Double Comparison: Poseidon Sasuke, Zen Ninja World Numb

Chapter 371 Confused Taoshi, Why Has The Universe Become So Strange?

[For several days. 】

【Ōtsutsuki Momoshi stays in this star system composed of three stars. 】

【However. 】

[ Ōtsutsuki Jinshiki never came to join him. 】

【"damn it!"】

【Momo's face is very ugly. 】

[If Jin Shi succeeded in tricking that bastard, or at least managed to escape, then such a long time would definitely be enough for him to come over. 】

[However, Jin Shi hasn’t come yet... This can only mean that Jin Shi had an accident. 】


【Big loss!】

[If I had known this, I might as well have cut off my right arm, blown it up and discarded it!]

【How can it be like this now!】

【Originally Ten Tails was lost!】

【Now, Jin Shi is also included! 】

[As well as the severed right arm that I used to induce that bastard, it is probably impossible to get it back. 】

["What is the origin of that bastard?"]

【Momo Shiki is still confused now. 】

[That bastard suddenly appeared on a planet with no natural energy, but she shouldn't be an indigenous person on that planet... an indigenous person on such a desolate planet.

How is it possible to know who you are?】

[That damn little girl, although she is hateful, is indeed very strong, and she understands their Ōtsutsuki clan. 】

[Is there such an unknown race in the universe that can give birth to such a powerful person? 】

【He has never heard of it at all!】

【........Forget it, I have no clue at all. ”]

[Momoshi gives up the entanglement. 】

[The star field where I met that bastard before is not too far from here. 】

【And past here is the place where Rishi and Kaguya went to plant the god pair. 】

[Thinking about it, Ishiki’s side should have some understanding of these. 】

【immediately. 】

【 Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki is ready to leave again. 】

【Continuously opening the space portal, constantly traveling through the stars in the universe. 】

【certainly. 】

[On the way, when passing the planets in this star system, Taoshi will also stop temporarily to make a brief observation to see if these planets are qualified to be planted with sacred trees. 1

["This planet...there is some life on it, but unfortunately there is too little."]

[ Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki is floating alone in the starry sky of the universe, observing the planet below. 】

[From space, you can feel the breath of thin natural energy emanating from this planet. 】

【but. 】

[The amount of natural energy is too low. 】

[It can be predicted that the ecosystem and the number of life on this planet should be average. 】

[Then. 】

[ Ōtsutsuki Momo thought for a moment, then carefully landed on the planet. 】

[Perhaps, on this planet, we can find clues about the identity of that female bastard! 】

【but. 】

[Learn from last time’s experience and lessons. 】

[It’s better to be cautious now. 】

[The screen changes. 】

[Momoshi has landed from the starry sky of the universe. 】

[On this newly discovered planet with life, tear it apart carefully. 】

[The ecological environment on this planet is not very good, it is not very suitable for life to survive, and the richness and complexity of the ecosystem is very low. 】

[However, even so, the indigenous intelligent biological civilization here was still born on this planet. 】

["They are just a bunch of mortals who don't understand anything."]

[ Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki said disdainfully. 】

[Originally, he was a little more cautious, but now, his actions are becoming more and more bold. 】

[Nothing on this planet can threaten my existence!]

【Just say it!】

【He is Ōtsutsuki!】

[If you stumble out of nowhere like last time, that’s abnormal! 】

["There are many temples on this planet...々...."]

【Momoshi suddenly noticed. 】

[Since he landed on this planet, he has discovered so many temples with similar architectural structures. 】

[Based on this similar architectural structure, these temples may all worship the same gods. 】

【"Tsk, it's so boring."】

【 Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki feels more and more bored. 】

[It seems now that the indigenous civilization on this planet is just an early civilization that is completely in an ignorant stage. 】

[Judging from the ecological environment here, this planet is not worth wasting one Ten Tails to plant a sacred tree!]

[With the thin natural energy here, it is impossible to bear the fruit of the sacred tree with more Chakra. 】

【"Destroy, ants!"】

[ Ōtsutsuki Momoshi simply stopped being cautious and flew into the sky with a swagger. His left arm was aimed at the temple below, and the blood-red Rinnegan in his palm was shot out with a repulsive force! 】


[The temple building below collapsed!]

[The people who came here to offer sacrifices and pray for blessings instantly became panicked. 】

[Screams, screams, wailing, and crying were all intertwined. 】

【"It's really ugly."】

[ Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki said disdainfully. 】


[When peach-shaped eyes scanned the ruins of the collapsed temple below, they saw a somewhat familiar statue. 】


[Taoshi's mind is greatly shaken. 】

[Why does that statue look so similar to the bastard who suddenly attacked me before?!]

【damn it!】

[Do the temples on this planet have anything to do with that bastard?!]

in the chat room.

Tsunade: "That statue, is it the statue of Reihime's child?"

Uzumaki Mito: "It should be right. I remember that when she told Xia Ye about her travel experience before, she said that she once had such an experience on a certain planet where she pretended to be a god, but in the end she was not really worshiped as a god. bye."

Senju Hashirama: "...So, Ōtsutsuki Momoshi happened to land on the same planet that Reihime once visited?"

Isn't this too coincidental?

The universe is so big, can this be achieved?

Senju Tobirama: "It shouldn't be a coincidence... I remember Reihime once said that this experience happened at the very beginning of her journey out of the solar system. The location of that planet should be right next to our solar system."

Orochimaru: "And Ōtsutsuki Momo's goal is here in our solar system. He should have just arrived in a star system adjacent to ours."

