DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 787: Magic Formation Reappears

The battle with Sargeras entered the highest alert state at the beginning.

Since it is not possible or possible to focus all the masters on training and running in each other in advance, although the masters present are at least the twilight level, in the high-speed running, attack and penetration, some mistakes are inevitable. If the five-man squad is okay with each other, don't forget that there are nearly four hundred people present!

It is simply impossible for such a large group to ensure that no mistakes are made.

After Sargeras changed attack methods one after another, in less than half a minute, a twilight master accidentally ran and stepped on the chaotic black flame summoned by Sargeras.

This is a very long-lasting skill. Almost every step, Sargeras's body will emit chaos black inflammation. If you do n’t step on it, it ’s okay, but if you accidentally step on it, you will be injured for 300 points / second and locked in place for 3 seconds.

At the same time of making a mistake, although teammates immediately gave skills such as the shield of no light, storm attack, but the damage can be dispelled, and the black flame of imprisonment for three seconds is still there.

The all-powerful magic is also invalid!

In this way, the twilight master immediately emerged from the overall formation.

It was found that someone was recruited, and the closely pursued Sargeras immediately launched the Flame Ray skills, speeding towards him.

This is a powerful buff ability that increases Sargeras' attack speed and movement speed by 30% at the same time. And, at this time, the skill will generate a flame mark. When attacking the marked person, Sargeras' next three attacks will have a 40% chance to trigger 2.5 times the critical strike damage!

2.5x Critical Damage!

You know, even with this dps divine cannon, the crit damage is just the same, and the crit chance is only 25%. In the hands of the marvelous Sargeras the Dark Ripper. A 2.5x critical strike can definitely kill any vulnerable Twilight Mage.

With just one hit, you can output the horror of a spike!

If Sargeras is lucky, a 40% probability is very likely even if he fires three times in a row. By then, I am afraid that even the most flamboyant Twilight Master will be dropped by him.

Although the Twilight Master who was being followed did not know the specific skills of Blaze Ray, he was surprised when he saw Sargeras rushing towards him and ignored the obstacles of the people around him. Just when he was about to use his nameplate abilities immediately, his teammates shot him twice in succession. Pushed him back again. Immediately afterwards, another black bird master and a genuine star imprisonment sealed him, which made Sargeras unable to attack.

However, when there are only one or two mistakes, other teammates can immediately assist. What if a lot of masters have problems?

After just two minutes. Just when Zhao Dingguo was still keeping their distance and attacking, Sargeras launched the doom skills. In this state, Sargeras will enter phase shift, ignore all collision volumes, and accelerate by 20%. Although any attack or cast will interrupt this state, at the same time, Sargeras' dodge probability will increase by 50%.

A god-level iss is already amazing. Now it has increased by 50% ...

Sargeras entering the phase shift is really unstoppable. He quickly rushed into the group of twilight masters, and the entire formation was immediately disrupted. Although Sargeras's initiative rushed, the position became the most common encirclement when killing elite monsters before. But facing the mighty Sargeras. This position is not applicable, but it is the most dangerous for the masters present!

However, without waiting for them to make adjustments, Sargeras already gave the big move.

Soul Split + End Ceremony!

This is a set of combo skills. The former will release a lot of chaotic orbs that can absorb soul energy. Chaos Ball will chase the nearby supernatural masters spontaneously once they are caught up. Will be briefly absorbed by 30% of the maximum health limit, and return to normal after ten seconds.

Not to mention the ending ceremony, worthy of the power of the deities and the name of the end. After launching, it will cause 3 waves of damage of 1000 points per wave to the surrounding super masters. However, if the target is attracted by the Chaos Orb, the ending ceremony will add an additional 50% damage!

The first skill, as long as it can not be chased by the ball of chaos within ten seconds, there will be no problems. Or, if you return to health after the stroke, it is equal to no damage. But what if the ball of chaos is hit, and the end ceremony is encountered?

The group e with a total damage of 4,500 points is definitely the strongest e skill ever experienced by all the experts present!

After the maximum health has been reduced by 30%, I am afraid that 70% of the twilight masters present will be spiked without sufficient means to save their lives. Even if he does not die, he will be hit hard!

Some fast-reacting, fast-running masters faced the chaos of the chaos and immediately evaded. Any master who has a maximum movement speed of more than 480 points can basically escape. Even if you can't throw the ball away, you can at least keep the distance. The rest of the slow running, if you open the means such as astral imprisonment or magic relief in time, you can also make the chaos ball lose its goal, but these are not ...

Not every Twilight Strong has such life-saving skills.

