Double Comparison: Poseidon Sasuke, Zen Ninja World Numb

Chapter 357 Planetary Civilization Investigation, Kim Sasuke And Tsunade’S Daughter?

[An ethereal voice sounded in the silent command room. 】

[The words of the girl in black robe are a completely unfamiliar language to everyone present. 】

[It’s different from any language any of them have ever known or heard!]


[As for the content of what the other party just said, everyone here understood it without any hindrance! 】

["She...she was talking directly into my head just now?"]

[Some people’s expressions were completely blank. 】

[The scene that is happening now is completely beyond his understanding! 】

【How is this possible?!】

[A person suddenly appeared, flew in the sky, and then tore apart the mountain above the base!]

[Then so many shells were fired, but they had no effect at all. 】

[But this guy didn’t know how, he entered the base directly and sat down next to them quietly! 】

[Now it directly transcends language and conveys the words directly into their brains?!]


[The girl in black robe tilted her head slightly: "You guys, no one is going to answer my question? This... doesn't seem to be the way to treat guests."]


[Everyone present who had froze because their world view had been refreshed heard this, their bodies all trembled, and they stepped back uncontrollably!]

[There are also some people, with their Adam's apple twitching and trembling hands, taking out their guns, trying to embolden themselves. 】

【"It's really dishonest."】

[The girl in black robe sighed softly and raised her hand slightly. The guns carried by everyone here were drawn by an invisible force and were attracted towards the girl in black robe. 1

["Well... let me summarize it myself first."]

[The girl in black robe lowered her head and recorded while saying: "Judging from the weapons you just attacked me with, your current use of weapons [should be still in the chemical explosives stage]."]

["Judging from the base where you are located, your metal smelting and industrial production capabilities are relatively least they used to be at a relatively high level. 1

["And the electronic equipment inside your base 047..."]

[One item after another. 】

[The girl in black robe is thinking to herself and writing it down in her hand. 】

[And the words she said were directly transmitted to the minds of everyone here. 】

[In the empty command room, needles could be heard for a moment. 】

[The bodies of a group of people were trembling slightly, and they looked at each other to indicate. 】

[I don’t know what to do at all. 】

【Who is this person?!】

【Is it a fairy?!】


[What kind of magical existence suddenly came to them?!]

【for a long time. 】

[The leader of this base, after brainstorming for a while, reluctantly mustered up the courage, took half a step forward, and said:]

["Excuse me...Who are you? Why did you come to us?"]

[Judging from the current situation, resistance is probably hopeless. 】

[The existence of the other party is completely beyond their knowledge! 】

[I can only try to see if I can communicate. 】

[Maybe, maybe the other party actually has no ill intentions towards them! 】

【......I hope so. 】

["Didn't I just say that? I need you to answer some questions for me."]

[The black-robed girl raised her head slightly and said: "As for what to do after depends on the situation."]

[She doesn’t need to make decisions about those things. 】

[She only needs to observe and record the planets where civilization can be born while traveling in the starry sky, and then report back. 】

in the chat room.

Orochimaru: "He really went to other planets... Looking for other planets in the universe where civilization may be born. This approach is no different from the Ōtsutsuki clan, right?"

Jiraiya: "It's a bit exaggerated... Isn't the ninja world completely unable to satisfy Kim Sasuke?"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "If you want to gain stronger strength and advance to a higher realm, you must do this. Although Jin Sasuke intends to transform the sacred tree so that the sacred tree can absorb the energy of the star, at the same time he will go into the universe There is no conflict between these two things while exploring other planets.”

Uchiha Madara: "I can't stand it, the difference between the two sides is too big, isn't it? Naruto and Sasuke in the future world can't even unify the ninja world!"

Terumi Mei: "In Kirigakure in the future world, there are naturally people who steal ninja swords and try to form a new seven ninja swordsmen to stage a coup...

Qing: "It seems that although the technology of Kirigakure in the future world has made great progress, the progress is still limited after all."

It is also necessary to fight for the position of Mizukage through the competition of seven ninja swords.

Basically, the situation inside Kirigakure is not much different from the past.

And compared to another world......

That place is already beyond the scope of the ninja world, there is no comparison at all!

Senju Hashirama: "By the way, who is that little girl? Could she be Xiaozuna's daughter? I remember her name is Techiha Yukihime..."

Tsunade: "...Huh?!"

The little girl on the screen now is wearing a black robe and a bamboo hat.

Will it be my daughter from another world?

Senju Tobirama: "From the perspective of ability, it is possible. The abilities that little girl showed before are all Rinnegan can achieve."

Uchiha Madara: "Not necessarily, right? For Kim Sasuke, it shouldn't be too difficult to awaken the Rinnegan in the future, right? Maybe for other people too."

Even he has to admit that Sasuke's two Mangekyō pupil techniques are too ridiculous!

Using those two pupil techniques, awakening Rinnegan is not difficult at all!

Nara Shikaku: "That girl in black robe, she directly transmits what she said into other people's minds. This should be the method of the Yamanaka clan, right?"

Yamanaka Haiichi: "It is indeed very similar...but the secret technique of our Yamanaka clan is not limited to blood inheritance. Even outsiders with certain talents can learn it.

