Double Comparison: Poseidon Sasuke, Zen Ninja World Numb

Chapter 363 Hanabi: I Will Have Children In The Future? !

【"Hmm...that's great!"】

[A little girl with eyes as fair and bright as the silver moon kept stuffing various desserts into her mouth while praising without hesitation: "Sister Lingji is indeed the best in the world!"]

["Eat slowly, I have a lot more here."]

[Reihime feeds the Uchiha cub in front of her very diligently. 】

[I am still muttering slowly in my heart. 】

[If you take Xia Ye with you when you go to see your dad]

[With her father’s doting on Xia Ye, in front of Xia Ye, she should also give her a lighter punishment, right?]

【Moreover. 】

【I am the eldest sister after all!】

[In front of his younger sister, dad should always save some face for his eldest sister, right? 】

【Well, that makes sense!】

【We must abduct Xia Ye!】

[I traveled on my own and brought back food specialties and all kinds of interesting things from various civilized planets in the universe. These can just be used to bribe Maya! 】

[….......Ahem, Xia Ye, do you want to listen to your sister telling a story?”]

[Ling Ji said with a smile: "Sister, I have been out for two months this time, and I have discovered many interesting planets with different types of civilizations in the universe."]


[The little girl named Uchiha Natsuye blinked with her white eyes: "I want to hear it!"]


[Xue Ji couldn’t help laughing. 】


[For Xia Ye, who is only seven years old and is not yet allowed to leave the Kingdom of God by her father, the stories that take place in the starry sky are definitely what interests her the most! 1

【And in this regard, I know nothing better than myself!】

[Among all the younger siblings in the family, her experience of exploring and traveling deep into the universe has been the longest and the most profound!]

[Every time she comes back from the universe, there will always be many younger brothers and sisters pestering her to hear stories. 】

["Well, where should I start?"]

[Ling Ji tapped her forehead, collected her thoughts and began to say: "The Centauri star field is right next to our solar system. When I passed by there this time, I discovered some very interesting things... .”]

【immediately. 】

[Ling Ji began to slowly tell the interesting things about her trip to the stars. 】

[In her past travels, she discovered a very backward intelligent biological civilization in the Centauri star field. 】

[The ecosystem on that planet is relatively poor, and the concentration of natural energy is not high. 】

[And the "human beings" on that planet have neither mastered the use of extraordinary energy such as Chakra or natural energy, nor have they begun to enter the technological and industrial age. 】

[The entire civilization is still in the backward and superstitious ancient times. 】

[And when Lingji landed on that planet, she did not hide her movements, but directly landed on the planet in a grand manner in front of the people on that planet. 】

【after. 】

[After experiencing a wave of Riddler-like appearances in front of people, Ling Ji flew into the sky in front of a large number of gathered natives of the planet, and soared into the sky during the day! 1

[After speaking, Lingji naturally reported the existence of this living planet. 】

[A civilized planet that exists near the solar system. Logically speaking, after reporting it, my father should send people to intervene and transform that planet. 】

【but. 】

[I don’t know why, but my father didn’t seem to do anything to that planet. 】


[When Lingji passed by the planet this time, out of curiosity, she went over to take a look. 】

[The planet is still the same as before, and it still maintains its original civilization. 】

[Father, he did not interfere with the indigenous civilization on that planet. 】

[Although Reiji didn’t understand this, she didn’t pay much attention to it. 】

[I think my father must have had his own intentions. 】

【only. 】

[When she went there this time, she found that the natives there had built many temples to worship her on that planet. 】

[There is also a statue of her worshiped inside!]

[Although the statue is wearing a veil, its face cannot be seen clearly. 】

[But Reiji is very sure that it is the costume she made when she came to that planet! 】


[Xia Ye opened her mouth and forgot to put the cake in her hand into her mouth: "Sister, your statue...are they worshiping you as a god?"]

【"Indeed it is."】

[Ling Ji nodded: "There are still many people going to the temple enshrining my statue to pray! So...hehe, this time I am different from last time. I did not land on the planet in public. Instead, he sneaked in quietly."]

["Then, I went to many temples where my statues were enshrined, and randomly helped to fulfill the wishes of some people who prayed and clarified the truth!"]

【It’s so much fun to play like this!】

[Those who made wishes found that their wishes suddenly came true not long after they finished praying to their statues!]

[Everyone almost transformed into his own fanatic believer on the spot! 】

【besides. 】

[Ling Ji also specifically gave varying degrees of punishment to those who made excessive wishes. 】

[For example, being caught in the rain, breaking a leg on the road, having nightmares, being struck by lightning, or having the house collapsed by an earthquake!]

["Ah this..." 1

[Xia Ye was dumbfounded. 】

[Sister Reiji is so good at playing...]

["But, sister, if you do this..."]

[Xia Ye thought for a while and said: "In the future, won't there be more and more people on that planet who will worship your statue, sister?"]

【Make a positive wish and it may come true. 】

[Those who make excessive wishes will be punished accordingly!]

【This god is so smart!】

[If this kind of deed spreads on the planet, the number of people who believe in my sister as a "god" will definitely skyrocket! 】

["Hmm, then I don't know."]

[Ling Ji waved her hand: "However, it should be like this... Although I don't know what impact it will have on that civilization, I feel that it is very interesting to play like this!"]

【"It's really interesting!"】

[Xia Ye couldn't help but nod, and said with an envious look on her face: "Sister, if you go out to play again next time, you must go there to see it again!"]

