Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 99 Soul forging, middle stage of spiritual realm!

"Will someone honor me?" Zi Yan's forehead was full of question marks. "You'll know when you get there!" Gu Fei didn't explain too much. After he put away the Earth's Soul Essence, he took Zi Yan to the huge mountain in the distance. The effect of the Earth's Soul Essence will be better after being used with other medicinal materials. Gu Fei still lacked a few medicinal materials for mixing the Earth's Soul Essence, and those medicinal materials could be found in the treasure house of the monsters of the mountain overlord. Soon, the outline of the huge mountain appeared in front of the two people's sight. The Wanyao Mountain Range was like a giant dragon winding around. The air in the mountains was filled with thick fog. These fogs were not natural fogs, but condensed by rich energy. In the depths of this mountain range, there were continuous and undulating beast roars, and the roars were filled with a violent aura. With Gu Fei's speed, even if the monsters found them, they could not catch up. In this way, they went all the way north. Finally, they came to the top of the highest and most majestic mountain in the Wanyao Mountains.

"Dare to trespass into my Xiong Zhan's territory, I want to see who is so bold?"

Just as the two arrived at the top of the mountain, a violent voice suddenly sounded from the sky.

Immediately, a sturdy figure stepped out of the twisted space and stood in front of Gu Fei and the others like an iron tower.

When this sturdy figure appeared, a vast, steady, and heavy breath suddenly burst out from his body.

This burly man is the overlord of the Wanyao Mountains, the eighth-level magic beast, Xiong Zhan.

His body is a dragon bear.

Dragon bear, this kind of fierce magic beast, is rarely seen nowadays, because it is also an ancient beast, and there is some dragon blood hidden in its body, and its strength is extraordinary.

"Big guy, what are you yelling about?"

Seeing this burly man, Zi Yan changed her usual behavior, because she was afraid of some seventh-level high-level magic beasts before, but now, facing this eighth-level magic beast, she seems to take it lightly.

As she spoke, a brilliant purple light flashed across Zi Yan's watery eyes.

That purple light was different from the past, and it looked like a dragon.

"This is... the real dragon bloodline!"

Xiong Zhan's strong and broad body trembled when he saw the dragon-shaped purple light.

A kind of pressure from the bloodline made him almost have the urge to boil his blood.

"Little aunt, Xiong Zhan just offended me!" The originally majestic Xiong Zhan now had a flattering face and kept trying to please.

At this moment, Zi Yan finally understood the meaning of Gu Fei's words before.

"Big guy, what delicious food do you have here? Take it all out!"

Zi Yan said straight to the point.

At this moment, Zi Yan was very proud. This was one of her few highlights.

"Little aunt, I'll go catch two seventh-level monsters for you to make up for it!"

Hearing this, Xiong Zhan nodded repeatedly.

"I don't eat meat, I want to eat spiritual medicine!"

Zi Yan quickly stopped Xiong Zhan.

"Spiritual medicine, OK, I have plenty here!" Xiong Zhan smiled and took Gu Fei and Zi Yan to the huge stone hall on the top of the mountain. At the door of the stone hall, there were two fierce beasts lying on the ground.

"Go play on the side."

Zi Yan took the lead and waved her little hand casually. The two seemingly fierce high-level beasts whimpered and retreated far away with their tails between their legs.

On Zi Yan, they felt a sense of oppression from their blood, which made them have no resistance at all.

And this performance also made Zi Yan's face more proud. She was finally able to show off in front of Gu Fei this time.

She looked back at Gu Fei and blinked, as if to say: "Look, I'm awesome, I scared them away with just one sentence!"

Gu Fei also gave her a thumbs up in response.

Next, the two followed Xiong Zhan and walked quickly into the stone hall, passed through several corridors in the stone hall, and then arrived at the spacious square in the hall.

As soon as Gu Fei stepped into the square, a strong and almost sticky medicinal fragrance rushed towards him. There were densely packed medicinal materials on the square.

These things are extremely rare in the outside world.

However, here, they are placed here casually like cabbages.

"Wow, there are too many!"

Seeing this scene, Zi Yan drooled instantly. She wanted to jump into the square and take a few bites immediately.

"Zi Yan, don't worry, wait until I find what I need, you can make it later!"

Gu Fei hurriedly grabbed Zi Yan.

It would be bad if the little greedy ghost ate the medicinal materials he needed.


Zi Yan suppressed the impulse. She was still counting on Gu Fei to help her refine pills later.

After all, these medicinal materials, if they were really eaten raw, they didn't taste very good.

"Do you mind if I take some herbs?" Gu Fei turned around, glanced at Xiong Zhan, and asked with a smile. "No, please feel free, little brother!" Xiong Zhan had already felt Gu Fei's Dou Zun cultivation, and Zi Yan was completely obedient to Gu Fei, so Xiong Zhan was also very polite to Gu Fei. "Thank you!" Gu Fei smiled, and then entered the square to look for the herbs he needed. What he needed most was a herb called Tianma Feishi Jing. This thing was the key thing Gu Fei used to reconcile the earth's soul essence.

Although there were many medicinal materials in the square and they were very mixed, with Gu Fei's ability, he was able to quickly find a piece of gastrodia jadeite essence.

"I've chosen it!"

Gu Fei waved towards Zi Yan.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zi Yan rushed to the square, picked up a golden fruit and gnawed it wildly.

The hard golden fruit was difficult to cut open with ordinary swords, but Zi Yan's row of teeth easily bit it open.

"You eat first, I'll go do some errands!"

Gu Fei asked Xiong Zhan for a stone room and began to try to reconcile the soul essence of the earth's core.

Now that the materials have been gathered, refining them is not a difficult task, especially for Gu Fei, who has been promoted to the eighth-level alchemist.

In just an hour, three bottles of well-mixed Earth Core Soul Essence were placed in front of Gu Fei.

Gu Fei's efficiency is undoubtedly much higher than that of Brother Lucky in the original work, and basically nothing of the core of the earth's soul is wasted.

"I don't know how much your soul power can be enhanced by drinking it!"

Gu Fei did not hesitate, directly picked up one of the jade bottles and poured it into his mouth.

At the moment when the earth's core soul marrow was poured into his body, Gu Fei's head suddenly buzzed. The soul power between his eyebrows suddenly expanded as if he had eaten a catalytic substance. The expansion was so rapid that Gu Fei was stunned. There is a feeling of swelling and pain in the center of the eyebrow.

A terrifyingly powerful strange energy is rapidly entering the soul.

At the same time, the strength of Gu Fei's soul seemed to have begun to increase suddenly, as if he had taken some powerful tonic!

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