Namikaze Minato: "And her method of breaking into the base directly from the outside... It must be some kind of time and space ability, right? It may be some kind of time and space pupil technique."

On the gold-framed screen, continue playing.

["Which of the energy sources that could have been used on your planet had the most complex form and principle?"]

[The girl in black robe raised her head, her dark eyes looking at the opposite side through the curtain of the bamboo hat. 】


[The leader of the base trembled in his heart. 】

【Your planet!】

【This kind of expression.........This, this is really an alien?!】

【Are there really aliens in the universe?!】

【Aliens actually arrived?!】

["It''s chemical energy"]

[The base leader’s brain trembled, and he barely replied calmly: “Higher forms of nuclear energy have never been able to be used stably...]


[The girl in black robe nodded and recorded in her hand: "How big is the gap between the intelligent life on your planet in terms of strength and lifespan? Are there any gaps that cannot be broken through in terms of strength and lifespan?" What is the limit of chdj? If there is one, at what level is the limit?"]

【"No, there is not much difference..."

[The leader raised his hand and wiped his sweat. 】

[However, at this time, his mood calmed down a lot. 】

[This mysterious visitor... It seems that, at least for now, he just wants to know about the situation on their planet, right? 】

[I just need to answer the other person’s questions. 】

[As for anything else...he couldn't do anything else. 】

【then. 】

[The girl in black robe and the leader of this base were asking and answering each other, and the atmosphere was relatively harmonious for a while. 】

[As the base leader answered the question, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. 】

[This kind of questioning gave him a strange sense of vision. 】

[It’s just like the questions asked by students when they went to some town or town to do social surveys in the peaceful times...]

[...Could it be that from the perspective of aliens, investigating the civilization status of a planet and going to towns and villages to investigate specific issues with students are actually the same thing?]

【No way..………】

【soon. 】

[The questioning from both sides ends. 】

["Yes, your attitude is pretty good."]

[The girl in black robe smiled and nodded: "Please help me fill in these questionnaires carefully. In this case, your previous attacks on me will be wiped out."]

[As she spoke, the black-robed girl turned her palm slightly, and a stack of papers appeared out of thin air in her hand. 】


[The leader of the base is a little confused. 】

[Why the more I read it, the more it feels like a student’s social survey]

["I have passed the content of the above question directly into your minds."]

[The girl in black robe blinked slightly and used secret techniques to connect the brains of everyone present: "When you answer, just use your own language."]

["Besides, prepare an electronic document about all the technological content on your planet. I want to take it away."]

[A stack of papers floated out of thin air, separated by invisible forces, and distributed to everyone present. 】

【"Oh, right!"】

[The girl in black robe added: "We also need to prepare information about all the literature, film and television, and artistic works on this planet that you can collect here... This is very important."]

【soon. 】

[The group of people present started to act with confused expressions. 】

[Or fill out the questionnaire in confusion. 】

[Or prepare relevant electronic materials. 】

【Everyone has a wonderful sense of absurdity in their hearts. 】

[This mysterious visitor who is suspected of being an alien... came to them just to learn about the civilization of their planet? 】

【Aren’t you going to do something else? 】

[If I do it...I don't know if it will be good or bad for them. 】


[In the command room, the girl in black robe waiting leisurely frowned slightly. 】


[The eyes that were originally as dark as ink, golden light appears! 】


[The base leader’s heart is beating wildly again. 】

[Glasses...the eyes turned golden?!]

【What's going on?】

[It feels like this alien’s aura has become much stronger all of a sudden...]

【Should we do something to them here?】

in the chat room.

Senju Hashirama: "Rinnegan?! And it's golden! Tsuna, is this really your daughter?"

Tsunade: "How do I know this...?"

Even if it is true, it is her and Kim Sasuke's daughter in another world.

How could she recognize it...

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "Judging from the color, it is indeed very possible. The little girl named Uchiha Reihime must have a very good talent..."

Orochimaru: "By the way, why did she suddenly activate the Rinnegan? In my opinion, on the planet she went to, there shouldn't be much difference in power between people. There is no extraordinary ability like Chakra.

Uchiha Madara: "Is there any enemy on such a planet that should only have mortals that needs to activate the Rinnegan to deal with it? Could it be the Ōtsutsuki clan?!"

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo: "No way...the universe is so big, how could we encounter the Ōtsutsuki clan by chance?"

Senju Tobirama: "If that little girl is really Xiaozuna's daughter, then calculating her age, it should be about the same time... In our future, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and the others are in the fourth He came to the ninja world about fifteen years after the war ended.

Namikaze Minato: "So, is it true that the Ōtsutsuki clan has also arrived on that planet?!"

Tsunade: "?! Can...that child be able to handle it?"

Orochimaru: "I think you can rest assured. If that little girl is really the daughter of Tsunade and Jin Sasuke over there, since Jin Sasuke can let her wander in the starry sky alone, she should at least have enough power in front of Ōtsutsuki The ability to protect oneself.”

【"What's wrong?"】

[The leader of the base felt a little guilty: "Did we do something wrong?"]

【......No, no. ”]

[The girl in black robe held up the bamboo hat on her head and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "It seems that other guests have come to this planet... Well, in return for your passable performance just now, I Let me help you deal with these impolite guests. 1.

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