Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 117 The Yan tribe’s envoy arrives, the girl Huo Zhi!

"It's been three months. Brother Gu Fei's retreat has been really long!"

In the bamboo building, the Little Medical Fairy, Qing Lin and others were all worried about Gu Fei.

At the beginning, Gu Fei said that if he wanted to recover the Three Thousand Flames, he would need to practice in seclusion for a period of time.

Conquering the strange fire itself was extremely dangerous, and since Gu Fei didn't come back for such a long time, they were worried that something unexpected would happen to Gu Fei during the process of conquering it.

"Don't worry, it's just three thousand Yan Yanhuo. Isn't it easy for Brother Gu Fei to deal with it?"

"He must have gotten some kind of opportunity, that's why he's so slow."

Zi Yan looked at the worried look on the little medical fairy's face and comforted her.

Immediately, she also stretched out her hand, and there was a dragon seal in the palm of her hand that also shone with golden light.

Her dragon seal and Gu Fei's dragon seal are connected to each other. According to this dragon seal, Gu Fei's physical condition can be known at any time. Looking at the golden dragon seal, it doesn't look like Gu Fei is in danger.

"I hope so!" The little medical fairy clasped her hands on her chest and silently prayed for Gu Fei.

At this moment, there were sudden fluctuations in the space. Zi Yan suddenly raised her head, her eyes full of light.

The place where space fluctuates is where Gu Fei appears.

"You're finally back! It was so hard for me when you were away. I've even finished taking the pills... The little medical fairy sister is also very worried about you."

As soon as the little medical fairy heard Zi Yan's words, she immediately opened her eyes and saw the person she longed for as she wished.

"It makes you worry."

Gu Fei walked to the little medical fairy, gently hugged the little medical fairy, and touched Zi Yan's little head.

"To express my apology, can I make some more pills for you?"

After hearing Gu Fei's words, Zi Yan showed a satisfied expression and took Qing Lin to play elsewhere.

"Why did it take so long?" The little medical fairy looked at Gu Fei worriedly, but Gu Fei didn't look like anything was wrong.

"Three Thousand Flames is stronger than I thought. Although I successfully subdued it, I encountered some problems when absorbing it."

"You must be careful when absorbing the manic alien fire energy, otherwise you may burn yourself by playing with fire. Fortunately, the hard work pays off, and the rewards it brings to me are equally great."

After Gu Fei finished speaking, he released his fighting spirit slightly. The little medical fairy felt the majestic fighting spirit and knew that he was much stronger than before, but he didn't know what level he had reached.

"Four-star Dou Zun! Sometimes I really envy you geniuses."

An old voice sounded behind the Little Medical Fairy. The person who came was none other than Lord Tianhuo.

Gu Fei looked at Master Tianhuo and found that his strength had reached the level of Six-Star Dou Master. Apparently he had taken the eighth-grade elixir given by Gu Fei and completely absorbed it.

"Congratulations to Senior Yao for regaining his strength."

Gu Fei congratulated Lord Tianhuo.

Lord Tianhuo smiled bitterly and said: "I have been practicing for countless years and am no more than a six-star Dou Zun. You are a four-star Dou Zun at such a young age. It really makes me feel ashamed..."

In these three months, not only did Lord Tianhuo regain his strength, but the Little Medical Immortal and the others also improved in their cultivation.

After that, Gu Fei got used to the new strange fire, and then directly challenged the fifth commander of the Black Annihilation Army.

On that day, Gu Fei used his four-star Dou Zun cultivation to defeat the six-star Dou Zun, shocking everyone with his skills, and became the new fifth commander of the Black Annihilation Army.

"Is this the ancient world?"

At the edge of the ancient world, a crack appeared out of thin air. Four figures entered from the crack and descended into the ancient world.

"The energy of the world here is richer than ours in the Flame Realm, and the ancient clan's heritage is indeed deeper than ours."

An old man couldn't help but sigh.

"I think the energy of the Flame Realm is more comfortable."

A clear female voice sounded, and the person who said this was a girl.

The girl looks to be in her teens, with long fiery red hair that accentuates her graceful figure. There is a touch of coldness on her beautiful face, and there is a flame mark on her forehead.

These people all come from the Yan clan, one of the eight ancient clans.

But this time, except for the girl in red, the other three are all Dou Sheng cultivators and are elders of the Yan clan.

"Huo Zhi, we are guests. This is not our ancient world. Please be polite when you speak." An elder reminded the girl.

The girl opened her mouth and wanted to say something more, when several figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Welcome the Yan Clan envoy to our ancient world! Elder Huoyao, long time no see!"

Gu Nanhai and several other ancient clan elders appeared. They were waiting here after learning that the Yan clan envoy was coming.

"Hahaha, it turns out it's Elder Gu Nanhai, you're so polite."

The elder of the Yan clan, known as Huo Yao, responded.

"Everyone, please enter the ancient world, and I will come to take care of you."

Gu Nanhai made an invitation gesture and led the Yan clan elders into the depths of the ancient world.

There is a hall dedicated to entertaining guests, and there are several elders waiting in the hall.

After Gu Nanhai invited everyone from the Yan Clan to take a seat, everyone from the Ancient Clan also sat down.

The food that had been prepared long ago was brought out at this moment. Although they no longer need to eat at their level, the proper etiquette is still needed.

Huo Zhi sat at the end of the Yan Clan, looking at the people from the Ancient Clan present.

She looked specifically at people who were similar to her own age, or just a few years older. After scanning around, her already cold atmosphere became more disdainful.

There were many young ancient tribesmen present, but none of them could make her look him in the eyes.

"Is this a young man from the ancient tribe? It's nothing more than that... I hope you are not among these people."

Huo Zhi thought to himself and looked away.

At the banquet, after some polite greetings, Gu Nanhai said, "Elders of the Yan Clan have come all the way here, and you don't know why?"

When the Yan clan elders heard this, they looked at each other, and one of them said: "Haha, there is indeed something to do here this time..."

"Elder Huoyao just said it doesn't matter."

Gu Nanhai said politely.

"It is said that Gu Fei, the genius of your ancient clan, has now reconciled with Miss Xun'er. I wonder if this is true or not?"

When Gu Nanhai heard the words of the Yan clan elder, his original smiling expression froze.

It is said that family scandals should not be publicized, and now this family scandal has spread to the Yan clan.

"It's just a farce between two young people. You and I have lived for countless years, are you still curious about this?"

Gu Nanhai did not answer directly.

But the Yan clan elder did not relent, and said directly: "Elder Huoyao, please speak frankly."

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, Gu Nanhai had no choice but to say: "There is indeed... something like this."

The Yan clan elder smiled slightly when he saw this and said, "Since Gu Fei and Miss Xun'er have reconciled, why not renew a marriage for Mr. Gu Fei..."

The purpose of their coming here is to form a marriage alliance with the ancient tribe, and they want to marry the girl Huo Zhi to Gu Fei. Huo Zhi is the genius of the ancient tribe.

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