Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 138 A mere guardian dares to threaten me? Who gave you the courage!

At this moment, Yunshan was very regretful. If he had known that his beloved disciple Yunyun had such a relationship, he would never force Yunyun to marry Guhe.

What is Guhe?

He is just a sixth-grade alchemist with the potential to become a seventh-grade alchemist, and the one in front of him is even more powerful than himself!

If Yunlan Sect gets the help of this person, let alone dominate the Jiama Empire, it can occupy a place in the entire Northwest Continent.

"Since you know you are wrong, why don't you let him go?"

Gu Fei's tone was calm but unquestionable.

"Yes, I'll go now!"

Yunshan nodded repeatedly and flashed to the hall where Yunyun was.

Before, he looked at Yunyun with no emotion, just treating her as a tool to be used, but now he helped Yunyun up from the ground as if he was showing his courtesy.

"Yun'er, there is a senior outside who wants to see you. Follow me to meet him."

Yunshan helped Yunyun up and removed the seal in her body.

Yun Yun's fighting spirit was restored. She exerted force to shake Yun Shan's hand away, not wanting him to touch her. Then she quickly flew out of the hall.

Yun Shan was a little embarrassed, but he followed him out immediately.

The two came to Gu Fei, and Yun Shan looked at Yun Yun with an apologetic look.

"Yun Er, I was also considering the foundation of Yun Lan Sect before. I hope you don't blame me!" Yun Shan pleaded with Yun Yun.

Yun Yun's expression was indifferent, but she still remembered Yun Shan's kindness in raising and teaching her.

She didn't embarrass Yun Shan anymore, but looked at Gu Fei not far away. The two looked at each other with complicated expressions in their eyes.


Nalan Yanran also rushed to Yun Lan Sect.

At the previous banquet, Gu Fei stated that he was going to rescue Yun Yun, so he took the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King to go first.

Nalan Yanran couldn't fly, so she could only follow behind on foot. When she arrived at this moment, she just saw Gu Fei threatening Yun Shan.

She didn't expect that Gu Fei could solve the big trouble with just one or two words, and she couldn't help but admire Gu Fei even more.

Gu Fei's realm was not something she could peek into, and his strength might be much stronger than she imagined.

"Thank you, you saved me again!"

Yun Yun thanked him softly, but her eyes still looked at Queen Medusa from time to time.

She remembered that before, it was Qinglin and a girl named Xiao Yixian who accompanied Gu Fei. How come now, there is only Qinglin and the notorious Queen Medusa?

"What a coincidence... If Xiao Yixian and Cai'er hadn't wanted to return home, I wouldn't have arrived at Jiama Imperial Capital at this time, and I wouldn't have known that you were forced to marry!" Gu Fei chuckled.

"Where is Xiao Yixian now?" Yun Yun asked.

"She took our child to live temporarily in the place where I met her before"

"He has a child?"

Hearing Gu Fei's words, Yun Yun's expression suddenly became a little complicated.

I didn't expect that he already had a child after being separated for such a long time.

Then he and Xiao Yixian should be living happily, right?

[Yun Yun feels envious, emotional value increases by 100]


Yun Yun smiled to congratulate, but the smile seemed a bit far-fetched.

"Let's talk about it later, let me deal with a mouse first."

After Gu Fei finished speaking, his tone changed from calm to cold.

"How long do you want to wait? Do you really think no one can find you?"

As soon as Gu Fei's cold words came out, he suddenly stretched out his palm to grab the void somewhere behind Yunlan Sect.

A ball of black fog appeared out of thin air, but it was firmly imprisoned by a spatial force.

Gu Fei saw the black shadow emerge and the system's emotional value prompt, and also confirmed his identity. This person is the Eagle Guardian.

"Who is this person? How did he appear in my Yunlan Sect?"

"This person is full of yin energy. He is not a kind person at first glance..."

"Such a yin and evil person must be extremely vicious. He appeared in my Yunlan Sect with ulterior motives!"

Everyone in Yunlan Sect was surprised and condemned the Eagle Protector. Yunshan looked guilty.

"It turned out to be someone from the Soul Palace!"

At this moment, in Xiao Yan's ring, Yao Lao was very shocked and a little daunted.

"Soul Palace? Who are they?"

Xiao Yan asked.

"You don't need to know too much about this force. You just need to know that they are the existence standing at the top of the Douqi Continent. The black fog that appears here now is just the most ordinary guardian level among them!"

"Is this just the most ordinary level?"

Although Xiao Yan did not know the true strength of the Eagle Protector, he was at least a Dou Zong strongman when he saw him standing in the air.

"The weakest are all Dou Zong..." Xiao Yan's heart was filled with shock.

"Come here!"

In the sight of everyone, Gu Fei grabbed the Eagle Protector in the air and brought him in front of him.

"Senior, please spare my life!"

The Eagle Guardian felt Gu Fei's terrifying strength and begged for mercy in fear.

"Shut up!"

Gu Fei slapped the Eagle Guardian's soul, almost breaking it apart.

The Eagle Guardian immediately became depressed.

"Yunshan, the reason why you and those elders have made great progress in cultivation should be because of the help of this disgusting thing! In exchange, you need to help him create wars, kill, and let him collect the souls of the dead, right?"

Gu Fei held the Eagle Guardian's soul in his hand and looked at Yunshan, and Yunshan felt even more guilty.

Yun Yun looked at Yun Shan in shock, thinking of the recent abnormality of Yun Lan Sect, could it be related to this black fog?

And the mastermind behind the scenes turned out to be her most respected teacher?

"Master, is it true?"

Yun Yun questioned Yun Shan.

She didn't expect that Yun Shan would actually cooperate with such a dark and cruel guy.

"Yun'er, I'm doing this to glorify Yun Lan Sect!" Yun Shan saw that he couldn't deny it, so he could only nod and admit it.

"So, you have to do whatever it takes?"

Yun Yun was completely disappointed with Yun Shan.

Her master had completely changed. In order to gain powerful strength and make Yun Lan Sect stronger, he had already done whatever it took.

The Eagle Guardian didn't care what Yun Shan did. He cared about his own life.

"Senior, you are so familiar with the purpose of my coming here, you should know that I am the guardian of the Soul Palace. For the sake of the Soul Palace, please let me go."

"Of course, I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life and will definitely repay you!"

The depressed Eagle Guardian revealed his identity.

Although the words were begging for mercy, they were faintly meant to put pressure on him.

This pressure made Gu Fei feel very unhappy.

"You are just a guardian, are you qualified to threaten me?"

"Even if Hun Mie Sheng came today, he would not be qualified to threaten me!"

Gu Fei frowned, and with a slight force on his palm, the soul of the Eagle Guardian was crushed directly.

As for the Hun Mie Sheng that Gu Fei mentioned, at the level of the Eagle Guardian, he only knew its name, but never had the opportunity to see its true appearance.

The Eagle Guardian was crushed, but it alarmed another person hiding in the dark.


In Xiao Yan's ring, Yao Lao's soul trembled, and he quickly restrained all his perceptions, and he must not let Gu Fei notice it.

Gu Fei's method was too terrifying.

If he was discovered, and the other party was in a bad mood and squeezed his hand casually, he would probably end up like the Eagle Guardian.

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