Some experts who have been accustomed to relying on the team early or emphasize extreme output do not have such skills. Or there are only skills like push stick and flashing, although you can temporarily distance yourself. But as long as you don't run fast enough, you will eventually be caught up!

For most twilight masters, it is possible to break the speed of 400. However, it is very difficult to reach the number 480. Therefore, when the large chaos ball flew out, at least 50 or 60 people finally did not avoid it, and were absorbed by the chaos ball.

Needless to say next ...

Immediately following the additional closing ceremony, the continuous three waves of damage directly blinded the Twilight Master present. Especially those who have hit the ball of chaos and are not enough to defend themselves, they are directly disabled by this set of skills. Although in chaos, the masters of the Paladin **** immediately launched a big move, and the captain also came to the crowded place. The masters with healing skills immediately rescued the remaining blood teammates, but ten people were still forced You have to use your hole cards!

Or nameplate capabilities. Or the medicine can be restored instantly, or it may be some other means.

Ten people seemed inconspicuous, but everyone knew that killing Sargeras was a long battle. Now just starting a head, ten people have no trump cards. How can they play next?

In the future, as long as you come a few times, the twilight masters present will definitely be seriously injured!

Seeing his skills succeed in creating the chaos of the blockbuster, Sargeras took the opportunity to wave the Black Ripper. Wanton attacks on nearby targets. The sword itself seems to have a tearing effect with a very long duration. Once it is cut, it will add a duration of up to 1 minute and a single bleeding damage of up to 200 points. Moreover, this bleeding damage cannot be absorbed by ordinary damage reduction and magic resistance.

Only real harm reduction. To have a little effect.

Fortunately, this bleeding damage cannot be superimposed. After Zhao Dingguo cut four ice hockey balls, the speed of returning blood was super fast. With real injury reduction, this state can basically be smoothed. Otherwise, even the great Naga would not be able to carry it!

That's the case, Sargeras' threat is still beyond imagination.

Although the second rupture and ending ceremony of the soul did not receive such good results as the first one, it did. This time Sargeras used the acceleration of the flame of light while maneuvering. In conjunction with the chaotic black flames that have been continuously fired, Sargeras's brutal attack finally has an effect. When the surrounding masters fled and dodged, and an unlucky guy was trapped by Hei Yan, the black ripper of Sargeras cut 2.5 times the critical damage!

The master still had half of his blood, thinking it was under the bonus of high armor. Sargeras should not have killed him, and it turned out tragic. He had life-saving props, but had no time at all, and was killed by Sargeras!

There is the first sacrifice guy. There will be a second, a third, and they will come soon.

When the third closing ceremony was launched. Sargeras' attack has already hit three twilight in a row. One of them was successfully rescued by his teammates; the other extreme use of instant teleport props flew away, it is estimated that the remaining blood saved his life; the last one was also spiked by Sargeras!

Moreover, because Sargeras frequently attacked, the collective running tactics preset by the interim command were severely disrupted, and the tacit cooperation at the beginning became jerky.

This is not the way to go!

Not only the strong men who participated in the war noticed that they were not good, but even the dusk masters who watched the battle from afar found problems.

Fortunately, the Alliance has long thought of the power of the deities. Even if the Sargeras in front of them just projected, they could only be regarded as quasi-gods, but it was definitely not something they could easily fight. The battle during this time is not only killing Sargeras's health, but also fighting for time.

On the other hand, nearly 50,000 dusk masters around him, after controlling the situation on the battlefield, immediately dispersed the monsters of the Burning Legion. Not far from the Great Vortex, a clear space of nearly ten thousand meters was cleared. There is nothing but hard sea ice here!

My colleagues from Europe have reproduced multiple magic formations on it!

That's right, this magical group that was intended to be used for Kil'jaeden, because the resource consumed is an astronomical number ~ ~, and it was pitted by Kil'jaeden, and the world A lot of experts on it despise its value. However, the league's masters realized its role and strongly sponsored countless high-level magic materials of their European counterparts.

With the help of the Alliance, they were able to reproduce this powerful magical formation that was buried only once in this vast area of ​​Bermuda!

As the magical arrays lit up, the golden sky that once appeared in Rome slowly rose.

ps: Updates have been slow since July 1st, one is because of the new book, and the other is a real thing. Originally, I was planning to work full time, but my relatives arranged a job, saying it was easy and did not delay writing. Odin thought for a while and agreed, and the work time was July 1st.

But this job is not suitable for Odin.

After three days of hesitation, we decided to resign. Even if I did a few days, I was very offensive and hurt people's face, but since the work is unhappy, I don't want to force myself. Sure enough, we are still suitable for code words ...

The day after tomorrow officially left the office, and the update will be restored by then. (To be continued)

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