Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 92 Can’t handle it? Then I have no choice but to shake people! (Add an updated chapter, plea

However, since Gu Fei is here, he always has to give it a try.

Qiu Ling noticed Gu Fei's expression and shook his head slightly, not thinking highly of him.

There are countless powerful people in the entire Dan Pagoda, and even the president cannot refine three thousand flames.

Gu Fei's hope is probably very slim.

"Little friend Gu Fei, you can separate a ray of soul power and enter from here to see if you can influence the three thousand flames. Remember not to destroy the seal."

The next moment, Qiuling pointed at a special scale on the dragon and said.


Hearing this, Gu Fei suddenly felt cursed in his heart.

It’s no wonder that no one has refined the Three Thousand Flame Flames in the Dan Pagoda for so many years.

This thing has already been born with human-like wisdom, how can it be influenced?

There is no so-called true meaning of Buddhism in this world!

Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo has been imprisoned in the Star Territory for so many years and has never been able to get free. He has long hated humans to the core.

He kills whenever he gets the chance.

If you want to refine it, it is impossible to rely on that illusory "influence". You must directly wipe out the wisdom and consciousness it generates, turning it into a chaotic thing again, and then suppress the original fire that refines it. .


With this thought in his mind, Gu Fei followed his words and stepped forward for the time being. His eyes swept over the huge dragon with astonishing momentum and covered in flames, and then found the dragon scale that was as tall as others.

There was indeed no flame lingering on it.

Glancing at the dragon scales, Gu Fei discovered that these dragon scales were covered with black lines that looked like spider silk.

These black lines are entangled with each other to form extremely strange-looking runes, and these runes are tightly adhered to the dragon scales, like a huge black net, connecting the three thousand flames. All packages.

Because of these runes, Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo had to be bound here.

Gu Fei understood that this was a seal jointly arranged by the Danta giants. As long as the seal was there, the Three Gan Yanhuo could never leave the star field.

He moved forward again, sensing that the dragon scale exuded a faint aura of intimidation.

"Look how vicious this guy is!"

Gu Fei held out a tentative mentality, stretched out his palm, and without further hesitation, gently touched the special dragon scale.

When the palm touches it, there is surprisingly no heat at all, but a faint chill.

But Gu Fei had no time to wonder at this time. As soon as he closed his eyes, the soul power between his eyebrows carefully followed his arms and then along the dragon scales, slowly invading.


After Gu Fei's soul power invaded the dragon scale, a subtle deep voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, Gu Fei's soul seemed to have broken through a layer of something and appeared in a strange place of nothingness.

This place of nothingness was filled with purple-black flames, and in the center of the flames, Gu Fei raised his eyes and saw a miniature version of the giant dragon there.

Compared with the huge dragon in the star field, this little fire dragon looks a bit miniscule, but its aura is even more terrifying.

But at this moment, this little fire dragon is sitting there with its eyes closed, as if sleeping.

Seeing the little fire dragon with its eyes tightly closed, Gu Fei knew that this thing was the original fire of the Three Thousand Yanyan Fire.

Gu Fei knew that these three thousand Yan Yanhuo were not asleep. The moment he came in, it had already noticed him.

"Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo, I know you really want to get out of trouble. If you can surrender to me, I can take you out of this place!"

The soul power swept over the little fire dragon, and Gu Fei did not hide it and directly stated his intention.

The next moment, the little fire dragon who had been keeping his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

The dragon's eyes, filled with purple-black flames, glowed with cold color, staring at Gu Fei's soul.

[Three Thousand Flames generates mocking emotions, and the emotional value increases by 30]

"Human, do you think I will believe your lies?"

"What's the difference between surrendering to you and dying?"

The fire dragon suddenly spoke cold human language, and his voice was full of ridicule.

Even as powerful as it is, it has suffered a lot at the hands of humans.

After it was suppressed in the Star Territory, batches of humans came in and tried to refine it.

Since then, Sanqianyanyanhuo has clearly understood that everyone wants to get its original fire.

But those people had ugly faces, but they were talking nicely. They wanted to take it out and let it go was really ridiculous!

The prerequisite for refining the original fire is to wipe out its spiritual intelligence. In that case, only a body will be left. What is the difference between death and death?

Even if spiritual intelligence can be regenerated later, it has nothing to do with it.

"Looks like you're not stupid yet!"

Gu Fei was not surprised by the reaction of Three Thousand Yanyan Fire. This strange fire already had wisdom that was no different from that of human beings.

[Three Thousand Flames generates anger, and the emotional value increases by 30]

"Get out of here!"

Anger ignited in Sanqian Yanhuo's cold dragon eyes, and he shouted angrily.

Purple-black flames suddenly burst out of the fire dragon's body, and then swept toward Gu Fei's soul overwhelmingly.

If Gu Fei's body enters, he may be able to counter it. After all, the strange fire in his body is not a vegetarian.

But this is just a ray of soul power, and naturally it cannot withstand the attack of three thousand flaming fires.

The flame burned on the soul, and Gu Fei's figure was submerged in the purple-black blazing fire.

In the star field, Gu Fei, whose palm touched the dragon scale, opened his eyes suddenly, with a trace of anger on his face.

He moved away quickly enough to escape the flames.

Seeing this scene, Great Elder Qiu Ling immediately understood that Gu Fei had failed: "Little friend Gu Fei, these three thousand flames have been in the Dan Pagoda for countless years. Many people have tried to influence them. Failure is normal. It seems that you The fate with these three thousand flames is not enough!"

Hearing Qiu Ling's words, Gu Fei frowned.

"Elder Qiu Ling, Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo already possesses a spiritual intelligence that is no different from that of human beings. The talk of fate is just empty talk!"

Gu Fei was not afraid of offending anyone and directly refuted Qiu Ling's remarks.

If we really follow Danta's funny, fake benevolent approach and try to make people influence it, no one will ever be able to conquer those three thousand flames.

To deal with this kind of spiritual creature that is intelligent and hates human beings, we still need to use the most brutal methods.

"Then I wonder what Mr. Gu Fei has to say? Can you suppress it directly?"

[Hills produce unpleasant emotions, and the emotional value increases by 30]

Qiu Ling said with a straight face after hearing that Gu Fei denied the method that Danta had used for so many years.

There was obvious displeasure on his face, but Qiu Ling also knew that Gu Fei's identity was probably unusual, so he didn't go too far at the moment, and his words were tactful.

Qiu Ling believed that although Gu Fei was extremely talented, he was still too young and could not have the strength to forcibly suppress the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo.

"Direct suppression..."

After hearing this, Gu Fei was silent for a moment and did not reply to Qiu Ling.

At this time, Gu Fei had some considerations in mind. During this experience, he had never asked for help from the clan.

Since you can't beat him, why not find a helper?

"Although I can't suppress it, if the seniors in the clan come to help, it will be easy to suppress the three thousand flames!"

Gu Fei made a decision, and after he finished speaking, he crushed a space jade slip.

As the space jade slip shattered, an extremely powerful force of space suddenly surged out, immediately twisting a crack in the space next to it.

Just as the crack was forming, a white figure slowly emerged from the crack.

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