Double Comparison: Poseidon Sasuke, Zen Ninja World Numb

Chapter 385: The Submissive Tao Shi, The Stamp Of Thought Deep In The Consciousness


【 Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki was stunned. 】

【Sustainable utilization...】

[This means that each time only half of his body is sacrificed to Ten Tails, and then the remaining half of the body is repaired and used again next time?!]

【Isn’t it too vicious?!】


【Is this kind of thing.........really possible?】

[Being swallowed by Ten Tails is completely different from ordinary physical injuries!]

[Even Ōtsutsuki, after half of his body was devoured by Ten Tails, was unable to restore this damaged body through Chakra. 】

[After that, I can only find a suitable sacrifice, carve a wedge, and slowly wait for it to thaw, until the reincarnation is finally completed. 】

【And in this process, who knows what risks you may encounter! 】

[If you encounter any risks before reincarnation is completed, your reincarnation may fail!]

【......No, impossible!】

【This kind of thing is not that easy!】

【It must be fake!】

[This bitch Kaguya must be deceiving herself!]

【"It seems like you still don't believe it."】

[ Sasuke glanced at Momoshi, chuckled and said: "After sacrificing half of your body to Ten Tails, prepare a suitable container, and then arrange for you to be reincarnated.

I can still do this. ”]

[" you really not believe it, or you just can't believe it?"]

["Do you think it's necessary for me to deceive you?"]

[After hearing this last sentence, Taoshi's face turned red instantly. 】

【This bastard!】

【What is his tone?!】




【When have I ever been treated like this?!】

【However. 】

[Looking at Sasuke opposite, Momoshiki suddenly felt sad in her heart. 】

[This guy with extremely weird strength...]

[What he said, although it was hard for me to hear, was probably true...

[I can’t figure out this guy’s strength now. 】

[The other party’s realm is probably far beyond my own level...]

[This bastard said he didn’t need to deceive himself. He probably wasn’t deceiving himself, but really thought so...

["Momoshi, you'd better figure out your current situation as soon as possible."]

[Kaguya said in a cold voice: "You have not only lost your freedom now, you have now lost the freedom to simply die! Don't imagine that you can seek relief through death."]


【Taoshi's face is ashen. 】

【Kaguya...this damn bitch!】

[Now it’s actually climbing on top of me, threatening myself like this!]

["Okay, it's your turn to choose."]

[Kaguya raised two fingers: "Do you choose to continue to maintain your arrogance and prepare to face the eternal and endless painful life in the future. Or choose to lower your head, cooperate with us, and take the initiative to show your value?"]

in the chat room.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "Hey... I'm so envious of me over there..."

It’s so cool!

To be able to make such a proud guy like Ōtsutsuki Momoki feel so aggrieved and helpless...

This kind of thing would have been unrealistic for her in the past, even if she fantasized about it.

However, in another world, these are actually realized!

And looking back at myself here...

I am still sealed in the moon...

Black Zetsu: "Suddenly I feel that Kim Sasuke's world is actually pretty good..."

Although for him, he doesn't want to have such a strange "stepdad" at all.

Moreover, the mother over there was beaten down by that guy Sasuke Kim in the first place.

But at least it’s better than the future here!

The two brats Naruto and Sasuke, like the two traitors Hagoromo and Hamura, also started fighting with their mother without any explanation, and then even sealed her away again!

They really deserved to end up like that!

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo: "If this is the case, Ōtsutsuki Momoshi will probably be weak sooner or later.

Even if you want to die, you can't.

If the stalemate continues, what awaits Momoshiki may be eternal and endless pain in the future.

In the face of long and endless torture, even Ōtsutsuki cannot bear it.

Ōtsutsuki Hamura: "However, even if Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki temporarily succumbs, he will still be a potential risk. If you are not careful, let him cause some irreparable damage, which will be very troublesome."

Uchiha Madara: "It's best to give her a good beating first! Just like what Sasuke Jin once did to Kaguya, keep chasing and beating until Momoshiki completely gives up resistance. This may be more effective."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya:

Who is this?!


On the gold-framed screen, continue playing.

[Starry sky. 】

[Taoshi fell into silence and said nothing. 】

["You'd better give your answer as soon as possible."]

[ Kaguya said coldly: "Our patience is limited. If you choose to continue your arrogance, that's just right. Didn't Shiji's child just get a tail from you before? It's just right for you to feed Your own Ten Tails!"]


[Momoshi gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with resentment. 】

[However, he still didn't say anything. 】

【"I guess…………"】

[Jing Xi tilted his head, observed Momoshi and said: "Mr. Momoshi must have given in, right? After all, if you chose never to give in, you should be ridiculing him directly now."]


[Zuoliangna also suddenly realized: "In other words, although he was planning to surrender in his heart, he still couldn't live with his face, so he couldn't take the initiative to say that he had chosen to surrender?"]


[ Sasuke smiled and clapped: "That's absolutely right, that's what he was thinking just now. 1

["Tsk, tsk, Xiaotao's temperament is really awkward."]

[Jing Xi shook his head and said: "You have already given in, but you don't say it as soon as possible. If we get a little more impatient and catch you and feed you to Ten Tails, it will be so embarrassing."]


[ Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki now feels like fire is almost coming out of her eyes. 】

[This damned, heinous, yellow-haired little girl!]

