Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 136 Gu Fei: If she doesn’t want to get married, no one can force her!

Now that Gu Fei had finished talking, Jia Xingtian didn't say anything more.

Although the several major empires surrounding the Jia Ma Empire had some strong men, they were not too strong.

With Gu Fei's invisible strength and the seventh-level monster beside him, he indeed had the confidence to say this.

After discussing the migration of the snake people, the atmosphere of the banquet became much more relaxed.

Jia Xingtian adhered to the principle of respecting guests and didn't ask any questions, but Yao Ye couldn't hold it back anymore.

She saw Queen Medusa leaning closely against Gu Fei. Gu Fei touched Queen Medusa's belly from time to time, and Queen Medusa responded with a sweet smile.

That look is clearly love.

Could it be that Queen Medusa and Gu Fei are together?

Thinking of this, Jia Xingtian felt a little incredible.

The legendary cold, bloodthirsty, emotionless Queen Medusa actually fell in love with a human?

Jia Xingtian was surprised, and Yao Ye was jealous.

After she learned that Gu Fei had returned, she immediately dressed up carefully, hoping to reestablish her image in front of Gu Fei, and even...capture Gu Fei's heart.

But until now, Gu Fei had not even glanced at him.

"Master Gu Fei."

Yaoye decided to take the initiative to chat.

"I feel that you have become much stronger than the last time we met, but what kind of opportunity did you encounter?"

"There's no chance, it's all about talent."

Gu Fei's ridiculous answer made Cai'er next to him chuckle and roll his eyes at him.

Yaoye smiled awkwardly and added: "Master Gu Fei is really amazing and talented. I believe he will be the most powerful person in the world in the future."

"That's when..." Halfway through Gu Fei's words, he saw Cai'er's eyes rolled out of the corner of his eye again, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and did not continue to answer.

Yao Ye is not stupid. Gu Fei is now focused on Queen Medusa and doesn't want to talk to him at all.

Although she felt extremely disappointed, she would not ask for trouble.

Just as Yao Ye calmed down, another more lively person appeared.

"Master Gu Fei, how could you not tell me when you came back!"

"I've long wanted to show you my alchemy skills!"

The door opened and a little girl jumped in.

"When did you have an apprentice?"

Cai'er asked.

Gu Fei smiled bitterly and said, "She insisted on calling me Master."

Yaoyue came to Gu Fei with a bit of admiration in her strange eyes.

With her arrival, the banquet suddenly became more lively.

Yaoyue kept talking to Gu Fei, but unfortunately she was interrupted by Yaoye before she could say a few words.

A subordinate came to Yao Ye, and Yao Ye whispered a few words softly. Yao Ye frowned slightly, and then looked at Gu Fei. .

"Master Gu Fei, Nalan Yanran wants to see you. She seems very anxious. I wonder if you want to see her, Master?"

"Why does she want to see me?"

Hearing this, Gu Fei frowned. She didn't have much friendship with Nalan Yanran. She just helped her grandfather get rid of the collateral poison because of Yun Yun's plea.

But that was also Lai's relationship with Yun Yun, and he had nothing to do with Nalan Yanran.

"She didn't say anything!"

Yaoye shook her head and said: "However, tomorrow is the day when her teacher Yunlan Sect's leader Yun Yun will be happy. If she doesn't go to Yunlan Sect to help, she has the leisure to come here..."

"Yun Yun is overjoyed?"

"with who?"

Hearing Yao Ye's words, Gu Fei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Yun Yun was about to get married.

On the side, Queen Medusa had a strange look in her beautiful eyes. Before, she had been taken by Gu Fei after her evolution failed. She knew that Gu Fei and Yun Yun knew each other, and their relationship seemed to be somewhat ambiguous.

But she was very smart and didn't say anything at this time, just listening silently.

She is not the queen now, but the man behind Gu Fei. What Gu Fei wants to do depends on him.

"Dan King Furukawa!" Yaoye replied.


Hearing Yao Ye's answer, Gu Fei frowned again.

In the original work, this seems to have happened, but Yun Yun was forced by Yun Shan to marry Furukawa. I wonder if Yun Yun was forced by Yun Shan this time.

"Let her come over!" Gu Fei said in a deep voice.

Soon, Nalan Yanran was brought over by Yaoye.

Nalan Yanran staggered into the hall, and when she saw Gu Fei sitting there, she looked like a person who was about to die of thirst when he saw the water, and wanted to rush over quickly, but Yao Ye suddenly pulled him.

"Master Gu Fei is a distinguished guest from my royal family, you must not disrespect him!" Yao Ye's voice sounded in Nalan Yanran's mind.

Only then did Nalan Yanran regain her senses and quickly walked up to Gu Fei.

"Master Gu Fei, please save my teacher!"

Nalan Yanran said in a crying voice.

She knew that her teacher and Gu Fei should be friends.

Gu Fei was only willing to help his grandfather detoxify after his teacher Yun Yun begged for mercy.

As long as he explains to Gu Fei the predicament Yun Yun is currently facing, Gu Fei will definitely help Yun Yun.

With Gu Fei's mysterious strength, it shouldn't be difficult to rescue Yun Yun. The key lies in whether he is willing to help him.

"I just heard from Yaoye that your teacher is going to marry Gu He. Are you here for this matter?" Gu Fei said bluntly without beating around the bush.


"That's exactly what I'm here for."

"Is your teacher a volunteer?" Gu Fei asked again.

"Of course not!" Nalan Yanran replied immediately.

"Although the teacher respects Master Gu He very much, it is only out of courtesy, without any emotion. The master proposed that the teacher marry Master Gu He, but the teacher refused verbally and disobeyed."

"But the master sealed the teacher's fighting spirit and put her under house arrest in order to win over Master Gu He..."

"Now the teacher is trapped in Yunlan Sect. I know that Master Gu Fei has some friendship with the teacher, so I came to ask for help."

"If Master Gu Fei is unwilling to help, then the teacher..."

[Nalan Yanran has sad emotions, and the emotional value increases by 60]

As Nalan Yanran spoke, she began to sob, with an extremely sad tone.

After listening to Nalan Yanran's description, Gu Fei frowned, and the vast fighting spirit began to float unconsciously on the surface of his body.

"So strong!"

Just a little breath emitted made Yao Ye and Nalan Yanran feel very uncomfortable, and Xing Tian took action in time to protect the two.

He felt that the fighting spirit on Gu Fei was as vast as the sea, and he was just a stream in front of him.

"How ridiculous... Yunshan's behavior is simply unworthy of being a teacher!" Gu Fei said angrily.

At the beginning, he had reminded Yun Yun that leaving the Jia Ma Empire would give her a broader future, but Yun Yun hesitated because she was concerned about the Yun Lan Sect.

Gu Fei also respected Yun Yun's decision.

But he didn't expect that even without Xiao Yan's deep hatred for the Yun Lan Sect, this would still happen.

"If she doesn't want to marry, no one can force her!"

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