Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 141 This is my husband. From now on, seeing her is like seeing me!

Early the next morning, Gu Fei, Queen Medusa, Qing Lin and the others bid farewell to Jia Xing Tian, ​​while Yao Ye and the others rode the Lion King and set off into the desert.

In less than a day, the lion king had flown deep into the desert.

During this period, Qing Lin also visited Stone Desert City once, but she did not find Xiao Ding and Xiao Li. When she learned that they had disbanded the mercenary group, Qing Lin did not stay.

Returning to Stone Desert City again, some mercenaries had complicated expressions in their eyes after recognizing that the top man flying in the sky was actually Qing Lin who once had human-snake blood.

There was fear, envy, and natural admiration for the strong. In short, no one dared to show disgust at Qing Lin.

Qing Lin finally understood a truth. In this world, being weak is the original sin. Only when you become strong, others will not care about your original identity.

Qinglin also understood that it was Gu Fei who changed her and gave her the chance to change her destiny.

"finally reached……"

Soon, the Amethyst Winged Lion King entered the area where the snake people lived.

And as the Lion King flew closer to the Holy City of the Snake People, inside the Holy City of the Snake People, deep in a bamboo forest, four old women of the Snake People sitting cross-legged in the bamboo house all opened their eyes.

"I seem to sense the Queen's aura!"

"Could it be that the Queen is back?"

After sensing the extremely familiar aura approaching the Medusa Temple, the four snake-men old women stood up and quickly left the bamboo house.

When the four elders of the Snake Tribe rushed to the sky outside the Medusa Temple, a small black dot appeared in their sight.

"Seventh level monster?"

"Why did the seventh-level monster suddenly come towards our Snake Tribe Holy City?"

The lion king's strong magical beast aura made the four elders of the snake people feel wary.

As the black spots continued to get closer, the figure of Queen Medusa gradually appeared in their eyes on the Lion King's back, and the trace of vigilance dissipated.

"It's really Her Majesty the Queen, Her Majesty the Queen is back!"

After clearly seeing Queen Medusa on the Lion King's back, the cloudy old eyes of the four elders of the Snake Tribe shone with excitement.

However, when the four of them saw Gu Fei standing next to Queen Medusa, a look of surprise suddenly appeared in their eyes.

Because, they discovered that Gu Fei's arms were naturally wrapped around their queen's waist. Their bodies were very close and they looked very intimate.

"People, this king is back!"

Arriving in front of the Temple of Medusa, Queen Medusa shouted to the countless snake men on the city wall. She gently stretched her jade hands in front of her, flawless. At this moment, she was like a work of art, so beautiful that it made people's hearts tremble.

At this moment, Queen Medusa's arrogance seemed to have returned, and her whole body exuded an aura of nobility.

"Welcome to Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Welcome to Her Majesty the Queen!"

With the appearance of Queen Medusa, Hua She'er and many other snake guards bowed to her respectfully on the tower of the Snake Clan's Holy City, with excitement on their faces.

"Everyone get up!"

Cai'er gently raised her jade hand, and a faint majestic voice echoed throughout the world.

"Her Majesty the Queen has transformed, which means her cultivation level has broken through the Douzong. Now, our snake people really have hope!"

"That's great, the sky is really wise, Her Majesty the Queen has become a strong person in the Douzong!"

Feeling the huge cultivation aura emanating from Queen Medusa, the four elders of the Snake Tribe became excited again.

All the snake people in the holy city of the snake people fell into joy and joy.

Ever since the snake people were driven into the scorching Tagore Desert.

The snake people think about getting out of the Tagore Desert all the time.


This wish is finally coming true!

All of them believed, led by Queen Medusa.

It won't be long before the entire snake tribe will be able to walk out of this damn desert.

On the back of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, Queen Medusa looked at the cheering tribesmen, and she couldn't help but smile on her beautiful face.

"Everyone, I, the king, want to announce something very important today...

"He, Gu Fei, is now my husband. From now on, all the people in the clan will treat him as if they were seeing me!"

Next, Queen Medusa directly announced the intimate relationship between her and Gu Fei in front of all the tribesmen.

"Husband, you don't mind if I am so high-profile, do you?"

After saying that, Cai'er looked at Gu Fei with her beautiful eyes, and her delicate white jade hands gently crossed Gu Fei's face. Her red lips were slightly parted, and she made a slightly soft numbing sound.

"How could that be? This is good, so as not to cause any misunderstandings!"

Hearing this, Gu Fei nodded slightly, with a slight smile on his face.

When Cai'er announced that Gu Fei was her husband, many male snake people in the holy city of the snake people cast envious and even jealous glances at Gu Fei. After all, Queen Medusa was among the snake people. , is almost an indestructible goddess in the hearts of many people.

The four elders of Gu Fei and Snake Foot were all deeply impressed because they had fought against Gu Fei a few years ago. When the four of them joined forces, they were all defeated by Gu Fei.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, the queen who had disappeared for a long time returned, and Gu Fei suddenly transformed into the husband of their queen.

"Everyone, Cai'er and I are coming back this time to lead you people to migrate out of the desert and find another treasured place to breed in the Warcraft Mountains!"

Just when the four elders of the Snake Tribe were stunned, Gu Fei stood up in a very high-profile manner.

A person like him is naturally not a shy person.

This kind of occasion is not worth mentioning at all compared to when he was training in the Black Annihilation Army.

While speaking, Gu Fei also revealed his huge cultivation aura, and a faint coercion suddenly enveloped everyone.

"This person is so strong, not even Her Majesty the Queen has such strong pressure!"

"He is indeed a man who can become the Queen's husband. With such cultivation, I no longer even have the thought of resisting..."

"He just said that he wants us snake people to move out of the desert and find another treasure land!"

"Great, if this is true, we snake people will no longer have to endure this extremely hot desert climate!"

As Gu Fei's words fell, the snake people in the holy city began to boil.

Obviously, because of these words and the aura of cultivation displayed by Gu Fei, the people of the Snake Tribe have recognized him as the queen's husband.

Snake people have cold blood and it is extremely difficult to survive in the scorching Tagore Desert.

Being able to leave this ghost place is important to every snake tribe.

They are all the most important things!

Therefore, no one cares about the conflicts that Gu Fei had with the snake people before. Under such important matters, no one cares about them anymore.

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