As a result, we bumped into each other so easily.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "Momo Shiki, could it be that he has been psychologically affected? That completely frozen face is so funny!"

Hatake Kakashi: "After all, Ōtsutsuki Momoshi was defeated so miserably at the hands of Reihime. The loss was too great."

Nara Shikaku: "It seems that although the Ōtsutsuki clan has a strength that can be called gods, in other aspects, they may be just like us ordinary people.

After experiencing a tragic failure, there will also be psychological shadow.

On the gold-framed screen, continue playing.

["What is going on here?"]

【 Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki’s thoughts were racing in her mind. 】

[The statue below in the temple that he just destroyed. 】

[Although he looks different, he will never admit his mistake!]

[This is the statue of the bastard who attacked me before!]

[That bastard is the god believed by the indigenous people on this planet?!]


[Does this have anything to do with the source of that bastard’s strength? 】

【No, that’s not right!】

[The indigenous people on this planet have not mastered Chakra at all, nor have they mastered the natural energy zone. 】

[How could such a civilization suddenly give birth to such a strong man? 】


[It should be that bastard who has been here before, or at least, what other relationship does this planet have with that bastard? 】


[ Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki’s expression changed rapidly. 】

【This planet may be in danger!】

【Leave quickly!】


[The figure of Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki, originally floating in the sky, quickly rose into the sky and opened the space portal. 】

[Only a group of confused people are left around the collapsed temple below. 】

[The screen changes. 】

[Starry sky. 】

【 Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki crossed the space portal and walked out of it. 】

["It's still unclear what that bastard has to do with this planet."]

[ Ōtsutsuki Momoshi looked back at the planet behind him and frowned. 】

[But no matter what. 】

【This star field is still dangerous!】

【...Sure enough, it is better to be more cautious. 】

[What if someone suddenly attacks me again...]

【Bah, impossible!】

[How is it possible that there are so many strange and powerful people in the universe other than the Ōtsutsuki clan?!]

【immediately. 】

[ Ōtsutsuki Momo no longer paid attention to the planet behind him. He was highly vigilant and continued to open the space portal and move towards the direction of the solar system ahead. 】

[The planets discovered along the way, Momoshi just chose to stay for a while this time instead of landing. 】

【Time keeps passing. 】



[Momo Shi’s figure temporarily stops in the outer space of a planet in this star field. 】

[Everyone was stunned. 】


【What is the situation on this planet?!】

[This natural energy is so strong that it is almost overflowing!]

【Is life on this planet so prosperous?!】

[If a sacred tree were planted on this planet...]

[The fruit of the sacred tree produced in this way will have abundant Chakra!]

【Momoshi feels like she’s drooling just thinking about it!】

[After eating such a Chakra fruit, his strength will definitely increase several times!]


[Momoshi is a little confused now. 】

【Do you want to go to this planet and take a look first? 】

[Such a rare life planet, if you miss it, you will definitely regret it! 】

【only. 】

[The planet in front of me and the planet I went to before, which had a large number of temples dedicated to that damn bastard, both belong to the same star system. 】


[Maybe the bastard who attacked me came from the planet in front of me? 】

[In this case, it might be very dangerous if I land on this planet. 】

【"Damn it!"】

[Momo Shi was full of unwillingness, but still gave up. 】

[Now is not the time to come to this planet. 】

[In his previous battle, he suffered too much loss. 】

[Ten Tails is gone, Jinshi is lost, and my right hand Rinnegan is gone. 】

[If there are any inexplicable strong indigenous people on this planet...]

[If you fall into trouble here, it’s not worth it!]

【Think of this. 】

[ Ōtsutsuki Momo resisted the unwillingness in her heart and stopped staying at all. 】

[The space portal was quickly opened, without stopping at all along the way, and headed straight towards the solar system. 】

in the chat room.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "Tsk, this guy Momoshi seems to be really scared. He didn't even dare to land (Zhao's) to take a look, so he ran away with his tail between his legs!"

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo: "Sure enough, just like Kim Sasuke said, even the Ōtsutsuki clan cannot maintain their usual arrogance at all times.

Now Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki's performance illustrates this point.

When facing Uchiha Reihime, Momoshiki was so arrogant!


After being severely beaten by Ling Ji.

Traveling in the starry sky and landing on an ordinary planet, everyone started to be cautious!

Now I don’t dare to land at all, because I feel threatened, so I just run away!

Orochimaru: "Speaking of which, the planet with abundant natural energy that Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki saw must have something to do with Jin Sasuke, right?"

Namikaze Minato: "It shouldn't be within the scope of Kim Sasuke's Kingdom of Gods, but it's a planet in a star system right next to the solar system. I think it's impossible for Kim Sasuke not to notice it."

Tsunade: "It's a planet in the same star system. Since Reihime has been to another planet, there's no reason why she hasn't been to this planet."

Senju Tobirama: "Kim Sasuke should have artificially interfered with the planet found in space that can give birth to life. Perhaps, that planet is the product of such intervention.

On the gold-framed screen, continue playing.

["This is the Centauri star field, the Proxima Centauri Development Station Interstellar Communication Center."]

["Now reporting on Ōtsutsuki Momoshi's recent movements..."]

["Currently, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki has begun traveling through space at high speed, and the target is still the direction of the solar system."]

["It is expected that Ōtsutsuki Momo will pass through the Oro Nebula and enter the solar system in fifteen days."]

["Would you like to intervene in Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki's actions?"].

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