Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 29 Xun'er: Why is Gu Fei here? Is he here for brother Xiao Yan?

"Lion King, will you follow me?"

Gu Fei's figure stood in the sky, his eyelashes lowered, his voice dispersed with the wind, and the fighting spirit exerted on him made the voice spread very far away.

The words with terrifying pressure resounded in this dangerous area full of magical beasts.

The low-level monsters that originally surrounded him with their fangs and claws spread out, but after feeling the powerful momentum emanating from Gu Fei, even if Gu Fei did not deliberately target them, they all retreated, trembling all over and did not dare to step forward again.

Every monster nearby had fear in its originally ferocious pupils.

[The second-level Warcraft Black Eagle produces a fearful emotion, and its emotional value increases by 0.01]

[The third-level Warcraft Ice Wolf produces a fearful emotion, and its emotional value increases by 0.05]

[The fourth-level Warcraft Black Bear generates fear, and its emotion value increases by 0.1]

"This kind of breath..."

Not far away, the Amethyst Winged Lion King also heard Gu Fei's words.

Although it has felt Gu Fei's powerful strength from the monstrous momentum.

But this is its territory!

It is impossible to make it retreat before fighting.

Soon, the huge body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King appeared in the sky.

It lowered its head and glanced at Yun Yun, who was standing under Gu Fei. A fierce light flashed in its eyes. Then, it aimed its gaze at Gu Fei again and said humanly: "You, a strong human being, also want to Are you here to steal my Purple Spirit Crystal?"

When he said this, the Lion King felt a little uneasy. If Gu Fei stood up for Yun Yun, then a bloody battle would be inevitable today.

[The Amethyst Winged Lion King feels anxious, and his mood value increases by 50]

"That's not the case, Purple Spirit Crystal is useless to me!" Sensing some of the Lion King's emotional changes, Gu Fei chuckled and shook his head.

Hearing this, the Lion King breathed a sigh of relief, but was choked by Gu Fei's next words.

"I came here because I think you are quite talented and qualified to be my mount!"

Gu Fei's face was calm, but he said words that made the Lion King's expression suddenly change.

[The Amethyst Winged Lion King is shocked and angry, and his emotional value is increased by 60]

"What? You actually want me to be your mount? What an arrogant human being!"

The lion king was furious at this moment.

As Warcraft, especially some high-level Warcraft, it is difficult to be tamed by humans. They are naturally arrogant and will never lower their heads to humans.

Even if humans are stronger than them, they will not give in even if they die.

For this reason, it is very rare to see living adult monsters on the market. Generally, monsters are killed, their bodies are dismembered, and their useful parts are taken out and sold.

Those who want to buy complete Warcraft, all they can buy are some Warcraft eggs or ignorant Warcraft cubs.

For example, the guardian monsters of a large family must be cultivated from an early age, so that they will not be rebellious and can be loyal to the family.

"Don't be surprised... When you become my mount, you will understand that this is the wisest decision you have made in your life."

Gu Fei ignored the Amethyst Winged Lion King's rage and smiled lightly.

Then, he closed his eyes and completely released his breath.

As soon as that powerful pressure was released, not only the surrounding low-level monsters fell to their knees and trembled, but even the Lion King felt unprecedented pressure and broke out in cold sweat.

Yun Yun didn't feel uncomfortable under Gu Fei's care, but she could also feel the terror of Gu Fei's strength.

[Yun Yun feels shocked, and her emotional value increases by 100]

[The Amethyst Winged Lion King produces shock and fear, and his emotional value increases by 60]

[The third-level monster, the Ground Breaker Bear, produces a fearful emotion, and its emotional value increases by 0.01]

Although Yun Yun did not feel the pressure, her face was solemn. This is a natural reaction of a weak person when facing a strong person.

Even the powerful Amethyst Winged Lion King couldn't help but take a step back.

Yun Yun's eyes unconsciously fell on Gu Fei's back: "Who is he?"

The aura on Gu Fei's body continued to spread outwards, and a steady stream of fighting spirit flourished.

At the same time, Ling Ying, who was some distance away from here in the Warcraft Mountains, also felt this terrifying aura fluctuation, and suddenly stopped, with a look of surprise on his face.

"This breath!"

"What's wrong?"

Ling Ying had protected her since childhood, but she had rarely seen Ling Ying's shocked expression.

After all, as her shadow, Ling Ying had to stay calm enough to be competent.

Ling Ying had a rare mood swing at this moment, Xun'er asked doubtfully.

There was also a vague uneasiness in her heart, but she deliberately ignored it.

Ling Ying was very sensitive to this aura. Although Xun'er also sensed the powerful fluctuations, she was not able to perceive it clearly due to her inferior strength compared to Ling Ying.

I could only vaguely notice that it was a very powerful aura.

"Miss, I'm feeling it carefully!"

Ling Ying couldn't believe it and felt it again.

But he found that it was still the same as what he had just guessed.

He paused for a second and looked at Xun'er, his expression a little solemn.

"It's Master Gu Fei's breath!"

Ling Ying paused for a moment before answering with great certainty.

There could be no mistake in his perception. Such a powerful and familiar aura could only be Master Gu Fei.

"Gu Fei?"

Hearing this, Xun'er was also stunned.

She was very confused as to why Gu Fei came here. What was there in a barren place like the Northwest Continent that was worth his experience?

The Northwest Continent is completely inferior to the Ancient World. Gu Fei left the Ancient World for training. It was impossible for him to abandon many rich lands and come to such a barren place.

Let me ask, who in the ancient world knows Qingshan Town, and who knows the Warcraft Mountains?

Is it really such a coincidence that we just met by chance?


"Could it be that Gu Fei is here for brother Xiao Yan?"

Xun'er had an incredible guess in her mind.

She was very worried about Xiao Yan's safety.

Because brother Xiao Yan could not be found during this period, Xun'er was very anxious.

After all, Xun'er is the one who knows Gu Fei's strength best, and he is the first genius of the ancient clan.

If Gu Fei really takes action against brother Xiao Yan, I am afraid that the mysterious strong man next to brother Xiao Yan will not be able to resist him.

Xun'er bit her lower lip nervously and looked at Ling Ying.

She was debating whether to go over there and check out the situation.

What if... that fluctuation is Gu Fei fighting brother Xiao Yan and the mysterious strong man, what should she do?

"Time is of the essence. Every second every night, brother Xiao Yan may be in more danger!"

Xun'er no longer hesitated.

"Let's go find Gu Fei."

Seeing this, Ling Ying simply took her and rushed to the place where the Dou Qi fluctuations came from.

At this moment, Xun'er was very eager to find Gu Fei.

However, the reason why she was so anxious to find her "ex-husband" was not because she missed him.

Instead, she was worried that her "ex-husband" would hurt her old lover.

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