Then they increased their flying speed.

They continued to move forward to the bottom of the mountain and found a cave.

Then they went directly into the cave and flew down.

After about three minutes, they finally reached the bottom.

The bottom is very flat, almost the same as the ground.

And it is not very dark.

The light coming in from the outside through the icicles allows people to see things.

But these are not important.

After they arrived here, the first thing they did was to find Century Soup.

Their eyes were all cast on the icicles extending from above not far in front of them, but to their surprise, there were several figures next to the icicles.

In other words, they were GT robots.

Aru and his group soon discovered these guys

“Look, there’s someone there!”

“It’s the Gourmet Club GT Robot!”

The Gourmet Club GT Robot also spotted Aru and his men.

But after taking a few glances, they immediately turned around and tried to run away.

The operators of these GT robots recognized Beerus and his men.

They were the terrifying people who had killed Chef Bernres, Gulinbach, Domilot and many other Gourmet Club members.���

Almost all the members of the Gourmet Club had seen photos of Beerus and his men.

They also knew that Beerus and his men should not be provoked.

They just gave up Century Soup and ran for their lives.

The level of these GT robots was only 60 or 70.

The chef Bernres was killed when he captured them at level 800 or 900.

If they didn’t run away at this level, they would be killed.

Besides, even if they ran away, they might not be able to escape.

When they ran about 10 meters,

Su Ming directly raised his palm and fired a few air bullets.

“”Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!!!”

The next moment, they directly hit several GT robots that were fleeing, and then exploded and blew into powder.

This once again stunned Xiaosong and his companions.

Although they knew the strength of Su Ming and his companions, every time Su Ming and his companions killed the enemy, they were so cruel and terrifying that they were frightened.

However, they only stayed stunned for a while and then recovered.

Compared with Yilong’s energy ball that could destroy the planet yesterday, these were all small scenes.

They were all people who had seen the world and were somewhat immune to it.

After clearing the GT robots, Su Ming said:

“Okay, let’s go wait there.”

“The soup of the century should be born soon.”

Everyone nodded slightly, and then went to wait under the icicle.

They came early, so the soup had not yet formed.

But it was a good thing that they came early.

If they came late, the soup might have been taken by the GT robots of the Food Association.

These GT robots have obviously been here for a long time.

It is also possible that they came last night.

They are robots that can ignore the harsh environment here.

As long as the energy is not exhausted, basically nothing will happen.

The Food Association created GT robots, which is good.

It can help the Food Association capture ingredients in harsh environments.

Compared with humans, it does have a lot of advantages.

It’s just a pity that they met Su Ming and others today.

This time, the task of capturing the soup of the century failed directly.

After waiting for about half an hour, everyone finally saw liquid slowly flowing down from the icicle.

And they could smell a rich and intoxicating aroma.

There is no need to guess, everyone knows what it is

“That is, the soup of the century!!”

Everyone stared at the liquid slowly flowing down the icicle.

Su Ming hurriedly reminded:

“Quick, take out a container to catch it, the soup is about to drip!”

Xiao Song hurriedly took out a container and placed it under the icicle.

As soon as he put it down, a drop of Century Soup dripped down and fell into the container.

The moment it fell, colorful visible gas appeared.

A more intense and indescribable fragrance burst out here.

At this moment, several people drooled unconsciously.

Beerus and Sun Wukong even had an impulse to pick up the container and drink the Century Soup inside.

Su Ming seemed to have noticed their eagerness and hurriedly said:

“No one should drink it yet. Wait until the collection is completed and then take it home to drink!”

“If you don’t listen, I can send you away now!”

Su Ming’s tone was very serious and unquestionable.

There wouldn’t be much soup to begin with.

If these guys were to drink it now, they would get confused later.

This tone directly sobered Beerus and Sun Wukong up a lot, and they gave up the idea of drinking the century soup.

They couldn’t lose more deliciousness because of this little soup.

So, they just endured it.

Beerus hugged his chest and turned away.

As long as he didn’t look at the soup, he wouldn’t be so impulsive.

Sun Wukong did the same, and went to the side to do push-ups.

In this way, he diverted his attention and made himself less tormented.

In the following time, no one dared to get too close to the container for collecting the soup.

Either keep a distance or don’t look at it.

Because once you look at it, you will easily be impulsive.

Whis even temporarily sealed his taste buds to resist temptation.

Twenty minutes passed.

After the last drop of soup dripped from the icicle, there was no more.

Seeing this, Su Ming went to put the container away and kept it himself.

“The soup should be gone, let’s go”


Everyone floated up and flew out of the cave.

Back on the ground, Xiaosong asked:

“Are we going back now?”

Su Ming shook his head slightly.”Don’t worry.”

“We also need to find a creature to take away.”

Su Ming remembered that the most important thing for Xiaosong to make the century soup was the saliva of the wall penguin.

If he wanted to help Xiaosong make the century soup, he had to find the wall penguin.

“Biology, what biology?” Xiaosong was puzzled:

“Also, why do you want to take it away?”

Su Ming did not beat around the bush and said directly:

“There is a species of animal called the wall penguin.”

“Its saliva may help you make the soup of the century”

“Wall Penguin?” Xiaosong and Beerus were all confused.

Xiaosong even asked the question that everyone wanted to ask:

“Then how did you know that you need to use the saliva of the wall penguin to make the century soup?”

To be honest, this is difficult for Su Ming.

He can’t say, I have read the original book.

You just use the wall penguin to make the century soup.

After thinking about it, Su Ming said directly:

“No need to get to the bottom of it, just trust me”

“There are some things I cannot explain to you.”

Su Ming could only explain it this way.

Although this explanation did not dispel the curiosity of these people, it could stop them from continuing to ask questions.

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