DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 757: Buy and fight

In the fierce battle near the second tower of the Guards Road, the battle in the highlands under the natural disaster was fierce. шШщm | No * pop * window * small * speak * net |

As the core of their respective teams, they once again encountered the opportunity of one-on-one in this battle. After successfully reaching Xu Zhiguo first, Zhao Dingguo switched skills one after another. At the moment when the other party was about to fall, he successively played supersonic waves and chaotic meteorite!

After two previous revisions of estimation bias, this time, Zhao Dingguo grasped the timing very well.

When Xu Zhiguo's feet almost fell to the ground, and the action resumed, Zhao Dingguo's shock wave began to push. Chaos meteorite also thundered, crushing it face to face. The capped fire element up to lv8, and the same full-level thunder element, let the hot meteorites in the weekdays actually bring a bit of cyan flame under the reflection of the four-color halo.

The fire is pure!

This word describes a realm. When the flame temperature reaches an extreme, it will appear cyan. The fire element of lv8 obviously reached this state, which greatly increased the damage of the meteorite. Before Xu Zhiguo, who was being pushed, made any adjustments and did not need the continuous burning and crushing of the meteorite to fully play, Zhao Dingguo added aging to the avatar that had been judged by the element, and then killed with one finger.

The moment the red lightning appeared, Xu Zhiguo and his avatar fell to the ground at the same time!

Xu Zhiguo, who was instantly killed, appeared in the eyes with an unbelievable look.

The avatar is his strongest point and his weakest point. But for a long time, Xu Zhiguo feels that the avatar is also under the scepter bonus, inheriting his powerful attributes. Even weaker than the main body. But not to be killed by the other. Xu Zhiguo has always had such confidence in other twilight masters before. But he did not expect that today, after Zhao Dingguo had made his preparations, he could directly complete the spike with only two sets of combos and one finger of death!

Spike twilight?

This joke is a bit big ...

Another fierce master who fought on the battlefield also fell into sluggishness at the same time-the Coconut Juice team was surprised that Zhao Dingguo had just returned a few seconds later, and the battle ended. Xu Zhiguo's teammates were even more shocked. The number one main force, how can you be killed so quickly by the other side?

No one told them the answer!

The moment the powerful red lightning strikes, Zhao Dingguo already knew the result. He didn't even watch, refreshed immediately, and then the flying shoes re-tp to the line of soldiers on the road. Although there is still a little distance from the center of the two sides in the war, he then ejected himself with a push stick, then sprinted a few steps, and cut into the battlefield at the fastest speed.

From Xu Zhiguo, they found Zhao Dingguo went home, launched a surprise attack, and then Zhao Dingguo completed his kill and returned with flying shoes. Six or seven seconds before and after, almost just enough for the wandering swordsman black and yellow to end!

This efficiency. Highly outrageous!

However, although Zhao Dingguo's refreshing flight was beyond their expectations, Xu Zhiguo was well prepared. Xu Zhiguo, who had been killed by a spike, used the money he had previously taken from the line, pushing the tower, and killing to buy immediately. Almost at the same time as Zhao Dingguo launched the flying shoes, jumping knife rejoined the battlefield.

This speed made Zhao Dingguo stunned.

Zhao Dingguo's refresh was gone, Xu Zhiguo's buying was gone, and both sides joined the battlefield at the same time. This moment was equivalent to returning to the same starting point. Each is missing an ace.

Just when the two arrived almost one after the other, eight others were already in full swing.

The tragic clockwork was killed in spite of the blade armor and the effect of the Halberd of Heaven. The charm witch and necromancer almost drove up the blood, killing the tragic clockwork. However, the clockwork that destroyed all six guard towers and occupied multiple positions was also a rich man. He also immediately bought a job, and a rocket helped drag the line behind. I directly tp the second tower in the middle of the road to speed up to the battlefield.

At this time, there is no need for both sides to leave room, just let it go!

A clockwork buy comes at the same time. The night devil is half disabled. The charmed witch stared at by him is also a tragedy, but anyway, there is necromancy to add blood, and the situation is better than the night devil. But this time, the two key black king rods ended almost simultaneously.

The wandering black and yellow and nocturnal magic are gone!

At this moment, Zhao Dingguo cut into the battlefield, and the supersonic sound waves and chaotic meteorites that were directly available after the refresh were immediately shot, and the veil of conflict was also released. Later, without waiting for the tide hunter to raise his hand to prepare for a second refresh, Zhao Dingguo directly sealed him with the imprisonment of the stars, and then the elemental ball changed to release the sky fire.

This is a great jump opportunity for Sand King.

Due to the scattered enemy positions, Zhao Dingguo's meteorite and sonic waves eventually hit only two people. The front wandering swordsman was wiped aside and lost five or six hundred points of blood. The necromancer in the back row was also pushed, but he realized the crisis and unrelentingly opened the nameplate to avoid the crushing output of Zhao Dingguo's eighth level meteorite.

