Hearing this, the people in the sixth universe finally reacted.

Xiangpa looked at Frost and Gabe and said coldly:

“Next, who will defeat that brat?!”

As for Hit, he would not shout.

Because that was his last trump card, and he would not use it easily.

Frost and Gabe did not dare to stand up.

Sun Wutian’s aura just now obviously made them afraid.

If they went up, they might also be sent to death.

Seeing that no one stood up, Xiangpa became even angrier:

“I’m asking you a question, are you speechless?”

“Or should I destroy you now and save you from the competition?”

This made Frost and Gabe look extremely pale.

There was no other way, someone had to stand up.

Both of them gritted their teeth and wanted to stand up.

However, Frost was faster and said respectfully:

“I will go, Lord Changpa”

“Let me teach that arrogant kid a lesson!”

Although he might not be a match for Sun Wutian in a head-on fight, it was not certain if he played dirty.

Moreover, this was a good opportunity to show himself.

If he performed well, he would definitely get a reward from Xiangpa.

Even if he did not get any reward, he would be slightly noticed by a God of Destruction.

Then he would be able to thrive in the universe in the future.

No one would dare to offend him easily.

In any case, it was worth it.

Xiangpa’s expression remained unchanged, still very indifferent:

“Then you go, if you lose you know the consequences!”

As he spoke, Xiangpa’s eyes showed a cold murderous intent.

It also made Frost’s back cold.

Then he nodded slightly, turned around and jumped down to the ring.

After landing smoothly, he first looked at the audience seats of the seventh universe.

Then he bowed slightly and greeted politely.

Then he politely greeted Sun Wutian who had returned to normal:

“Hello, I am Frost, please give me your advice!”

Sun Wutian said simply,”My name is Sun Wutian”

“Son Goten? That’s a nice name.”

Frost smiled softly, but couldn’t hide his sinister nature. He said,”Next, I will be your opponent.”

“Please let me experience the thrill of battle.”

Son Goten didn’t quite understand, but he nodded.

In the audience of Universe 7, everyone looked at Frost.

Krillin even said:

“That guy looks like Frieza”

“No, it should be said that he is Frieza from the sixth universe, right?”

“The seventh universe and the sixth universe exist as twins”

“Many things are very similar, even people are the same.”

Bulma said:

“But he doesn’t look as bad as Frieza.”

“Whether in words, deeds, or accomplishments”

“I think he is the opposite of Frieza, and is a good person.”

Tien Shinhan didn’t care whether he was a good person or a bad person, but said:

“We can’t tell whether they are good or bad people.”

“I just don’t know how strong this guy is.”

“Will he be able to become Golden Frost like Frieza?”

After saying this, everyone’s faces became a little serious.

They knew how powerful Golden Frieza was.

He was able to fight against Super Blue of Goku and Vegeta.

With that kind of strength, Goten was no match for him.

Not only was Goten no match for him, but it would also put pressure on Goku and the other two behind him.

“I don’t know. I hope he’s not as strong as Frieza.……”


On the stage, after confirming that both players were ready, the referee announced the start of the match.

“Come on, I’m looking forward to fighting you.”

Frost took a stance and prepared for battle.

Sun Wutian also took a fighting stance.

Then the two rushed towards each other at the same time.

The next moment, the two collided and blasted each other.

“”Puff, puff, puff!” They were almost evenly matched, going back and forth.

However, this exchange of blows only lasted about a minute.

Frost pulled away and said:

“You are very good, I will be more serious next time.”

He no longer planned to hide and change to the final form. He wanted to burst out and eliminate the opponent before Goten became a Super Saiyan.

After all, he had no confidence in Goten’s Super Saiyan, especially the third stage of Super Saiyan.

Goten was a little excited, but he did not continue to attack.

Frost clenched his fists and began to roar.


A burst of purple aura enveloped it.

The more it exploded, the stronger the aura became, and the higher the purple aura enveloped it.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the purple aura faded, revealing Frost’s final form.

Seeing Frost’s final form,

Krillin and others were more certain that Frost was Frieza from the sixth universe.

This transformation was almost exactly the same.

“That guy is really like Frieza, he can change to the final form.”Krillin opened his mouth, but his fists clenched unconsciously. He hated and feared Frieza.

