Jie Nuo naturally would not refuse and nodded.

“Thank you!”

Then Yilong said to everyone:

“So, let’s go back”


Soon, everyone followed Yilong to his home.

Everyone was invited to eat delicious food at the dining table in the living room.

However, Yilong didn’t have many delicious foods.

Compared with what Su Ming and others ate at the IGO Hotel, it seemed a bit shabby.

But this is normal.

Yilong himself is frugal and wants to save the delicious food for others.

Therefore, there is basically not much food in his house.

The delicacies on the table.

He asked the housekeeper to buy them from some nearby food stores.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t even be these.

But this time, in order to entertain everyone.

Yilong also specially asked someone to hunt for some good ingredients.

But the ingredients didn’t arrive so quickly.

Everyone came here for about two hours before they finally got the ingredients.

“Wow, is it so lively today?”

A hunched old man with white hair, eyebrows and beard, wearing a yellow vest, with obvious wrinkles on his face and a pair of slippers, walked in. The old man was dragging a giant tail of an unknown creature in his hand, which weighed several tons.

But the old man was holding it very easily, without any pressure at all.

And it seemed that he had drunk a lot of wine.

He smelled of alcohol, his face was red and drunk.

As soon as the old man came in, Aru and Xiaosong recognized him:

“Senior Jiro!”

The two shouted each other’s names in unison.

That’s right, the person in front of them was Jiro, the acupuncture master.

He was also a top warrior on par with Yilong and Sanhu.

Seeing Jiro’s arrival, everyone was a little surprised.

One by one, they walked out from the dining table and came to Jiro.

In addition to being surprised that Jiro came here, they were also interested in what Jiro was holding in his hand.

They also knew that this might be the good food that Yilong mentioned, which was brought by someone.

Whis, Beerus and others looked at the giant tail and studied it.

They only cared about eating and didn’t care about anything else.

But Xiaosong asked curiously with a smile on his face:

“Senior Jiro, why are you here?”

Before Jiro could answer, Setsuno beside him answered:

“That’s right, the person that Yilong asked to bring back the ingredients was Jiro.”

Komatsu suddenly understood,”I see.”

But Komatsu was also very curious about the giant tail that Jiro brought back, and asked again,”Then what kind of ingredients did you bring back, Jiro-senpai?”

“What kind of beast did he kill to get it?

Everyone was curious about this and stared at Jiro.

Before Jiro could speak, Yilong answered leisurely:

“This is the tail of the Sarcosuchus”

“”King of Crocodiles?” Xiaosong and his friends were unfamiliar with this name.

They searched their memories but could not find anything related.

Yilong was not surprised at their unfamiliarity and continued:

“The Sarcosuchus is not a creature from the human world.”

“It is a reptile that lives in the food world, in the mountains and seas.”

“Gourmet world? Is this a creature from the gourmet world?”

Xiaosong and the others were a little bit incredulous.

Although they had never been to the gourmet world, they had some understanding of it.

The ingredients and delicacies in the gourmet world are more delicious than those in the human world.

But at the same time, they are also more dangerous.

Many people who enter the gourmet world from the human world are mostly in danger of death.

Only some strong people can survive in it.

Looking at the unbelievable expressions, Sun Wukong scratched his head and asked with a puzzled look:”What exactly is the gourmet world?” He had fought with the people from the gourmet club in the first ecological zone before.

He often heard people from the gourmet club say that they could enter the gourmet world.

At that time, he was very curious and asked the other party.

But the other party didn’t tell him at all, and he is still very curious until now.

And this time everyone mentioned the word gourmet world again.

It deepened his curiosity and he had to solve it.

“The world of food?”

Yilong stroked his beard and began to popularize science for Sun Wukong:

“The world we live in now is divided into two worlds.”

“One is called the human world, the other is called the food world”

“We are now in the human world, where there are no strong beasts, it is relatively safe and suitable for ordinary people to survive.”

“The food world is 5,000 kilometers to the east, where wild beasts run rampant and are extremely dangerous, making it unsuitable for ordinary people to survive.”

“But there are differences between the two worlds”

“The food in the human world is relatively scarce, and most of the food ingredients are ordinary.”

“The food world is the opposite. There are many rare and delicious ingredients and delicacies in it. Even the creatures living there are reluctant to leave.”

Yilong didn’t explain it in detail, but simply said it.

Even if it was simple, Sun Wukong and the others probably understood it.

A simple understanding is that the human world is suitable for human survival, while the food world is not.

Then the food ingredients in the human world are not better than those in the food world.

And the risk factor of the food world is higher than that of the human world.

But what danger is there for Birus and the others?

Knowing that there is such a place, they all yearn for it.

They must go there and taste the delicacies there.

“So that’s how it is, it’s actually divided into two realms.”

Sun Wukong looked as if he had realized something, and then said:

“In other words, the tail of the crocodile that the old man brought back is the food of the place called the Gourmet World. It is delicious, right?”

Sun Wukong looked at Yilong expectantly.

Of course, there are also people like Beerus who have never tasted the food of the Gourmet World.

Yilong smiled and nodded slightly:

“Yes, it is delicious, at least I think so.”

“Is that so? Then can this be eaten directly?”

Sun Wukong stared at the tail of the emperor crocodile with burning eyes, and couldn’t wait to eat it.

“Ah ha ha.” Yilong scratched his head and smiled, saying:

“It is possible, but it is not recommended to eat directly”

“Only after cooking can the taste reach its peak!”

“So that’s it.” Sun Wukong also scratched his head.

But compared to eating, Coco cared more about the capture level, and looked at Yilong and asked:”What is the capture level of this king crocodile, old man.”

Aru and Suni also looked at Yilong. They also wanted to know the capture level because they wanted to see the difference between the beasts in the food world and the beasts in the human world.

Without waiting for Yilong to answer, Jiro moved his mouth:

“The Sarcosuchus, it seems… it seems to be level 2300.”

His tone was so relaxed.

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