This made Zhao Dingguo greatly regretted.

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's efforts, the tide hunter was temporarily sealed, and the Queen flashed back in peace. In front of a crowded place, a scepter was thrown out, cooperating with Zhao Dingguo's skills, and finally added a painful scream. When the tide hunter reappears, his purple grudge will immediately connect, so that the tide cannot release the second big one.

The King of Sands, always waiting for the opportunity, finally turned on the Black King Bar and started to shake it!

However, the Necromancer using the nameplate is now the most fearless time. He strode forward and gave the Queen of Pain the useless sheep knife. Subsequently, there has been no opportunity to use the lv1 last words to launch, breaking Zhao Dingguo's Lincoln. In the end, his already exposed nightmare skills appeared, and he successfully slept Zhao Dingguo.

It is very beautiful to control one by two, and during the period, blood was added to the party with death pulse.

After being killed by a set of direct spikes, the Necromancer at this moment finally broke out of his powerful combat power!

Without the Queen's purple grievances, the tide hunter emerged from the seal no worries. A set of skills appeared along with the refresh, and then quickly launched a second destruction, and inserted a tombstone behind him again.

The queen of sheep, the half-disabled night demon, and the sleeping Zhao Dingguo hit at the same time.

At this moment, the wandering swordsman can continue to output with confidence.

Xu Zhiguo, who rejoined the battlefield, took hold of the recent Night Demon and then came over in a set of various flickers. There are blessings such as butterflies and assaults, and Xu Zhiguo's main avatar five total outputs can be called terror. The assault of passive skills, which has been greatly strengthened by the soul equipment, is almost superimposed with more than ten layers in a blink of an eye, and at most two seconds, the night demon will fall.

But at this moment, Sand King's big jump finally arrived!

Relying on the large swing of the black king's staff, the successive transfer of jumping swords and punctures, the sand king smoothly joined the battlefield at this critical time. Although his big move is a multi-stage damage type, the total damage is extremely high. It may not be good for Zhao Dingguo, but it is still very deterrent to the charm witch, necromancer, and homeless swordsman. After all, their magic resistance has been reduced by 25% by dispute!

Moreover, the sky fire released by Zhao Dingguo also received results.

During the scuffle, not everyone noticed Zhao Dingguo's sky fire. That is, when the damage is dropped and the traction is only added within one second, the underpaid guards start to disperse and avoid. However, the Necromancer, the wandering in the central area, and Xu Zhiguo who is killing the night demon are still too late!

The momentary puncture, the outbreak of the big move, and the traction of the sky fire, let the tide hunter manage to create half of the output opportunities.

Seeing that the Night Demon King was also not rescued, the Sand King who had completed a large set of thorns was not greedy, he stunned the wandering swordsman with the dragon's tail swing from the Dragon Knight, and interrupted his output again. Later, Sand King launched the static link of lv1 to Zhao Dingguo, and quickly retreated toward him by relying on acceleration.

The King of Sands knew very well that the next main force was on Zhao Dingguo with a shield and a clockwork that was rushing here at full speed. His mission is to survive, to ensure that he can release a second puncture!

The situation on the court at this moment is this:

On the side of the guard, even the seductive witch and necromancy who have eaten several large skills are half disabled, waiting for continuous treatment; it should be noted that the necromancy has a big trick; stray output is still there, but The state is also not good; Xu Zhiguo has already bought a live job, and he has eaten a large sand king; the refreshing of the tide is also finished.

There are three points to note: Xu Zhiguo himself, the big move of the necromancy, and half a **** but still wandering wandering!

On the side of the Scourge, both the Queen and the Sand King played a set of skills; Night Demon looked dead and awkward; Zhao Dingguo with a shield was still in good condition; buying a clockwork was quickly rushing to this side.

Although the natural disaster seems to be far less complete than the guards ~ ~, but after all, the other tide refreshed. And the core Zhao Dingguo is intact, even if it is not refreshed, but there are two lives in it, the combat effectiveness is guaranteed-if it is a wizard based on pure skill to eat, it may be very weak. However, Zhao Dingguo ate the spells as well, which gave them an advantage.

Once the clockwork has arrived again, with Sand King's second set of skills and the output of Zhao Dingguo, the natural disaster can immediately launch a counterattack.

Xu Zhiguo apparently knew this, so after killing the night demon, they gave the firepower to the queen. They hope to kill the Queen of Pain before the clockwork arrives. In that case, even if the tide is not refreshed, they can immediately return to the high ground and rely on the number of people to re-guard.

The nameplate ability is claimed to be the patent of Twilight Advanced and Twilight Strong, but not every master can get it. At least, the queen of the coconut juice squad didn't. Compared to the members of the Geomancer Squad, Xu Zhiguo, who is close to the Ethereal Organization, and has a handsome man close to him, the Coconut Juice Team is obviously inferior to some places.

However, without the nameplate ability and being caught by the purple resentment silence and the **** of the earth, does not mean that the queen is dead. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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