Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 111 Running for the leadership of the Black Annihilation Army!

"The place where Brother Gu Fei lives is really a geomantic treasure..."

The ancient demon said with envy when he saw the dense energy of heaven and earth on the mountain where Gu Fei lived.

"Gu Fei's talent is extraordinary, and the clan has vigorously cultivated it, so the resources he received will naturally be high!"

"He deserves to be nurtured like this by the clan!"

Gu Qingyang didn't think it was anything, and thought it was natural given Gu Fei's talent.

"I heard that I haven't seen him for more than a year, and he has already broken through to the one-star Dou Zun. This speed is much faster than us!" Gu Yao said with emotion.

"Who's visiting?"

While Gu Qingyang and Gu Yao were talking, an old man's voice sounded.

Immediately, two men flashed in front of Gu Yao and Gu Qingyang.

The men, one old and the other young, felt the strength of their auras, and they were both powerful warriors.

It was Gu Fei and Lord Tianhuo!

"Brother Qingyang, ancient demon?"

After seeing the person clearly, Gu Fei smiled: "Why do you have time to come to my place?"

The three of them are all talented people from the ancient clan. They have more or less supported each other on their way to growth, and there is no dissatisfaction between them.

"If I hadn't come here, I wouldn't have known that your place is a Feng Shui treasure!"

The ancient demon joked.

"Just let us hang here, won't you treat us to a cup of tea?" Gu Qingyang said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I will treat you with my best tea later!"

Gu Fei made a gesture of invitation.

Then, the four of them came to the side of the mountain. There was a pavilion with a table under the pavilion and a gentle breeze.

"Brother Qingyang, ancient demon, I wonder why you came to me?"

If you have nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall, Gu Fei will get straight to the point.

Gu Qingyang and Gu Yao looked at each other, and the former put down the tea cup in his hand and said: "Recent news came from the Black Annihilation Army that two senior commanders are planning to retire. We plan to compete for the vacant command position..."

"Brother Gu Fei, are you interested?"

The Black Annihilation Army has a very high status among the ancient tribes because their selection conditions are quite harsh.

Not only does one need to be absolutely loyal to the ancient tribe, but they must also reach a certain level within a certain age group.

The Black Annihilation Army is assessed every year, and those who fail to meet the assessment standards will be eliminated. Therefore, this also makes the quality of the Black Annihilation Army quite high.

In particular, some of the above positions, the eight commanders, and the four commanders, are more demanding. It does not mean you can be qualified with high cultivation, but you must also meet a certain age.

Gu Fei's biological grandfather, Gu Lie, is the Black Annihilation King and the supreme leader of the Black Annihilation Army. Therefore, Gu Fei understands these things better.

"If you want to improve your strength quickly, you must get more resources..."

"If you want to gain more resources from the clan, the easiest way is to gain the right to speak. Relying solely on grandpa's words will inevitably lead to criticism."

"If I become the leader of the Black Annihilation Army now... it will be much more convenient for me to act within the clan or outside the clan than before..."

Gu Fei pondered secretly in his heart.

"If you want more say, getting a high position in the Black Annihilation Army is definitely a shortcut."

After some inner consideration, Gu Fei had the answer.

"To tell you the truth, I also have ideas about the leadership position, and this is an opportunity."

Gu Fei told the two of them his answer.

"Okay, in the leadership election after March, if Brother Gu Fei participates, I think the competition will be much more exciting!"

Gu Qingyang and Gu Yao both clapped and praised, but in their hearts they were already competing with Gu Fei.

There are only two vacant leadership positions, which means that at least one of Gu Qingyang, Gu Yao and Gu Fei will be eliminated.

With Gu Fei's talent and strength, he is a powerful opponent that cannot be underestimated!

Gu Yao and Gu Qingyang are both one-star heroes. Gu Qingyang was promoted earlier and has more accumulation, but both of them are much older than Gu Fei.

Their only advantage over Gu Fei is that the competition is held this year.

If it had been postponed for two years, with Gu Fei's talent, I'm afraid he would have been far behind them.

"Then see you at the big competition in March!"

After talking about business, Gu Qingyang and Gu Yao didn't stay long and said goodbye.

"As expected of the ancient clan, those two are less than thirty, but they can cultivate to the level of Dou Zun!"

After the two left, Lord Tianhuo couldn't help but sigh, especially since there was Gu Fei beside him who was even more evil than those two people.

Thinking back to the time when Lord Tianhuo broke through to Douzun, I don’t know how many spring and autumn days and months were spent.

Comparing one person to another is really infuriating!

After seeing off the two ancient demons, Gu Fei returned to the bamboo house, where the little medical fairy and Qinglin Ziyan were playing and laughing in the house.

Seeing Gu Fei come back, Zi Yan lay on the bed and raised her head slightly and asked: "Who is looking for you? It can't be your ex-wife again, right?"

Zi Yan already had a grudge against Xun'er in her heart, who made her embarrass the little medical fairy.

"No, they are two brothers from the clan." Gu Fei explained.

"Are you... okay?"

The little medical fairy thought she was here to make trouble with Gu Fei and said with concern.

"Don't worry, they just came to ask me if I want to participate in the Black Annihilation Army's election for commander in March. If I win the competition, I can become one of the eight commanders of the Black Annihilation Army!"

"Moreover, if I become the leader, you will have more confidence in the ancient clan!"

Gu Fei looked at the little medical fairy affectionately, and the little medical fairy blushed at the sight.

[The little medical fairy is moved, and the emotional value is increased by 100]

"Will your ex-wife participate? If she does, I would also like to join in the fun and beat her up in public to vent my anger!"

Zi Yan gestured with her fists angrily.

Gu Fei patted Zi Yan's little head gently: "Let's not talk about whether she will participate or not. How can you, a foreigner, be qualified to participate..."

Zi Yan drooped like a deflated rubber ball.

"Are you sure?"

The little medical fairy is still worried about Gu Fei.

"I feel that I have reached the bottleneck of the two-star Dou Zun, and I should be able to break through it in a short time."

Gu Fei's words immediately drew Zi Yan's eyes. He was really a monster. He had just broken through to Dou Zun, and now he was already a two-star Dou Zun...

After three or four days of adjustment, the Little Medical Fairy and others have adapted to life in the ancient world, and Gu Fei can go to retreat with confidence.

The Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin practice hard every day, but Zi Yan is the only one who is a little undisciplined.

Ten days later, Gu Fei began to retreat. He opened the system panel and checked the properties.

[Host: Gu Fei]

[Age: seventeen]

[Cultivation: late stage of One Star Dou Zun]

[Qualification: Level 101]

[Physique: Level 80]

[Soul: Middle stage of spiritual realm]

[Exercise method: Dayan Heart Sutra (Beginner Level of Heaven)]

[Fighting skills: Flame Devouring Cage (advanced earth level), Sun Finger (intermediate earth level) Heavenly Star Step (advanced earth level body fighting skill), Five Wheels Lifting Fire Technique (advanced earth level fighting skill, gathering five different flames, Can be promoted to heaven level) Emperor Seal Jue...]

[Alchemy: Early Stage of the Eighth Grade]

[Fusion of strange fires: Sea Heart Flame, Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Fallen Heart Flame...]

[Emotion value accumulation: 54352]

"Improve your cultivation!"

[Consume 30,000 emotional points to provide an enlightenment! 】

With the blessing of his sudden enlightenment, Gu Fei successfully broke through to the two-star Dou Zun in just five days.

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