It can even preserve the original flavor of the food.

For example, the frozen bison barbecue on the table is still steaming.

The taste is not much different from when it was first roasted.

In short, this thing is purely a mobile human storage cabinet.

And it won’t go bad when stored.

Looking at the frozen bison barbecue in the food box,

Xiangpa didn’t look at it directly, but snorted:

“Just this thing is better than my Dongdong bird……”

But he stopped talking as soon as he said that.

His nose twitched a few times and his pupils suddenly shrank.

“This… smells so good!”

The reason was simple. He smelled the rich aroma of frozen bison barbecue. He was instantly intoxicated.

Of course, it wasn’t just him, Bardos was the same.

Her beautiful eyes and nostrils were dilated, and she was stunned.

This aroma can bewitch the soul! It was a ten thousand times critical hit for the two people who had never eaten decent food!

It was like a person who had always been drinking bitter water.

Today, he suddenly tasted something sweet, and the feeling was indescribable.

It opened the door to a new world!

Xiangpa couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, and even heard a sound.

He couldn’t help it anymore, and didn’t take the cutlery.

He reached into the food box with his unwashed and dusty hands and grabbed a piece of barbecue.

He stuffed it into his mouth in the speechless expressions of everyone. Chew it.

After just a few chews, my pupils shrank a few times, with a very layered feeling.

I even clenched my fists unconsciously, and my body was shaking slightly.

The meat is firm and tender, and the gravy is rich and full.

More importantly.

A different meat aroma will appear every time I chew it.

That kind of meat aroma is top-notch and can make cells dance.

Every part of the body can absorb energy.

That feeling is very comfortable and wonderful.

After swallowing it, there is another explosion.

There is a wonderful power from the soles of my feet that goes straight to the top of my head.

It’s like an electric shock, but there is no pain.

It’s numb and very comfortable.

All the hairs on my body exploded in an instant.

It’s so comfortable and I’m in a good mood!

“Delicious! Delicious! So delicious!!!”

Xiangpa said out loud what he felt, and the palace was shaking.

After saying it out loud, he didn’t care about anything else.

He continued to reach out, grabbed another piece, and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

There was only one piece left in the food box.

Bados couldn’t help it. He gently raised his finger in the direction of the food box.

The last piece of barbecue in the food box immediately floated up and drifted to her mouth.

She was not as rude as Xiangpa, and just took a light bite.

But at the moment of biting, her pupils suddenly shrank and froze, as if her soul was scared away.

After being stunned for a few seconds, her mouth moved unconsciously.

But every time she moved, her expression changed.

From a slight shock to a super shock.

The frozen bison gave her a great shock.

It made her directly think that the food she had eaten before was garbage. Garbage.

Not only her.

Xiang Pa had the same feeling.

The delicacies he had eaten before.

In front of this frozen bison barbecue, it was garbage!

No, it was shit!

And it was very, very disgusting shit!

This is not an exaggeration at all.

Now he finally understood why Beerus and the others just spit out the Dongdong Bird Boiled Eggs that they thought were the best.

Dongdong Bird Boiled Eggs in front of this frozen bison barbecue.

It is really not worth mentioning. The difference is too big.

If he had eaten this delicacy.

He would definitely spit it out directly like Beerus and the others.

At this moment, he found that he was the clown.

He thought that he was the incomparable delicacy.

In front of Beerus’s unknown barbecue, he couldn’t raise his head.

However, after knowing that he was a clown.

Xiang Pa still looked at Beerus and asked shamelessly:

“Beerus, what kind of meat is this?”

“How come it’s so delicious, is there any more?”

At this moment, he still wanted to eat more.

After saying that, he continued to lick his hands seriously, not caring about his image at all.

Beerus and the others also looked disgusted.

This guy, wasn’t he very arrogant just now, saying how delicious his food was, and how the world’s best and unique.

Why did he change his face so quickly now?

Why did he lick his hands seriously without any image?

The key is that after finding out that he is a clown, he still dared to ask if there is any. What the hell is this face made of! Everyone also complained in their hearts, but Beerus didn’t care too much, knowing that Xiangpa was just like this, and said lightly:

“This is frozen bison meat.”

“Besides, there is no more.”

Even if there was, he would not give it to this guy.

If he didn’t want to hit this guy, he wouldn’t even want to take it out.

“Ah, it’s gone!” Xiangpa was a little disappointed, but asked again:

“Where did you get this frozen beef from?”

He must get this delicious food.

Beerus said slowly:

“Even if I tell you, you still can’t get it.”

Xiangpa was not convinced and raised his head slightly.

“How is it possible that I can’t get it, Beerus, are you looking down on me?”

“Just tell me where it is and I’ll get it back for you to see.”

He even thought Beerus was unwilling to tell him.

“”Tsk” Beerus tsks, but also says:

“That place is not in our world.”

“You can’t go there at all”

“Not in our world?” Xiangpa’s eyes rolled, his CPU was about to burn out, but he still couldn’t understand,”What do you mean by not in our world?”

Beerus was speechless and couldn’t communicate at all.

Xiangpa’s eyes lit up at this time,”I know!”

“You mean the parallel world, right?”

As the God of Destruction, he knew about parallel time and space.

Seeing that this guy had such a hard time understanding, Beerus didn’t want to explain it anymore, and just said,”That’s about right, but we can go to the parallel world.”

“But the world I just described is impossible to reach.”

“To be disrespectful, even the High Priest and the King of All cannot go there.”If

Xiang Pa still doesn’t understand what he said, there is nothing to say.

This time, Xiang Pa finally understood a little.

Generally speaking, regardless of the parallel world or the other world, even the High Priest and the King of All cannot go there.

Then it is impossible for him to go there.

But he was wondering, since he couldn’t go there.

Then where did Beerus get the frozen bison barbecue?

With doubts, Xiang Pa immediately asked Beerus:

“Since you said you can’t get there, then where did you get this barbecue?”

(Asking for flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!!! )

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