Gu Fei was kind and charitable, but he was also modest and prudent. He fell in love with Xun to the core when he was a child.

Xun'er hurt him. Although Gu Fei would be hurt in his heart, it was impossible for him to kill Xiao Yan.

Some kind-hearted people from the ancient tribe went to persuade Xun'er.

"Miss Xun'er, did you make a mistake?"

"Yes, how could Brother Gu Fei want to harm others?"

Seeing that everyone around her was defending Gu Fei, Xun'er stamped her feet angrily, her eyes red.

"You don't believe me?"

"Gu Fei is clearly jealous of Xiao Yan and wants to destroy him!"

Xun'er was so angry that she spoke indiscriminately.

As soon as she said those words, she regretted them.

This is clearly not what Xun'er wanted to say.

[Xun'er feels regretful, and her mood value increases by 100]

But being upset is of no use. The words she said are like water thrown out. You can take them back if you want.

Xun'er's voice was not loud, but the fighting spirit attached to it was clearly heard by Gu Fei at the top of the mountain.

Facing Xun'er's questioning and unreasonable troubles, Gu Fei became a little angry no matter how good-tempered he was.

However, this also strengthened his idea of ​​divorce.

Today, Xun'er was able to question him on an unfounded charge.

Tomorrow, will she take Xiao Yan to his mountain top openly?

Gu Fei sneered and glanced down the mountain slowly.

He closed the window and ignored the furious Xun'er.

Gu Fei didn't even bother to explain anything.

If you want to impose a crime, why bother?

He has never done anything, and since Xun'er thinks he has done it, let her go.

Let Xun'er be the messy person.

Just a little too noisy.

Gu Fei helplessly held his forehead and set up formations around the house again.

The room finally fell into silence again.

The faint aroma of the elixir lingered in Gu Fei's nose. Gu Fei picked up a small elixir and put it in front of his eyes.

He immediately showed a faint smile.

Success again.

Here, Gu Fei is obsessed with refining elixirs, while on the other side, Gu Yuan has learned about the ridiculous things that happened at the foot of Gu Fei's mountain peak today.

Xun'er stood beside Gu Yuan with an unhappy face, her brows furrowed.

She was grounded by Gu Yuan again, and this time it was a formation set up by Gu Yuan himself, and she couldn't break it even if she spent three days and three nights.

"Just reflect on it, it was too noisy today!"

Xun'er glared at him and curled her lips.

"I will personally investigate this matter and give you and Gu Fei an explanation."

After he finished speaking, he left.

After a detailed search and investigation, Gu Yuan found something that made him frown unconsciously.

The result of his investigation was that Gu Fei had not talked to anyone else at all.

For nearly a month, Gu Fei was completely isolated from the outside world in his mountain peak.

He spent a whole month refining the elixir, during which time no one came near his house.

It is simply impossible for Gu Fei to arrange for someone to kill Xiao Yan!

This conclusion has been verified by many parties and is already a certainty.

Originally, the matter ended here, but Xun'er kept clamoring for an explanation, so Gu Fei had no choice but to investigate.

After following the clues, I found out a person who had nothing to do with this matter.

That person turned out to be an ancient demon!

Gu Yuan sent someone to invite the ancient demon to come to the main hall to talk.

Since Gu Yao dared to send his men to assassinate Xiao Yan, he was not afraid of being held accountable.

After all, he is just a trash, so who cares about his life and death?

After Gu Yuan asked Gu Yao seriously, Gu Yao did not hesitate and readily admitted the matter.

As expected but unreasonable, Gu Yuan did not punish him.

Who is the ancient demon, and who is Xiao Yan?

The Xiao family is a declining family. If Xun'er hadn't kept asking, he wouldn't have bothered to investigate.

Let me ask you, if an elephant tramples an ant to death, how can anyone care?

Even if the people sent by the ancient demon really succeeded and killed Xiao Yan.

Gu Yuan, the leader of a powerful clan in the hidden world who is responsible for everything, would not care about such a high-ranking figure.

What's more, the ancient demon told him that Xiao Yan was not dead.

His men reported to him that Xiao Yan was only seriously injured and missing. It seemed that he was rescued by a mysterious strong man.

Gu Yuan was a little surprised when he heard this.

According to his intelligence, Xiao Yan's current strength is still not something he can appreciate.

Moreover, there is no supreme power in the entire Xiao family, or even in the entire Wutan City.

Xiao Yan, who is that powerful person who is helping him behind the scenes?

But Gu Yuan quickly put this matter behind him, after all, he was very busy every day.

Where can I spend too much time and energy on such small things.

The previous behavior had already made an exception for Xun'er.

Thinking of his wayward daughter, Gu Yuan couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

Therefore, he did not notice the unwilling expression on the ancient demon's face.

Gu Yao thought that Xiao Yan was still the defenseless good-for-nothing, and he looked down upon even the strongest person in their family.

Therefore, the ancient demon entrusted the big, and the killers sent out were only low-level Douzong.

Although the low-level Douzong was inconspicuous among the ancient clans, when placed in the Xiao family, they were completely unable to fight back.

The ancient demon confidently waited for the good news from his subordinates.

What was waiting for him was the news that Xiao Yan was seriously injured and missing, and was suspected to have been rescued by a mysterious strong man.

He crushed the porcelain cup in his hand with a ferocious expression, hating Xiao Yan even more in his heart.

The subordinate said that Xiao Yan was completely unable to resist him at that time and was about to die before his eyes.

But in the next second, earth-shaking changes occurred.

Xiao Yan's aura surged, and the coercion that was inadvertently leaked actually made him a little frightened.

The subordinate just subconsciously retreated for a moment, and Xiao Yan disappeared.

He was afraid of the ancient demon's punishment, so he searched everywhere within ten miles.

But after digging three feet, that boy Xiao Yan was not found.

After hearing this, the ancient demon looked gloomy and his eyes were full of anger and hatred.

Xiao Yan, this loser, must be killed to vent his anger if he catches him again!

Because Xiao Yan was assassinated for no reason, Xun'er didn't believe her husband at all.

She had previously thought about repairing her relationship with Gu Fei.

At the moment, he doesn't look at any evidence at all and insists on hating Gu Fei.

If it weren't for Gu Fei, how could brother Xiao Yan be seriously injured and how could he be missing!

Xun'er's beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she looked dissatisfied at a room on the top of the mountain in the distance.

Gu Fei stayed in the house for several days, and after some verification, he confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Tihaidan.

He stylishly repaired the house that had become a mess due to Dan Lei.

Suddenly, he remembered that he was making elixirs to kill time, and then he remembered the speechless January divorce cooling-off period.

Now that more than a month has passed, it's time to look for Gu Yuan again.

Gu Fei didn't believe it. After what happened, Gu Yuan still dared to shamelessly suppress him with the majesty of the clan leader.

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