【What's "Xiao Tao"!】

【How dare you call yourself that again?!】

[Just a little girl, how dare you not take yourself seriously!]


[ Kaguya looked at Momoshiki's resentful look, her red lips parted lightly: "You'd better adjust your mentality as soon as possible, so that you may be able to live a little more comfortably in the future. After all, if you never let go of your ridiculous arrogance If you do, you will only feel more uncomfortable in the future."]

[Speaking of which, my luck is much better than Momoshiki’s. 】

[Although the initial encounter between her and Sasuke was not a good one...]

[But fortunately, her subsequent treatment was okay!]

[I was immediately taken into the house by Sasuke. 】

[And this guy Momoshiki...]

【 Kaguya couldn't help but feel pity when he looked at Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki. 】

[Based on her understanding of Sasuke, Momoshiki will probably always be a tool to be used in the future...]


[Momoshi felt the strange look Kaguya looked at him, and felt increasingly irritated. 】

【damn it!】

【Kaguya, this bitch, what does the way she looks at me mean?!】

【Mockery? Contempt? Pity?】

【Damn it!】

【These bastards!】

[I actually have to endure the humiliation from these bastards in the future!]

【Damn it, don’t let me find a chance! 】

[If there is a chance, even if you may suffer eternal pain in the future, you must leave an unforgettable lesson to these bastards! 】


[Sasuke's voice suddenly reached Momoshiki's ears: "That's good for you to think so."]


[Taoshi was suddenly startled. 】

【Almost forgot!】

[This bastard can read his own thoughts!]


[I was discovered by this guy in advance, will I still have a chance in the future? 】

["You don't need to worry about this."]

[ The corner of Sasuke's mouth curled up slightly: "I will help you create opportunities in this area. To me, your strength is not that great. But, for my children, you are a good one. Sparring goal."]

【......What do you mean?"】

[Taoshi's face changed slightly. 】

【Sparring training...】

[Is this guy going to let himself and his children go through combat training? 】

["Exactly what you thought."]

[ Sasuke nodded, confirming Momoshiki's idea: "For me, it is a bit troublesome to find a suitable target for my children. And you, who are deeply hostile to us, happen to be the best in this regard. suitable."】

[A suitable battle target must first be able to take action seriously like a life and death battle. 】

[In this regard, neither Sasuke nor the rest of the family is suitable. 】

[If you want to find other sparring targets in the Kingdom of God, you can't do this. 】

[On the other hand, ordinary battles with each other cannot make people really take it seriously. 】

[Even though I constructed the spiritual time room based on Tsukuyomi and created the scene as realistic as possible, I also designed it carefully so that my child would not suffer any irreparable harm. 】

[And in this case, the children who enter it for trials will actually not be able to take it seriously. 】

【As for Momoshiki, this guy is fine. 】

[Based on the humiliation and resentment in his heart now, if he is made the target of his children, this guy will definitely kill him! 】

[And my children will definitely become serious when facing an opponent who has a strong murderous intention towards them in a battle. 】

[...You think very well. ”]

[Taoshi suddenly sneered and said. 】

[Allow yourself to be a target for your children?]


【This is just right!】

[If you let yourself 617 seize the opportunity and kill one or two of this guy's children, it won't be you who will regret it then!]

["It seems like you have accepted this proposal."]

[Sasuke smiled and continued: "Well, in that case, let's use your strength as much as possible from now on. However, before that, you still need to take a few precautions."]

[As he spoke, Sasuke’s black eyes showed a hint of gold.

The light flickers. 】

["You...what are you going to do..."]

[Momoshi felt that her body was completely frozen in an instant. 】

[Different from being restricted in invisible space barriers before. 】

[Before, although his range of activities was very limited, he could still move his body. 】

【And now!】

【But he completely lost the ability to move!】

["I'm not worried about you killing my children..."]

[Sasuke's voice, long and lingering, broke into Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki's mind: "For me, what needs to be prevented more is actually your choice to commit suicide or run away. What do you mean to me?

It's still of some value, but it can't be lost casually. ”]

【With Sasuke's voice. 】

【Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki’s consciousness gradually blurred. 】

[It seems like something has entered my brain and broken into my consciousness...]

[There seems to be a voice that has been echoing deep in my consciousness. 】

【a long time. 】

【Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki slowly regained consciousness. 】

[He regained consciousness and looked around. 】

[I am still restricted by the invisible space barrier. 】

【There are still the same few people around. 】


【What changes seem to have happened to you?】

[I seemed to have lost consciousness just now?]

【what happened?!】

["What did you just do to me?!"]

[Momoshi has a dark face. 】

["Just some small preventive measures."]

[ Sasuke smiled and said. 】

[Just now, he added some settings deep in Taoshi’s consciousness:]

【Can't run away, can't commit suicide. 】

【That's all. 】

in the chat room.

Terumi Mei: "This sounds a bit like Shisui's Distinguished Heavenly Gods?"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: "It just looks like it. Distinguished Heavenly Gods is just the pupil technique of Mangekyō Sharingan. This level of pupil technique is impossible for Ōtsutsuki."

effect. "

Forget about Ōtsutsuki.

As long as there is a Rinnegan, it is impossible to be affected by this ordinary Mangekyō's pupil technique. .

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