Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 21 Love secretly arises! Xiao Yan has arrived!

The little medical fairy was lowering her eyelids and lowering her head to carefully pick the medicinal materials.

Her fine long hair fell on her side, her eyes were serious, and she looked particularly beautiful.

But such a simple girl...

Gu Fei closed his eyes. He knew that the little medical fairy had the constitution of Disaster Poison Body.

At present, the Little Medical Fairy does not know about this matter yet.

And the Seven-Colored Poison Sutra she had just obtained contained some descriptions of this physique.

When the little medical fairy is finished with this matter and reads the Seven-Colored Poison Sutra, he will know this.

The Poison Body of Misfortune has been feared by countless people throughout the ages, but also longed for by many who want to take evil paths.

Because these people hardly need to practice, they can quickly improve their cultivation just by swallowing poison.

However, poison is poison after all.

While your cultivation level increases rapidly, it will also damage your own body.

Moreover, this process of improving one's cultivation is also full of pain.

Moreover, the evil poison will erupt from time to time. When it breaks out, if a person cannot bear it and becomes a slave of the evil poison, he will lose his mind and go on a killing spree until he finally loses his life.

Therefore, many people who have indulged themselves in the poison bodies of disasters end up killing those close to them, and finally commit suicide in pain.

The evil poisonous body chose the Little Medical Fairy, and this was the fate of the Little Medical Fairy.

She has not yet broken the seal of the evil poison body, so of course she can treat it as nothing happened.

Pretend not to notice everything today, return to the ordinary but happy life in Qingshan Town, and live an ordinary life.

Of course, you can also break the seal with the desire for power and face the unknown other side.

Gu Fei will not interfere too much in her choice.

How to choose, whether to activate or not activate this constitution, is all decided by the little medical fairy.

Moreover, although the evil body is terrifying, it is not completely impossible to save.

At least, Gu Fei remembered that in the original work, Yao Lao had a method, and he even saved the life of the little medical fairy with this method.

He remembered that he used the Poison Pill method to eliminate the hidden dangers of the Poison Body.

The Enan Poison Body has no side effects, leaving only its positive power.

Gu Fei was leaning against the cave, thinking with his eyes down, and his eyes were empty, but he was awakened by the brisk voice of the little medical fairy.

"Sir, these medicinal materials have been collected and given to you!"

While Gu Fei was thinking about it, the little medical fairy came over happily holding a bunch of medicinal materials.

Her eyes were shining, and there were a few drops of sweat on her forehead from picking the medicine.

The purple hair was wet with sweat and stuck to the sides of the little medical fairy's neck and cheeks.

The girl's expression is as gentle as a hibiscus emerging from the water, and her beauty adds a bit of charm.

The corners of Gu Fei's lips curled up, and he took all the medicinal materials into the Najie without rejecting them again.

"Well, let's go back to the herb collection team. If we stay out for too long, I'm afraid someone might get suspicious."

The little medical fairy remembered that she and Gu Fei had been out for a long time, and Mu Li's group of wolf-head mercenaries had also disappeared for a long time.

If they don't show up, they will probably suspect her and Gu Fei, he said quickly.

Gu Fei nodded, and then walked behind the little medical fairy, with her leading the way, and the two of them left the cave one after the other.

They reached the platform at the bottom of the cliff. This time, Gu Fei still directly hugged the little medical fairy's waist and flew up.

He was very gentlemanly and held it weakly, but he was afraid that the little medical fairy would struggle and fall, so he used some skill.

[The little doctor fairy has a feeling of enjoyment, and the mood value is increased by 100]

The time to fly up was very short.

But the little medical fairy actually felt a sense of enjoyment, and Gu Fei glanced at her unconsciously.

The girl's face was flushed, the corners of her mouth were raised, and her whole body was very relaxed.

When she was placed on the ground by Gu Fei, she glanced at the hand with some reluctance before retracting her gaze.

After this incident, the little medical fairy had a deep affection for Gu Fei.

She didn't realize it herself, but the fact was that this good impression had slightly exceeded the boundaries of friends.

In fact, some feelings between men and women began to sprout.

When the two came up to the cliff, only Mu Li's cold body lay there.

Mu Li seems to be unwilling to die with his eyes closed, but he will have to be left in this dense forest in the future, with no chance to breathe, and may even be eaten by wild beasts soon.

Those members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group whose cultivation had been ruined by Gu Fei had already run away before Gu Fei and the Little Fairy Doctor descended to the bottom of the cliff.

They didn't dare to stay here at all, and they didn't even dare to return to the team.

The young regiment leader Mu Li died, and they did not dare to collect his body, so they could only let him stay there alone.

Because he failed to protect the young leader, he would be doomed if he returned to the mercenary group. The leader's torture methods were even more terrifying.

Therefore, the only thing they can do is to escape from the Warcraft Mountains at all costs and become ordinary people from now on.

Gu Fei didn't care about this, and he didn't bother to care.

As if nothing had happened, he returned to the herb collection team with the little medical fairy, looking extremely calm.

It was the first time that the little medical fairy did this kind of thing. Although her acting skills were a bit stiff, she deceived all the mercenaries.

Although some people noticed that many members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group were missing, they did not think about them.

On the Loess Avenue a hundred miles away from Qingshan Town, a young man in black was walking hard.

His face is still a little childish, but his eyes are very determined.

Looking closely, I saw that the young man in black was carrying an extremely huge black sword on his back.

However, this is not so much a giant sword as it is a thick iron ruler without a sharp edge.

The black giant sword also had no tip. At the end of the giant sword, it was as if something had cut it in the middle, revealing a smooth cross-section like a mirror.

The surface of the pitch black giant sword was also painted with a series of vague and strange lines. These lines spread all the way to the hilt, covering almost all parts of the sword body.

The strange lines, combined with the simple black color, look somewhat mysterious.

The length of the strange giant sword almost exceeded the boy's height.

It looked like this giant sword was going to crush the young man in the next second.

Such a strange combination made some people who occasionally passed by couldn't help but cast curious glances at him.

This person is Xiao Yan.

"Teacher, you said before that you want me to cross the Warcraft Mountains? I don't know what your intention is. Could it be that you want me to stand in a dangerous situation so that I can unleash my body's true potential?"

Xiao Yan stopped and seemed to be talking to himself, but the answer he expected did not come.

"It seems that the teacher hasn't woken up yet. I can only rely on myself for all this..."

After a long time, Xiao Yan sighed and continued to move forward.

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