This collision lasted for a minute.

Then the two changed the venue. They fought directly from the ground to the sky.

The sky became the battlefield.

After fighting in the air for two minutes, Yilong did not gain the upper hand at all.

On the contrary, he felt that Sun Wukong was always relaxed.

The opponent’s strength was far superior to his own.

“Really strong!”

“I didn’t expect that I would meet such a strong opponent like you!”

Yilong spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Sun Wukong chuckled,”You are also very strong”

“However, if you have more power, please show it.”

“Otherwise, you may not be able to beat me.”

No matter who he meets, he will test them first.

He will try to trick the other party into revealing their hidden treasures.

“Stronger power……”Yilong smiled,”I wonder if this move counts?”

He broke away from the fight with Sun Wukong and kept a certain distance.

Then he clenched his fists, and his body suddenly swelled up.

It was 0.5 times bigger than before.

His clothes were torn apart, revealing his huge muscles.

The most important point was that he could feel his aura had improved.

Then he raised his right hand to the sky.

A pair of giant golden energy chopsticks suddenly condensed in the sky.

After the energy chopsticks were completely formed, he said loudly and powerfully:

“”Secret! The King of All Kindness Eats All!”

As the voice sounded, the giant golden chopsticks in the air formed two powerful golden light cannons, shooting straight at Sun Wukong.

The moment they shot out,

Alu and the others’ faces changed, feeling a strong threat.

They didn’t expect that Yilong’s strength would be so strong. They actually had such power.

After practicing and eating delicious food, they felt that they had grown a lot and were slowly approaching Yilong.

But now after seeing the power displayed by Yilong, they realized how naive and ignorant they were.

How big is the gap between their own strength and Yilong’s.

It’s really a world of difference.

In this At that moment, they realized their own weakness.

Their previous arrogance was greatly reduced.

But none of this mattered before.

What mattered was Yilong’s terrifying energy.

They wondered if Sun Wukong could still cope with it.

With this thought in mind, they even began to look forward to it.

And with their expectation, the two giant and powerful golden light cannons in the sky were about to be fired at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong showed no sign of dodging, and even raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then directly raised his hand to support his palm, taking the two powerful light cannons.

The powerful light cannon collided with his palm, causing an explosion directly.


Golden light shone, the earth shook.

Smoke filled the air, directly covering the location of Sun Wukong.

At this time, Aru’s faces became solemn.

They saw that Sun Wukong was hit directly.

And for this kind of terrifying energy directly hit.

Even if Sun Wukong is very strong, he will not be safe.

This made them a little worried about Sun Wukong’s life.

On the other hand, Su Mingweis and others on the side were still calm and composed.

They were not worried about what would happen to Sun Wukong.

With just Yilong’s attack, even if Sun Wukong stood there and did nothing, he would not be hurt.

However, Aru and others did not know this.

They did not know how strong Sun Wukong was.

In their opinion, Yilong’s power was already unparalleled.

If the horror of Beerus’ destructive power before could be ranked first in their hearts, and now seeing Yilong’s power, it can also be ranked second.

And how many people can withstand this second power?

Even Sun Wukong can’t do it!

“That guy……”

Even Jie Nai felt that Yi Long had gone too far this time.

He thought that Sun Wukong might be seriously injured or even killed.

As they were worried, the smoke in the air slowly dissipated.

Soon, they could see the situation inside clearly.

But when they saw it clearly, they were dumbfounded.

“No…it’s okay.……”

“How could this happen?……”


Obviously, they saw that Sun Wukong was still safe and sound.

Not only was he safe and sound, but his face was still so calm and composed.

But this also made them hard to believe and shocked.

Especially Jie No.

She was the one who was most shocked here.

She knew very well how strong Yilong was.

It can even be said that he is the strongest person in the world today.

But this strongest person.

How come the strongest attack today is ineffective against a man who looks only about thirty years old?

What is wrong with this world?

She began to doubt her life. This was one of the few times she was not calm.

She also understood why Yilong said before that she would understand after seeing it.

It turned out that Yilong was not bullying the weak.

It was that Sun Wukong was really strong!

So strong that she could not see through him, so she thought he was weak.

Above the sky.

Yilong’s face also became a little solemn.

Although he did not expect that this move could kill Sun Wukong.

But he was not completely unharmed.

This was his strongest move with all his strength.

“You are really strong!”

Yilong said, directly admitting Sun Wukong’s strength.

Sun Wukong scratched his head and said with a smile:

“Do you have any stronger moves?”

“If you have any, just use them.”

He was still testing, feeling that the other party still had some hidden weapons.

“A stronger move?……”Yilong lowered his head slightly, his eyes deep.

If it was just a single cell, he was already at his limit.

But if he used the power of the gourmet cells, he could be even stronger.

But he was considering whether to use it or not.

He actually didn’t like to rely on the power of others.

Not even the gourmet cells that coexisted with him.

But this time, facing Sun Wukong, he was a little shaken.

He really wanted to use the power of the gourmet cells for a real fight.

After all, it was really hard to meet an opponent like Sun Wukong.

Secondly, he also wanted to find out how strong Sun Wukong was.

After all, his main purpose this time was to find out the strength of Sun Wukong and the others.

When he was hesitating.

A voice suddenly sounded in his body:

“Don’t hesitate, old man, use my power.”

“Let us fight together!”

“I also want to try to face an opponent of that strength!”

“Slime, I……”Yilong was still hesitating.

Gourmet Cell Slime continued to persuade him:

“Don’t hesitate, Yilong! We are just fighting side by side!”

“It’s not about relying on anyone!”

“Don’t you want to see the limit of that guy?”

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