After saying that, the pink giant robot stepped on a pit to gain leverage, and rushed directly towards Su Ming.

The speed was very fast.

Few people present could see it clearly.

Of course, this did not include Su Ming and Weiss.

In their eyes, the speed of the pink robot was actually slow motion.

When the giant pink robot rushed in front of Su Ming, it did not attack directly, but used tactics to jump up, and then stepped down hard, trying to step on Su Ming to death.

But the pink giant thought too simply.

When the foot was about to step on Su Ming, Su Ming’s figure disappeared.

No one could catch that speed of disappearance except Weiss.

They even thought that Su Ming was stepped on.


Because of Su Ming’s disappearance, the pink robot’s foot also stepped on the ground, causing an explosion and blowing a pit.

Seeing this, Aru and the others looked extremely solemn.

If this kick landed on any one of them, they would definitely not be able to resist it, and would not be able to bear it. If not dead, they would be seriously injured.

Now, they are a little worried about Su Ming.

But on the contrary, the pink robot laughed triumphantly and sneered at the pit:”You really overestimate your own abilities, and you think you are so powerful”

“It turns out that he is just an ant pretending to be important!”

“This is what happens when you go against the food!”


He was extremely proud, thinking that Su Ming had been trampled to death.

After all, just now, Su Ming’s dodge, like Alu and the others, was not caught by the naked eye.

Now he just thought that Su Ming was trampled into a pulp.

But when he was showing off, a teasing voice sounded above his head, making his face pale.

“It seems that you are happy a little too early.”

Hearing this, everyone present except Weiss was startled.

Then they all cast their eyes towards the sky where the sound came from.

They saw a young man standing in the sky with his chest folded, looking at the pink robot below with a frivolous smile on his face.

This person was none other than Su Ming.

They were shocked to see that Su Ming was not dead and was still standing in the sky.

They clearly saw Su Ming being stepped on by the giant pink robot just now, how could he appear in the air? Even the giant pink robot froze.

It was a little unbelievable, and raised its foot that had stepped out of the pit and took a closer look.

In the end, it found out that it had stepped on nothing.

It was a pity that it was so happy just now, and it turned out that it was the clown.

“How could it be…you should have been stepped on to death by me!”

“How could you possibly dodge my kick!”

Until now, the pink robot was still unwilling to accept the fact that it had missed a step.

Su Ming did not want to waste time talking to it, and said:

“Okay, the facts are right in front of you, believe it or not”

“Next, feel free to use any tricks you have.”

“Otherwise, there will be no chance.”

This deeply stimulated the pink robot.

Or rather, the operator who controlled the pink robot’s food party

“Damn it! Damn it!”

“How dare you look down on others like this? You deserve to die!”

“Next, I will kill you!”

The pink robot roared angrily.

Then, its bird-like beak opened, and a stream of energy gathered inside.

This energy made Aru and his men feel very threatened.

Their faces turned extremely pale, and cold sweats broke out.

They knew that Su Ming had really angered the pink robot this time.

And this time, the robot would attack Su Ming with all its strength at the cost of being scrapped.

But under this attack, it was unknown whether Su Ming could still cope with it.

“Watch out, that guy is serious!”

“Get out of the way!”

Alu and the others could not help but warn him out of concern.

Although they were not familiar with Su Ming and this was their first time seeing him, they knew that Su Ming was not the type of person who liked to eat.

Besides, he was willing to share food.

Such a person could not be a friend, nor an enemy.

Therefore, they did not want such a person to be sacrificed for no reason.

However, Su Ming turned a deaf ear to their warnings.

Now the pink robot was still charging.

If he wanted to hide, he could hide at any time.

Even if it finished charging and started to fire at him, he could still easily dodge.

But Su Ming didn’t do that.

Doing so would make it less fun.

Since the other party was so confident, he might as well kill him.

Therefore, he deliberately waited for the other party to charge up enough energy to fire at him.

“”Go to hell! Pay the price for your arrogance!”

The pink robot fired an energy beam cannon with great power.

It attacked Su Ming directly.

Su Ming was still as calm as ever, and had no intention of dodging.

The corner of his mouth even raised a playful arc.

At the moment of the arc, the energy beam cannon hit him directly.


Dazzling golden light flashed, and an explosion sounded.

The place where he was was enveloped by thick smoke.

The faces of Alu and others looked even uglier.

They saw that Su Ming was actually hit.

And for such a powerful attack, the chance of survival was very small.

In contrast to them, the pink robot laughed proudly.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“This is the price of arrogance, it’s too late to regret now!”


At this moment, he was venting the emotions that had just been mocked and insulted by Su Ming.

At this moment, he was extremely happy and comfortable.

But he didn’t show off for a few seconds.

A teasing voice that made him unable to laugh came out again in the smoke in the air

“Hey, hey, I have a poor memory again.”

“You thought you were going to kill me with that kick just now, but I didn’t die.”

“Why do you think I will die this time?”

As soon as this voice came out, his boastful laughter stopped immediately.

Instead, he was afraid and disbelieving.

Then he looked up at the smoke in the sky that had not completely dissipated.

Of course, it was not just him, Alu and the others were no exception.

They were worried.���The expression faded, and he became somewhat expectant.

If he heard correctly.

The voice just now was Su Ming’s voice, and Su Ming was not dead yet.

This was the result they wanted to see.

Ten seconds later, the smoke basically dissipated.

Finally, the thin figure of the boy was revealed.

The boy’s figure was still straight, and the ease and calmness on his face never disappeared.

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