DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 747: Alternation of rights

The speech of Bacchus shocked the audience. m

Although only a few words have been spoken, many smart masters have already guessed a lot from it. First, some high-level organizations headed by the chairman of Bingyan led the ambush. In addition, the other part led by the vice-chairman Bacchus should be opposed, and now it is reached with Huiyao. Cooperation.

what does this mean?

Some masters thought, but Bacchus' speech continued: "... the chairman insists on doing what he wants, and we can't stop him. We can only let him contact the ruling and talk with the two twilight masters on Red Square. It became a business. There was Bingyan organization providing definitive information, and then the three of them launched an ambush. Later, he probably felt uninsured, so he put a lot of effort into it, and asked a Yongye master to shoot ... "

Although the process has been guessed, but was thoroughly explained by Bacchus, this thoroughly conspiracy still gives people a thrilling feeling.

The Bingyan organization actually has such a deal with Red Square!

At the end of the speech, another unexpected thing happened. Several eternal giants in Huiyao suddenly invited a master who looked a little strange. It was a man in his thirties, with short blond hair and a fine moustache. But looking closely, there are some characteristics of Chinese people in the eyebrows, which should be a mixed race.

There are a lot of experts present today, so although this man is relatively unfamiliar, some people still recognize his identity, jumped up in surprise, and said loudly: "It is the vice president of St. Peter's Battle Banner, the boss of his organization, It is Ivan, one of the three eternal masters of Western Russia! "

This is it! !!

Someone connected everything in an instant and got the "truth"!

Although no one knows how the Super-God Alliance invited the hostile Vice President of St. Peter's Battle Banner to testify, his presence undoubtedly brought together the last piece of the truth. Next, when the top Western Russian master used the Chinese language of bumping and bumping, he described to you the secret trade between the two leaders of St. Peter and Bingyan, and how he stood up as a half-Chinese. , The whole thing looks like there is no longer any questionable place!

Therefore, a detailed evidence chain supplemented by countless other materials testified by the three twilight strong men of the Illuminati Chairman Manlou himself, the organization's own insider Bacchus, and the vice chairman of the hostile organization, supplemented by numerous other materials.

This chain of evidence is extremely detailed, and this ambush event is finally concluded!

The chairman of the Bingyan organization, together with the ruling and two masters of Western Russia, launched an ambush on the Full House of the Illuminati. If it wasn't for Manlou's super strength, he would have escaped by chance, and it would be difficult to investigate this matter. Although the time backtracking of the Void Mask can be used, it can only be used once, and it must be near a certain location, which is very restrictive. However, Providence is doomed to make the evil Iceeye president fail!

As the truth was made public, the chairman of the Bingyan organization was immediately reduced to a situation where street mice and everyone shouted.

Many members of Bingyan Group also resigned because of disappointment. Of course, there are naturally mysterious organizations that have begun to contact privately early. Some experts withdrew from the conference here, and then signed a new agreement to join the club ... For the sudden explosion of such black materials, the chairman of Bingyan Organization was obviously shocked and caught off guard. However, the sufficient chain of evidence, as well as the appearance of the vice chairman of Bingyan, have convinced others. Maybe someone else can still make a fake, but the vice chairman of his organization has come forward. Can this be a problem?

Therefore, despite the fact that the chairman of Bingyan Group and several Red Square organizations involved who tried their best to excuse themselves, the involved Red Square organization publicly stated that they have not recently sent anyone into the country. The chairman has defected, but no one still believes it. Induced by public opinion, everyone thinks that these two major organizations have jumped out one after another to help Bingyan whitewash, but accidentally exposed that they actually have a tacit understanding!

Otherwise, foreign hostile organizations should take advantage of this opportunity to discredit and fall into trouble. How can they make a speech that is beneficial to President Bingyan?

Once such a statement is formed and generally accepted, things have developed towards an irreversible abyss.

After two days of silence and harassment, the Super League of Gods finally made an official decision: a ruling on the ambush of the mansion and launched a hunt; temporarily deprived the ice trio ’s chairman of the highest trio voting rights; assassination The Red Square and St. Peter's Battle Banner, which intervened in the domestic super-god forces, declared permanent feuds, which does not rule out the possibility of further use of force!

As soon as this treatment result came out, the prestige of Bingyan organization plummeted again.

He himself is at the end of the three major organizations, and now even the highest decision-making power of the alliance has been temporarily lost. It is conceivable how weak this organization will be. In addition, within a few days, dozens of members withdrew from the conference, which also exacerbated the weakness and distrust of Bingyan members.