[Perhaps, by then, Sister Lingji will have become the god that everyone in that civilization believes in!]

【So funny!】


[Lingji suddenly looked a little embarrassed. 】

【next time......】

[I don’t know when I can travel next time...]

[I don’t know how long my father will keep him at home and educate him before he lets himself go out again...]

["Ahem, don't talk about me anymore."]

[Ling Ji straightened her face and changed the subject: "By the way, Xia Ye, you are seven years old this year. You should be able to travel within the territory of the Kingdom of God, right?"]


[Xia Ye pursed her lips, and the little girl's face suddenly became a little depressed: "My mother doesn't take me out. She is with Aunt Xiaoguang every day, and she doesn't take mine with her!"]

["Eh? Aunt Hanabi is so outrageous!"]

[Reiji looks very sympathetic. 】


[Xia Ye sighed softly: "I can't help it. Who told my mother to have a good relationship with them."]

[I heard from my father that my mother and Aunt Xiaoguang have grown up together since they were twelve years old. 】

【only. 】

[Then you can’t just take care of your best friend and forget about your daughter!]

【So angry!】

in the chat room.

Hyuga Hiashi: "???I'm riding a horse?! That Uchiha summer night, she is really Hanabi's daughter?!"

He was suspicious from the beginning!

Although the little girl has a white eye.

But in terms of appearance, she is a little different from Hinata, but more similar to Hanabi!

Kurenai Yuhi: "I thought she was Hinata's daughter, but it turned out to be Hanabi's daughter..."

Hyūga Hinata: "Ugh..."

Hyuga Hanabi: "It does look a bit like me... Is she my daughter from another world? It feels so strange..."

I am only seven years old now......

And my self in another world actually already has a seven-year-old daughter!

Hyuga Neji: "If you calculate your age, in that world's Konoha calendar year 80, Hanabi should have been 27 years old by that time, right? It's normal to have a seven-year-old daughter like this.

…Please give me flowers…

Hyuga Hiashi: "I'm so angry! This guy Kim Sasuke, he really attacked Hanabi!"

My two daughters really fell into the hands of the same person!

He even has children!

On the gold-framed screen, continue playing.

["Sister Lingji, can you take me out to play?"]

[Xia Ye, with bright eyes, asked Ling Ji: "You don't need to go too far in the universe, just take me to see other planets in the Kingdom of God!"]

【"Eh? Is this..."】

[Lingji scratched her forehead: "This may not be convenient for me..."]

[Traveling on various planets within the Kingdom of God, she had already experienced this several years ago. 】

[Now she has little interest in taking her sister for another walk. 】

[If it means taking Xia Ye to leave the Kingdom of God and travel in the universe, she can barely accept it. 】


[If she dares to do this, she will probably be punished to death by her father...

[Take Xia Ye, who is only seven years old and has no ability to protect herself, to travel in the universe. No matter how much she loves to play, she can't be so neurotic! 】

【"No way?"】

[Xia Ye stared at Ling Ji with big eyes for a while. Seeing that her eldest sister was still unmoved, Xia Ye sighed softly and said helplessly: "In this case, sister, if you want to ask me for anything, I may not be able to help you."]




[Ling Ji’s face suddenly stiffened. 】

["I guess sister, you must have just returned home not long ago? Then you came to me in such a hurry. You must have made a mistake again?"]

[Xia Ye continued: "Then you brought me these alien snacks and specialties, told stories, and brought all kinds of interesting things, all in an attempt to bribe me and let me help you say good things in front of your father. Right?"】


[Ling Ji’s face is expressionless. 】

[This little girl Xia Ye is indeed Aunt Hanabi’s daughter. 】

[You are only seven years old, but you are so smart and weird!]

["Hey, sister, if you want to bribe me, these may not be enough."]

[Xia Ye said with a smile


【......You stinky girl!"】

[Ling Ji rubbed Xia Ye’s hair with some annoyance: “Sister, my love for you is really in vain!”]

["Ugh...I, I don't have high demands!"]

[Xia Ye held her head in both hands and made a gesture of surrender: "Sister, tell me all the interesting stories you have during your travels in the future when you come back. If you can write them into travel notes, or

It would be better if you take more photos and videos!"]

["How about it, sister? Isn't my sister's request too much?"]

[Xue Ji: "..."]

【This stinky sister is really not cute at all!】

[He actually seized the opportunity to impose conditions on himself! 】

【Are you the kind of person who compromises easily?!】


[Ling Ji said through gritted teeth. 】

【Yes, I am!】


[Xia Ye couldn't help but smile: "Well, in that case, sister, please first tell me what mistakes you made this time."]


[Ling Ji’s mouth twitched. 】

【What is "again"?】

[Does this stinky sister have any misunderstanding about herself? 】

[It sounds like I always make mistakes...]

【immediately. 】

[Ling Ji coughed lightly, her face became slightly more formal, and she began to tell her recent experience. 】

【soon. 】

[After finishing speaking, the two sisters murmured and discussed again. 】

【"Good sister, this time it's up to you!"】

[Lingji directly hugged Xia Ye's still young body: "Whether my sister can regain her freedom one day earlier depends on your performance next time!"]

["It should be fine..."]

[Xia Ye frowned slightly and thought for a while, nodded and said: "Well... Dad should be at the Mercury First Research Institute now. Let's go directly there now." Four

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