DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 785: Fight Kil'jaeden again

The second-order field of full power makes Zhao Dingguo one of the most dazzling masters in the war. .

In the absence of other Yong Ye masters for the time being, Zhao Dingguo's tyrannical field is almost equal to a single player. Especially the four elements that spontaneously attack the surrounding monsters have played an exceedingly imaginary role in this group battle. With the cooperation of many teammates, Zhao Dingguo quickly killed hundreds of monsters and moved forward quickly.

This far surpassed the advance speed of the other sections, so that this section was not unexpectedly a sharp knife on the entire offensive line.

The result of rushing to the front is to withstand the greatest pressure and the priority attack of a large number of monsters. For ordinary super-god masters, they may not be able to withstand this continuous pressure and will soon be beaten back. However, the strength of the Lan Elves squad led by Zhao Dingguo, the damage in the field combined with the special effects of the radiance, and the active state of the Thor's Hammer given to the team masters made the monsters facing them unable to resist.

Just half an hour later, Zhao Dingguo stepped on the bodies of countless monsters and forced a kilometer into them.

At this time, the follow-up masters have gradually caught up. As the direction of the most in-depth monsters at present, Zhao Dingguo led the team to break through and naturally became the best breakthrough. Thousands of masters at dusk came in from here, assisting Zhao Dingguo to expand their achievements, and then provided a wider entrance for the masters in the back row.

Such a situation naturally attracted the attention of Kil'jaeden.

He wouldn't let this happen. In order to ensure that the arrival of Sargeras was not disturbed, Kil'jaeden quickly sent a new batch of end guards and sky-hunting hounds to counterattack Zhao Dingguo in their direction. The nine large teleportation arrays around the Vortex are also continuously transporting the monsters of the Burning Legion, adding strength to the front.

Due to the accumulation of a long time ago, although Zhao Dingguo killed and killed a large number of monsters of the Burning Legion, the number of these monster army that spread for several kilometers on the sea ice did not show a slight decrease. Zhao Dingguo must bear great resistance every time they go further. However, with nearly 50,000 masters surrounding the group at dusk, after several layers of attacks began to take turns, the Burning Legion's monster defense line finally began to shrink.

However, at the same time, the silver transmission beam in the center of the vortex has become more and more dazzling.

With the constant replenishment of the energy source of this world, the obstacles to Sargeras's advent are rapidly being reduced, and the gap of the space barrier is also constantly expanding, and it will eventually stabilize to the point where it can withstand the advent of the gods. Once that time comes, humans are in danger.

Now is the time to race against time!

The senior leaders of major organizations that are well aware of this have also personally put themselves into battle after completing the adjustment. A group of super masters in the twilight and even in the night led the team, and the speed of advance was obviously much faster. To the extent that when Zhao Dingguo finally rushed less than three kilometers from the vortex, Kil'jaeden had to go out and stop them.

The master, who was only one step away from the **** stage, came out, and Zhao Dingguo's momentum was immediately blocked.

This is different from the previous single-headed elite monsters. Kilgardan is surrounded by countless high-level monsters of the Burning Legion. Without killing these monsters first and separating them from Kil'jaeden, it is almost impossible to kill him. So, under the direction of many night masters, a large number of twilight masters gathered here and started to deal with Kil'jaeden and his guard.

At the same time, there is another elite master who started to impact the release of the Burning Legion from the opposite direction.

Kil'jaeden is so powerful that he needs to mobilize a master of the entire super-power circle to deal with it. However, he is only one person after all. If you can block this side, you can't block other places.

The idea of ​​the interim command is obviously well thought out.

Part of the masters, siege Kil'jaeden. Another master went directly to the center of the vortex and tried to destroy the "well of eternity". If it is possible to prevent Sargeras from coming, naturally, as long as Sargeras fails to appear, the current Burning Legion monster alone will not make any waves. If the worst is to happen and Sargeras is here, then they must also kill Kil'jaeden before Sargeras appears.

In this way, they can focus on one master instead of opening two battlefields at the same time.

At this moment, Zhao Dingguo received the task of killing Kil'jaeden. The other main players involved are mainly European counterparts and strong alliances. The first is that they have fought Kil'jaeden and are most familiar with its skills and modes. Secondly, a European master who has suffered a big loss has clearly prepared himself this time and is ready to revenge. With these two points in mind, it is their responsibility.

Kil'jaeden clearly remembers Zhao Dingguo.

