On the balcony on the second floor of the inn, Qing Lin and Lord Tianhuo, an old man and a young man, were sitting at the table.

The little girl earnestly asked Lord Tianhuo some questions about cultivation, while the Lion King stood guard at the entrance of the stairs like a bodyguard.

"Mr. Yao, according to what you said, if you had not encountered those flame lizard men back then, would it be possible that you would have become the legendary fighting saint warrior now?"

Listening to Lord Tianhuo telling about his past, Qinglin couldn't help but curiously asked.

"It might work!"

Upon hearing Qinglin's question, Lord Tianhuo hesitated for a moment, and then nodded confidently.

Back then, it was because of his good talent and rapid cultivation that he believed that everyone in the world could reach it, so he continued to go deep into the magma sea, and finally dared to take the risk and try to refine two strange fires.

"That's such a shame!"

Qinglin sighed subconsciously, feeling sorry for what happened to Lord Tianhuo.

"What's the pity? Maybe this is also an opportunity. Just look at it openly. At least, I am still alive and well..."

Lord Tianhuo smiled and shook his head.

He has existed for a long time.

His friends and relatives back then are no longer here, so he has no other worries about following Gu Fei and his party.

At a certain moment, not far from the two of them, the Lion King who was sitting next to the stairs suddenly stood up.

"Hey, Lion King, Qinglin, and old man Yao, long time no see!"

A very childish voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Lord Tianhuo and Qinglin subconsciously looked over there.

In the sight of Lion King and Qinglin, a little girl in purple was sitting on the handrail of the stairs, reaching out to say hello to them.

Seeing the astonishment on the faces of the three Lion Kings, she chuckled and made faces at them. Her charming look was very cute.

"Sister Ziyan, I miss you so much..."

After the shock, Qing Lin's face showed excitement and he ran over happily.

This title would be surprising to others, after all, Qing Lin is half a head taller than Zi Yan.

"This little guy is here, and the days to come will be lively again!" Lord Tianhuo stroked his beard and said with a smile.

At the same time, Gu Fei and the Little Medical Fairy also walked out of the room and looked over.

Gu Fei looked at Zi Yan. Her pink and jade-like appearance was as cute as before.

"Why don't you just stay within the clan?"

Gu Fei stepped forward and touched Zi Yan's head, then asked with a smile.

"I escaped. Hehe, I heard Brother Gu Fei say that he would come to Shengdan City before, so I ran here. I thought it would be troublesome to find him, but I didn't expect that after just asking, I found out that you live here. Already..."

Zi Yan smiled like a little fox, his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"I'm so pitiful. After I go back, there will be no more delicious pills!"

"And every day I have to be fed some unpalatable and disgusting things by those hateful guys..."

Next, Ziyan grabbed Gu Fei's sleeve and complained, and his big watery eyes immediately became watery.

Her life during this period was too miserable in her own opinion.

She felt that life was a hell compared to what she had been with Gu Fei before.

Therefore, as soon as she had the chance, she quickly found an opportunity to sneak out of Gulong Island.

"Sister Zi Yan, you are so miserable. It seems that your tribe doesn't treat you well either..."

Qing Lin defended Zi Yan.

"Yeah, they're so bad!"

Zi Yan nodded fiercely.

It seemed that she deeply resented the way her tribe treated her.

However, if her tribe members were to find out, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

Gu Fei shook his head helplessly. He understood Zi Yan's temperament, and everything in his mouth would be magnified many times.

Therefore, what she said has no credibility. What the ancient dragon tribe fed her should be some powerful elixir. At least, this girl is quite lively now.

"Zi Yan, what are your plans next?" the little medical fairy asked.

"Hehe... Of course I will follow you, Little Medical Fairy Sister, next!"

Hearing this, Zi Yan couldn't help but grin, and then spoke very seriously.

"Hey, Sister Little Medical Fairy, when did you break through to Dou Wang?"

Suddenly, Zi Yan seemed to have discovered something incredible, and her face was full of surprise.

"I just broke through!"

"This is too fast... I understand. It must have been during this period that Brother Gu Fei gave Sister Medical Fairy a lot of tonics?"

Zi Yan's eyes turned to Gu Fei, she stretched out her hands and said eagerly: "Brother Gu Fei, I want it too!"


Hearing this, Gu Fei shook his head and slapped Zi Yan's outstretched hands away.

"You haven't taken enough of the elixir. You take it every day and it doesn't seem to be digested. Be careful if it suddenly breaks out one day and you'll feel uncomfortable then!"

Zi Yan looked a little aggrieved by Gu Fei's lecture and pouted her little mouth.

"Sister Zi Yan, don't be unhappy. I have some pills here. Do you want to take them?"

Seeing Zi Yan like this, Qing Lin came over, pulled Zi Yan's little hand, and stuffed a handful of pills into her palm.

"Oh... Qinglin, you are still good to me!"

The aggrieved expression on Zi Yan's face disappeared instantly. She smiled and praised Qing Lin, then stuffed a pill into her mouth and started chewing it.

Most of these elixirs are of the fourth grade and are used to assist in cultivation. The elixirs are so powerful that Qing Lin can only take one every five days.

But Zi Yan was eating jelly beans one after another.

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei and the little medical fairy looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Sister Ziyan, eat slowly!"

Qing Lin looked on in shock.

Fortunately, Zi Yan's physique is extraordinary. If ordinary people were to do this, they would probably burst their stomachs.

In the next few days, with the arrival of Zi Yan, Gu Fei's small group became much more lively than before.

One day, Zi Yan came to Gu Fei's room again and asked Gu Fei to give her pills.

"Zi Yan, if you want to take more pills, I will give you a task!"

Gu Fei made a request.

"What mission?"

Hearing this, Zi Yan felt guilty.

"Don't be afraid, this matter is not difficult for you!" Gu Fei put his hand on Zi Yan's thin shoulder and said with a smile: "There is a dilapidated space in Danta that has not been maintained for a long time. I need you to take me there. in……"

"Are you just entering a ruined space? This is simple, I'll take care of it!"

Hearing this, Zi Yan immediately patted her chest, acting very confident.

She had done this kind of thing before.

In the past, the medicinal material warehouses in the inner courtyard had space seals, but she often sneaked in and ate them without anyone noticing.

Those space seals were useless to her.

The Dan Realm is a space created by a strong fighting saint from the Dan Pagoda a long time ago.

But later, due to some reasons, the alchemy world gradually fell into ruin. However, the alchemy world is definitely a treasure land that countless alchemists dream of. It contains countless heavenly and earthly treasures and many rare medicinal materials that are difficult to find in the outside world.

Of course, with the resources Gu Fei has at his disposal, he does not lack those precious medicinal materials.

What he was interested in was the Earth-center Jade Mother in the Dan Realm. To be precise, it was the Earth-center Soul Marrow bred in the Earth-center Jade Mother.

————[Please note that this book is more of a daily series and will not be like the average Dou Po fan who can write several chapters about refining the strange fire]

[Unless necessary, the plot is generally covered in a few strokes. After all, most of the process of writing that kind of writing involves picking out words from the original work...]

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