Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 146 Zi Yan: Didn’t you promise to give me an opportunity?

Wutan City, Xiao Family.

Xiao Yan lay on the table with his head down, his fingers constantly flicking on the table, each time harder and harder. If it weren't for Yao Lao beside him, he would have lost his temper and vented all his anger on the table.

"Teacher, it's been a few months and there's no clue. Has my father really disappeared?"

Before, Xiao Yan suspected that Xiao Zhan was taken away by Yunlan Sect, but he had been lurking in Yunlan Sect for a long time, but there was no news about Xiao Zhan, which made him very discouraged.

In his heart, he was angry at the person who kidnapped Xiao Zhan, and also resentful of his own incompetence.

"Xiao Yanzi, since the other party kidnapped your father, they must want to get something from your father. Your father should be safe for a short time!"

Yao Lao comforted Xiao Yan.

"The most urgent thing is to make yourself strong first. Only when you are strong can you investigate more things."

Xiao Yan nodded in agreement.

For example, the black soul body that appeared in Yunlan Sect, Yao Lao said that they came from the mysterious Soul Palace.

At Xiao Yan's current level, he is not even qualified to know what the Soul Palace is.

He clenched his fists, eager to become stronger.

"Let's go to Xingyun Pavilion first. When the teacher recovers his strength, he will find out the matter for you!"


Mobeast Mountain Range, the new holy city of the snake people.

In the new holy city, there are now lights and decorations, and every household has a smile on their faces, praying with the ancient rituals of the snake people.

They are not praying for the rebirth of the snake people's holy city, but the rebirth of Xiao Xianle.

Xiao Xianle ushered in her first birthday today. This news was originally known only among Gu Fei, Xiao Yixian and others, but I don't know who leaked it out.

So, all the snake people of the snake people spontaneously celebrated Xiao Xianle's birthday.

Cai'er stood on the top of the holy city and looked down at the snake people below. With a sweet and satisfied smile on her face, she said in an excited tone: "Your prestige in the snake people is almost higher than mine."

Gu Fei smiled slightly, looking at the cheering snake people, thinking that it feels good to be worshipped by thousands of people.

"Daddy... what are you doing...!"

Suddenly, a childish voice sounded beside Gu Fei. It was Xiao Yixian holding Xiao Xianle.

The little guy finally learned to speak. Although he could only speak simple words, his childish voice was as lovable as an angel.

"Xiao Xianle, hold me!"

Gu Fei reached out and held Xiao Xianle in his arms, taking her to watch the jubilant snake people under him.

Xiao Xianle didn't understand what they were doing, but she also jumped along.

The New Holy City represents not only the rebirth of the Holy City, but also the rebirth of the entire snake people. They will move towards a stronger and more prosperous road here.

The carnival lasted for a long time before it gradually subsided. The snake people adapted to the new environment and gradually returned to a peaceful life.

One day, Zi Yan was playing with Xiao Xianle. Suddenly, she thought of something, jumped up suddenly, and ran directly towards Gu Fei.

Gu Fei was shocked to see Zi Yan rushing towards him like a meteor. If he had no defense, it would not be good to be hit by this girl.

"Brother Gu Fei, have you forgotten something?"

"What is it?" Gu Fei asked doubtfully.

"Didn't you say before that you would give me a great opportunity? I can't go back on my word when I'm in the Dan World!"

Zi Yan remembered Gu Fei's promise before she entered the Dan World.

Looking at Zi Yan with a serious face, Gu Fei knew what Zi Yan was thinking.

Although Zi Yan seemed to be laughing and joking on the surface every day, as if nothing had happened, she was actually hiding something in her heart.

She had already returned to Ancient Dragon Island and accepted the inheritance. She was very familiar with the current situation of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan. She was the only royal bloodline of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

In the future, Zi Yan must become the new Dragon King of the Ancient Dragon Clan.

No matter how much Zi Yan yearned for freedom.

She would unconsciously think about her own race in her heart.

She wanted to become stronger, to unify the Dragon Clan as soon as possible, to stop the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan from splitting up, and to let all the people on her Ancient Dragon Island live a peaceful and stable life.

Gu Fei did promise Zi Yan to give her an opportunity, but that opportunity still had many uncertainties.

"That opportunity has not yet appeared, and I don't know if I can find it..." Gu Fei pondered.

The opportunity he was talking about was the ancient ruins left by the ancient strongman, the Saint of Creation.

Ancient ruins, as the name suggests, are naturally those things that have been passed down from ancient times.

Ancient times are completely different from the present. In those countless years, there will naturally be many relics left. Some relics may be buried or disappeared over the years.

But some will see the light of day again by chance.

In fact, the seal of the former owner of the ruins has weakened after years of erosion, causing the sealed space to reveal the continent.

"You will definitely not find it if you wait here. Let's go and try, maybe it will appear!"

Seeing Gu Fei admit that the opportunity exists, Zi Yan was very happy, and immediately, she wanted to pull Gu Fei to find it.

Gu Fei nodded and agreed. His current strength may allow the ruins to appear in advance. If it really doesn't work, he will have to ask the elders of the clan to help.

Anyway, I know the approximate location of the ruins, so I'll find them first, and we'll talk about the rest later.

After making an agreement with Zi Yan, Gu Fei informed Xiao Yixian and Cai'er of the news.

"Zi Yan's chance?"

"If she gets the chance, Zi Yan will become even stronger."

Xiao Yixian smiled and touched Zi Yan's little head.

"Yes, I want to become super strong, as strong as Brother Gu Fei!" Zi Yan looked at Gu Fei proudly.

"Why not become stronger than Brother Gu Fei?" Qing Lin suddenly asked.

Zi Yan immediately turned around and looked at Qing Lin and said: "Brother Gu Fei is already extremely talented. It is very difficult to surpass him. I will be very satisfied if I am as strong as him."

Gu Fei looked at Zi Yan's back and knew that she was afraid that he would not take her to find the ruins, and deliberately tried to please him.

"Okay, settle the affairs of the snake people, and let's get ready to go."

After that, Cai Er went to explain some things about the tribe. After all, she was the queen of the tribe and could not be as free and easy as other people.

Not long after, Gu Fei and his party left the Monster Mountain Range, and the Lion King was still the mount.

This time back, the Lion King's child broke through to the fifth level. Before leaving, the Lion King asked it to protect the snake people and take care of each other with the snake people.

"Where are we going?" Zi Yan asked Gu Fei on the way.

"Go to your territory, Beast Domain!"

The Beast Domain is the territory of the Warcraft family. Although there are humans there, in general, those Warcraft formed by the family still have a strong xenophobic mentality.

The living environment of humans there is very difficult, and they walk on the edge of death every day.

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