to give them confidence and help share the pressure.

In this way, the three teams are numbered among the top ten of the sixty teams in the league, and their combat effectiveness is extraordinary.

Their joining undoubtedly boosted the morale of the Ethereal Organization, and the pressure was much less. Many of the eye monsters and shadow bats in the sky were attracted to the past. However, with the current strength of the Burning Legion, it is still not possible for the three teams to break through the entire line of defense.

After a brief improvement, the Ethereal Organization found that it was actually still surrounded.

Moreover, after throwing in three teams at one time to temporarily suspend them, the major leagues did not take any further action.

After waiting for no one, the chairman of the virtual spirit organization thought about it. He hesitated for a while, then began to actively contact the alliance giants, and opened up the conditions-in the case of artificial sword, I am a fish, do not want to lower his head.

What specific conditions are unknown to Zhao Dingguo. But in just five minutes, all the previous arrangements of the Super God Alliance swept away the previous turtle speed and started in a whirlwind-like speed. The other seven teams also gathered in just a few minutes, forming a huge square with a total of more than 2,000 people-not too small, because of the 2,000 people, the proportion of dusk and twilight is terrible!

Their actual combat effectiveness is at least four or five times that of the Ethereal Organization.

Under the leadership of two Yong Ye masters, such a powerful force broke into the line of defense of the Burning Legion and immediately achieved immediate results. After quickly rescuing the members of the Ethereal Organization, the top ten teams began to spread out, forming a network, surrounding the already-transmitted Burning Legion monsters, and preparing to surround them.

Other second-tier plans were launched one by one.

The major organizations that have been instructed have sent their own retention teams ~ ~ to assist the major league teams to complete the blockade and prevent the monsters of the Burning Legion from breaking through the siege. More and more unreliable numbered teams have also begun to gather, preparing to advance towards Pingyu.

In fact, at this moment the most elite troops of the Grand Alliance can completely destroy the three teleportation formations. However, in order to bring out the Archmond giant, the high-level of the alliance suppressed the speed of the attack, always putting the Burning Legion in crisis, but not to the extent that it was completely beaten back.

Several eternal night giants are eager to schedule everything, seemingly in their grasp.

However, no one expected that, at this juncture, there was an organization that took the world by storm, dare to drag the big leagues behind.

It was a third-rate organization near Pingyu who was destined to die, and they noticed that the second-rate organization Chilong, who had been oppressing themselves, came out to help block the line of defense. Realizing the opportunity, the third-rate organization forgot to attack the Chilong headquarters directly. After receiving the news, the chairman of the Chilong organization also committed two crimes. Feeling that there were no burning legion monsters in his defense zone, he immediately ordered his men to return to the defense collectively.

As a result, the seamless blockade line originally arranged was so unexpected that a gap appeared.

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