Seeing the batch of masters he had dealt with approached, he immediately launched an attack without mercy. First, the shield orb was recruited one after another, and then Kil'jaeden successively launched big skills such as the final battle and the dark soul of thousands of souls. While the super-masters who besieged him evaded, Kil'jaeden quietly mobilized a large number of Iriel senior demon priests from the back row.

Noticed that these monsters that can launch the coincidence skills of planes appeared again. Zhao Dingguo immediately realized that Kil'jaeden wanted to repeat the tricks!

After being severely pitted by Kil'jaeden, the masters who participated in the battle were extremely impressed with this skill. At the moment when the Ariel priests appeared, without the order of the interim command, the masters participating in the war hurricaneed and launched attacks on these monsters. Although Kil'jaeden used the evil mirror image again, it copied a large number of fake guys and confused the audiovisual. However, the number of masters who can't stand the attack on these Ariel priests is large!

Hundreds and thousands of masters besieged together, causing the priests involved in singing to soon suffer injuries.

Once the number of priests singing is reduced, the process of overlapping planes will slow down, which in turn gives Zhao Dingguo more output time. When more than one hundred demon priests were killed one after another, the speed of chanting was greatly slowed, although the progress of the coincidence of the planes was almost completed. Anyone can see that before these demonic priests are completely destroyed, it is no longer possible to reunite the planes.

The discovery angered Kil'jaeden.

However, without the existence of chaos, how can many masters present be afraid of Kil'jaeden? If they were European counterparts alone, they might still be a bit weak after being hit hard last time. However, after the league's masters also joined, Zhao Dingguo equaled double strength against Kil'jaeden, and Kil'jaeden did not have the advantage of fighting at home last time.

One plus one minus, the battle went quite smoothly.

Although Kil'jaeden's skills are still so powerful, the sustained damage of the flower of fire, the ranged damage and stun of the final battle, the continuous rain of shadow arrows of the shield orb ... but these skills can only be compared with those of the dusk stage The masters caused great pressure, but there was no way to really threaten Zhao Dingguo's masters at this level.

After the Yongye master who absorbed the damage in the front retreated, Zhao Dingguo opened the frost barrier and greeted him again.

Different from the last time that only asked for delay but not for killing, this time Zhao Dingguo assembled their army to kill Kil'jaeden and prevent Sargeras from coming. Therefore, in the face of the powerful Kil'jaeden, Zhao Dingguo did not retain any more, and various skills were thrown out one after another. In conjunction with the treatment of teammates and the powerful blood-sucking effect of general attacks, Zhao Dingguo relied on refreshing the barriers and almost supported him for nearly thirty seconds in front of Kil'jaeden!

When he started the ghost walk and retreated, naturally other masters replaced it again.

While they were in full swing with Kil'jaeden on the other side, on the other side, the elite, led by ten Yong Ye masters in person, also launched an impact from the opposite direction towards the center of the vortex. Their goal is not the nine teleportation arrays that are constantly being transferred, but the "Eternal Well" vortex, which points directly at the center and constantly throws out seawater.

Since Kil'jaeden was pinned down by Zhao Dingguo, although the Burning Legion arranged a full circle of tight lines of defense, the top ten Yongye masters easily penetrated a line of defense and quickly rushed to the center of the sea ice. As the follow-up masters rushed in while taking advantage of the open channel, and helped them stop the monsters on both sides, these leading masters began to attack the "well of eternity".

Since it is not an entity, but an energy flow formed by the control of huge magic power, it is not easy to destroy the "well of eternity". They must attack as much as possible, completely disrupt the energy flow here, and destroy it together with the floating magic array.

Such actions naturally angered Kilgadan ~ ~ his mission is to guard the "well of eternity" from being destroyed. Now the super-god user on the other side dared to attack the Vortex, and immediately pulled Kil'jaeden's hatred back. In Zhao Dingguo's gaze, the flame on his body with a huge batwing rose sharply, and eventually he flew up into the air, flapping his wings and rushing to the other side.

Can Kil'jaeden fly?

This previous discovery has really surprised many SuperGod users. However, since Kil'jaeden suddenly turned around and flew away, it meant that the obstacles in front of Zhao Dingguo no longer existed. After a brief report to the temporary headquarters, Zhao Dingguo immediately resumed their previous speed and rushed towards the Vortex Center!

But at this time, the silver beam at the center of the vortex was almost dazzling to the extreme.

At their zenith visible to the naked eye, a huge portal was slowly opening. Although no one can see what's behind the door, everyone knows that it must be Sargeras!

(To be continued) q

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