In just a few minutes, you can smell the aroma of the soup, which is intoxicating.

“This soup smells so good!”

“Haha, it seems I came to the right place this time”

“The national treasure chef is really amazing!”

Several people couldn’t sit still and went to Jie No.

Then they looked into the fragrant pot, but found that there was nothing in the pot.

They could see the bottom of the pot directly, and there was nothing at all.

This also surprised Weiss:

“Hey, what’s going on? There’s nothing inside.”

“But why can I still smell the fragrance and the steam?”

Everyone in Komatsu also wanted to know why.

Setsuno explained with a kind face:

“How could there be nothing in it?”

Then she took a spoon and slowly stirred the pot.

Finally, ripples appeared inside, and she continued:

“It’s because it’s too clear that you can’t see it.”

Weiss and the others were stunned.

“Is it because it was too clear that I didn’t see it?”

“What a magical soup!”

Everyone nodded in succession, and they all thought it was magical.

They didn’t expect that the thick soup could be boiled into such a thick soup. Needless to say, it must be super delicious!

They couldn’t help but look forward to it, and at the same time they were eager to drink the soup quickly.

Especially because the longer it was cooked, the stronger the aroma from the pot became.

This made Aru and the other big foodies couldn’t help but swallow their saliva.

Another minute passed, and Jie said:

“”Okay, go back and sit down, the soup is ready.”

Everyone was delighted and said in unison,”Okay!”

Then they quickly returned to the table and sat down to wait.

After about 20 seconds, Jie finally served the soup and brought it to the table, giving everyone a large bowl.

“Okay, let’s eat.” Jie Nai stood aside and spoke.

Everyone, who couldn’t wait any longer, nodded and were about to take the spoon to drink.

But a voice came from outside the door.

“Wow, such a delicious soup, I wonder if you can serve me a bowl too.”

Everyone stopped and instinctively looked towards the door.

They saw a man with yellow hair, eyebrows and beard, wearing a casual outfit with flowered shorts and short sleeves, and a righteous look of about fifty years old walked in.

When this man came in, Keke, Sunny, and Jie Nai were all shocked.

“Old man!”


Yes, this man is the IGO president Yilong.

As everyone was surprised, Aru stood up, walked up to Yilong with a smile and said,”Grandpa, I thought you were not coming. You almost missed the thick soup made by Grandma Jieno.”

Yilong smiled and said,”I have some things to deal with over there, so I am late.”

Then he looked at Jieno and smiled:

“Jie Nai, long time no see, how are you doing recently?”

Jie Nai also smiled,”Thanks to you, I’m fine.”

Yilong smiled again and said,”Then, can you give me a bowl of thick soup as well?”

“I haven’t tasted your cooking for some time.”

“You wait.” Jie Nai immediately turned around to serve the soup.

They were already very good friends.

It was just that they hadn’t seen each other for a while, and Yi Long’s sudden visit surprised Jie Nai and also made her a little happy.

As for Yi Long’s request for a bowl of soup, she would naturally not refuse.

Even if Jie Nai was asked to be Yi Long’s cook, Jie Nai would not refuse.

After Jie Nai turned around to serve the soup, Yi Long walked to the dining table, found a seat and sat down, then said to Su Ming and others with a smile:”I’m sorry everyone, I came here suddenly, if I disturb you, please forgive me!”

Everyone didn’t care, and nodded slightly.

After all, Yi Long is very polite, no one would say anything.

At this time, Jie Nai also put the soup in front of Yi Long, and asked curiously:”How do you have time to come to my place? Don’t I usually invite you, but you are reluctant to come?”

Without waiting for Yi Long to answer, A Lu answered first:

“That’s right, Granny Setsu”

“The old man called me yesterday and said he wanted to get together with me, Coco, and Sunny. It just so happened that you were scheduled for today, so I asked him to come to your place today to taste the thick soup and get together.”

In fact, Yilong would not come under normal circumstances.

He just wanted to get close to Su Ming and test them.

That’s why he called Aru and said he wanted to get together.

And Aru and his people have always been with Su Ming.

He did this so that he could get closer to Su Ming and his people more easily.

“I see.” Jie Nai looked as if he had realized something, and looked at Yi Long with some dissatisfaction and said,”Your bastards come whenever they ask you to, but you always refuse me. It seems that in your heart, I am not as good as your bastards.”

“The feelings have faded……”

Yilong laughed and didn’t explain anything.

But Jie Nuo didn’t say anything else, she just said it.

In fact, she didn’t really care.

“”Okay, the soup is still hot. Drink it now, it will be more delicious.” Grandma Jie Nai reminded.

Only then did everyone’s attention return to the thick soup.

Then they took a spoon and scooped a spoonful each, put it to their nose and smelled it, their expressions instantly intoxicated, and then they could no longer restrain themselves and poured it into their mouths.

The moment the thick soup entered the mouth, it seemed to have the essence of hundreds of ingredients.

These flavors were wonderful, and made people enter a wonderful world.

This wonderful world reflected the various ingredients tasted in the flavors.

This couldn’t help but make them dazed.

After coming out of the wonderful world, they all expressed their feelings:

“It’s delicious. It’s really delicious!”

“This soup is the best soup I have ever tasted!”

“There is such a delicious soup in the world!”

Everyone expressed their feelings, but Xiaosong was the only one who was still in a daze.

Perhaps because he was a chef, he was sensitive to the ingredients.

He stayed in that wonderful world for a longer time.

But it didn’t take long before he finally came out.

But he didn’t express his feelings like everyone else just now. Instead, he was still a little dazed, staring at the soup in the bowl.

As if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Aru couldn’t help but ask:

“Xiaosong, what’s wrong? Is this soup not tasty?”

Xiaosong shook his head slightly and said:

“The soup was delicious, but I felt like something was missing.”

“Something is missing.” Aru scratched his head.

But Setsuno was a little surprised.

She didn’t expect Xiaosong to be so perceptive.

She quickly said:

“Yes, the soup is indeed missing something and is incomplete.”

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