As if all of a sudden, the powerful ice-eye tissue was a little shaky.

In this case, the Bacchus, who had actually broken with the president, once again publicly announced that, because he was disappointed with the current Bingyan organization, and the president refused to acknowledge his wrongdoing, he decided to lead some people to leave: or Stand alone as an organization, or choose to merge with other top organizations.

This shocking news once again gave Bingyan a fatal blow!

Having operated in Bingyan for many years, the prestige and popularity of Bacchus are naturally invincible, and they have even overwhelmed the President in fact. The members of Bingyan themselves were overwhelmed. After the speech of Bacchus, a large number of masters immediately expressed their willingness to follow the Bacchus.

In less than half a day, there were more than forty people making decisions at dusk, and the masters of Xu Yuejie were even more than a hundred.

Taking into account the previous retreat and being dug away, half of the Bingyan organization is almost gone!

"This has been planned for a long time, it has been planned for a long time! Huiyao organized the wolf ambitions, and has been planning for this day, but I hate that I didn't see it!" With such bad news, the president of Bingyan locked himself in After leaving the office, he sighed for a long time, and finally found that the enemy was in a good shape. If you want to continue, it's better to be fun.

Otherwise, after the Super God Alliance has completely mastered everything, and want to use him for surgery, just find a reason to do it.

So, one day later, more shocking things happened!

The chairman of Bingyan issued a power supply, publicly stated that he had made mistakes in key decisions and was no longer suitable to continue to lead the Bingyan organization, so he decided to resign. In this case, his decision is tantamount to pushing the ice-eye organization already on the edge of the cliff. Almost instantly, this super organization is on the verge of dissolution.

With such rapid changes, countless people's jaws and eyeballs were shocked to the ground.

Although many experts think that this event is too dramatic, as if there are some invisible hands directing behind it, but the large ice eye organization is on the verge of disintegration because of such things, it is too fast to be justified. . Those members who have feelings for the Bingyan organization are even more unacceptable!

Under the upheaval, if there is no powerful means to bring them together, these expert groups who still retain nearly half of the power of the Ice Eye Organization will probably be completely destroyed.

Obviously, Bacchus was also deeply worried about this kind of thing, so "through the difficult negotiations throughout the night", the mansion with the Illuminati became a deep cooperation agreement, and the masters who led the exodus directly joined the Illuminati. In addition, as the new giant of the Illuminati, he issued a solicitation to the remaining experts of the original Bingyan organization, and said that he had negotiated with the Illuminati. All the welfare conditions in Bingyan had been preserved!

Under such an appeal, those masters' staying can be imagined.

Except for the only dozens of people who have made their own way out, the other 80% of the masters were almost solicited by the Bacchus and quickly joined the Illuminati. Overnight, the strength of the Illuminati was almost doubled, with sixty new twilight masters, two more twilights, and the eternal giant of Bacchus himself. Relying on the alliance with the Six Dynasties and the Soul Soul Stone, the Illuminati has actually become the new third super organization, and it has replaced the status of Bingyan!

Such an evolution, the alternation of rights and status, and the unprecedentedly high efficiency are almost incredible.

However, it is such an unreal thing that has been staged under the eyes of all Super God users. Two days ago, Bingyan tissue was still one of the top three. A day later, half of the mountain was hollowed out. To this day, the ice-eye organization has only three or two kittens, which has become completely stale. On the contrary, the Illuminati rose strongly and became the new three super organizations, and in one fell swoop took over the decision power of Bingyan Organization at the highest level of the Super League!

Although there is still a long way to go to fully integrate and exert all their combat power ~ ~, everyone knows that the Illuminati is no longer the old-fashioned organization in the past, and the brand-new, leading three major leagues One of the giants!

The Super God Alliance also congratulated this and accepted this new Illuminati organization.

Many people are lamenting the good fortune of the building. Although it was ambushed and lost the immortal shield, in a flash, it attracted giants such as Bacchus and directly increased the strength of the organization. Just be careful not to be occupied by the dove, and that Manlou will definitely make a profit. Why didn't such a good thing fall to you?

Those who don't know have the same envy, and those who know will naturally not say so.

Like some of the participating Zhao Dingguo, they have already seen the artificial traces behind this incident. Obviously, in the case of the ambush of President Manlou, the alliance should use a lot of uncommon means and relationships. Even, he doubted whether the immortal shield of President Manlou was lost or not, it is still questionable. However, as one of the vested interests, Zhao Dingguo chose, or could only choose to pretend not to see it, and followed the cake happily.

This world has always been king and defeated.

(To be continued) q

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