Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 115 In the future, I will give you a great blessing!

"The eighth-grade elixir of Six-Color Danlei, how is this possible?"

On the distant mountain peak, Xun'er looked at the six-colored thundercloud in the sky of the mountain where Gu Fei was, her beautiful eyes filled with shock.

Based on the results Gu Fei has achieved at his current age, in the future, he may be able to aspire to be the ninth-grade alchemy master. This talent is too terrifying.

"If I hadn't separated from him at the beginning, he would have handed this pill to me as soon as possible to please me..."

The corner of Xun'er's mouth showed bitterness. At this moment, she recalled the previous time.

At that time, Gu Fei was so gentle to her and never spoke loudly to her.

If there is something good, Gu Fei will give it to Xun'er immediately.

"Back then, did I take his kindness to me for granted, so I didn't cherish his kindness..."

Xun'er asked her heart. At this moment, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have lost something important.

"Wow, Six Color Dan Lei, Brother Gu Fei, you are so awesome!"

Zi Yan looked at the elixir in Gu Fei's hand and her mouth watered. She could feel the terrifying energy contained in the elixir.

"Greedy, if you take this elixir now, your stomach will burst..."

Gu Fei glanced at Zi Yan angrily. The next moment, he turned around and handed the elixir in his hand to Lord Tianhuo: "Venerable Tianhuo, after you take this elixir, your cultivation should be able to return to the past. Heyday!”

"Thank you very much!"

Seeing Gu Fei give such a precious elixir to him, Lord Tianhuo was very grateful.

Originally, he was rescued by Gu Fei in the magma sea, and later Gu Fei helped him refine his body and resurrect him. Tianhuo had already inherited a great kindness. Now, he received the eighth-grade elixir given by the other party to restore his strength. .

Lord Tianhuo can no longer express his gratitude in words for such kindness.

"Zi Yan, do you also want this high-level elixir?"

Seeing Zi Yan's eyes full of envy, Gu Fei tilted his head and asked with a smile.


Hearing Gu Fei's words, Zi Yan nodded repeatedly. Now, she is actually eager to become stronger quickly, because she has already been to Dragon Island and knows about the split of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

On the surface, she was laughing and joking, but in fact, she still had something on her mind.

In order for the clan to reintegrate and not continue to be divided, she, as the only royal bloodline of the dragon clan, must stand up.

However, even if she is the only clan member with royal bloodline, it will be difficult to convince the public if her strength is too low.

"In this case, you do me a small favor, and I will give you a great fortune in the future!"

"Great creation? How big can it be?"

Hearing this, Zi Yan's eyes lit up.

"Haha, I can only tell you that the value of that creation is no less than getting a ninth-grade treasure elixir, or even a ninth-grade mysterious elixir..."

Gu Fei chuckled and said, what he was referring to was naturally the dragon and phoenix origin fruit of the ancient ruins.

That kind of fruit is a precious and rare item that was born after the Taixu Ancient Dragon and the Ancient Sky Phoenix died at the same time. Only the monsters of the Taixu Ancient Dragon or the Ancient Sky Phoenix lineage can use it.

By refining the dragon and phoenix origin fruit, people of the bloodline of those two races have a chance to evolve into a supreme magical beast with the dragon and phoenix bloodline.

Ancient dragon and phoenix!

"So awesome..."

"Okay, what's the big deal? Tell me!"

Zi Yan trusted what Gu Fei said and immediately nodded in agreement.

"I want to refine the Three Thousand Yanyan Fire. The shape of that thing after its transformation is very similar to the body of your Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan..."

"It turns out, Brother Gu Fei, you also know these secrets of our clan..."

Before Gu Fei finished speaking, Zi Yan couldn't help but say: "Actually, I heard that you were going to refine three thousand flames, so I paid special attention to it. There are records in the clan's information!"

"A long, long time ago, when the Three Thousand Flames Fire was still in its infancy, a senior of our clan discovered it. However, at that time, the Three Thousand Flames Fire was too weak, and it would have no effect if taken. So that senior left a dragon seal in Sanqian Yanyan's body, which is why it grew into the same body shape as ours."

Zi Yan spread her hands and explained.

"So this is ah……"

After hearing Zi Yan's words, the other people's faces showed shock.

"In this way, those three thousand flames of fire are the things that have an owner..."

Lord Tianhuo raised a question.

"If the senior of our clan is still alive, it is okay to say that these three thousand flames belong to an owner. However, according to the clan records, the senior completely lost his voice during a space journey. After so many years, most of them are dead!”

Zi Yan shook her head.

"Brother Gu Fei, you should know this!" Zi Yan looked at Gu Fei.


Gu Fei did not hide anything and nodded. When he met Zi Yan for the first time in the academy, he told Zi Yan that he knew her life experience. Therefore, it would not appear that he knew about the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. unusual.

"Brother Gu Fei, I have actually made preparations for you before. I stole the dragon seal from a sleeping senior in the clan. However, this thing is relative. If you win, you will control the three thousand flames. If you lose..."

"However, the power of my dragon seal should be much stronger than the dragon seal that the senior set up casually..."

Zi Yan hesitated for a moment and then expressed her worries.

"You girl, are you kidding me? You've come up with such a dangerous method!"

Hearing these words, the little medical fairy couldn't help but worry about Gu Fei and glared at Zi Yan.

She knew that those three thousand flames had been left in the Star Territory for a long time and could not be refined even by the top three giants of the Dan Pagoda, Dou Zun.

"Don't worry, I rarely do things I'm not sure about... When the elders of the clan take action and beat those three thousand flames to death, how can they resist me..."

There was a smile on Gu Fei's lips.

He is confident about this refining.

"Yes, there are many powerful people in the ancient tribe. As long as the three thousand flames consume a huge amount of fire, the difficulty of refining it will be greatly reduced..."

Zi Yan also reacted immediately, glanced at the little medical fairy, and smiled coquettishly.

Next, she took out a jade bottle from the ring, which contained dark golden blood, faintly exuding a dragon's power.

"Hey, I'll plant a dragon seal on your hand too!"

Ziyan carefully dropped a drop of dark golden blood from the jade bottle.

The blood fell on Gu Fei's palm, and then Zi Yan's handprint suddenly changed, and the dark golden blood flowed out, forming a strange rune stuck in Gu Fei's palm.

With this dragon seal, Gu Fei quickly left the mountain peak with the remaining bottle of dragon blood and rushed towards the depths of the mountain range.

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