The psychological shadow left by the other party was lingering.

Even though Frost in the ring acted like a good person.

But he couldn’t accept the face of Frieza.

“Since it can transform into the final form, then can it also transform into the golden form!”Tien Shinhan gritted his teeth and broke out in a cold sweat.

They were afraid of the golden form.

“Not sure… Let’s wait and see……”

On the ring.

Frost, who had turned into his final form, did not attack Goten right away. Instead, he smiled and said,”Next, let’s continue the fight.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Goten with all his strength.

His speed was very fast.

Goten, who had not turned into a Super Saiyan, could not even react.

Frost had already rushed in front of him.

Then, with great force, he punched Goten with all his strength.

Goten was a little slow to react. However, he still instinctively crossed his arms to block.


Although he resisted, he was still knocked out.

He flew backwards outside the ring and almost fell off the ring.

But at the critical moment,

Sun Wutian directly turned into Super Saiyan 2.

With the power of Super Saiyan 2, he was able to stabilize his body and stop.

This made Sun Wutian and Krillin and others in the audience feel thrilling.

“How could Goten be so careless?……”

“It’s not that he was careless, but Frost was too unexpected.……”

Compared to their thrilling moments, Frost’s expression was solemn.

This was his full-strength attack that caught the opponent by surprise.

With the opponent so relaxed, he didn’t even knock him out of the ring.

Then it would be difficult to eliminate him next.

Son Goten quickly returned from the edge of the ring to the middle and faced Frost.

Frost’s expression also changed quickly.

From the solemnity just now, he returned to his normal appearance and smiled:

“Sorry, I haven’t used this power for a long time.”

“I can’t control myself for a moment, please forgive me!”

No matter what, he must establish his character.

Sun Wutian was also confused by his words and scratched his head:

“It doesn’t matter, let’s have a real fight next.”

Goten said as he got ready.

Frost also got ready,”Then I’ll do it!”

He said as he rushed towards Goten.

Goten, who had transformed into Super Saiyan 2, stood still.

He didn’t feel any pressure from Frost anymore.

Frost quickly rushed in front of him and bombarded him.

Goten dodged the violent bombardment easily.

Frost’s final form.

In front of Goten Super Saiyan 2, it was still far behind.

This bombardment lasted for about a minute.

Goten, who had been dodging, also began to fight back.

He punched Frost in the abdomen, causing him to temporarily lose his ability to fight. He fell to his knees, unable to lift his head and supporting himself with his hands.

Goten spoke calmly:

“Do you have any stronger power?”

“If not, then you are no match for me.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Frostton felt strongly insulted.

Being said such words to him by a little devil was worse than death.

He gritted his teeth and his face became a little crazy.

“You little brat! How dare you insult this king!”[]

He said this in his heart with hatred.

But he quickly controlled his emotions and his face returned to normal.

He raised his head, supported himself on the ground and stood up, looking harmless, and said,”I don’t know if there is a stronger force, but I will not give up easily.”

“Only if you win the game can you get the help of Lord Xiangpa”

“That will better maintain the peace of the universe.”

“That way more bad guys won’t be able to do bad things.”

“So, I must not lose!”

Although Sun Wutian didn’t quite understand what he heard, he could roughly hear it.

Frost in front of him seemed to be fighting for the peace of the universe.

He was a good man.

Unable to help, the simple Sun Wutian lowered his guard against Frost.

Frost clenched his fist. He burst out his breath again and punched Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian easily took it with one hand.

But at the moment of taking it, a poisonous sting pierced out from Frost’s wrist and pierced into Sun Wutian’s flesh.

Sun Wutian suddenly felt dizzy and weak all over.

Taking this opportunity, Frost punched him away.

As expected, he fell out of the ring and fainted.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the seventh universe was stunned


“How could this………”

They couldn’t understand at all. They had just crushed Frost.

But the next second, he was blasted out of the ring.

Could it be that Sun Wutian let him win?

Sun Wukong quickly flew down and helped Sun Wutian up.

Sun Wutian also woke up quickly.

But he was confused to see that he was already outside the ring.

Then he looked at Frost on the ring.

Frost put his palm to his chest and bowed slightly:

“Thank you for your help! I won by chance.”

Only then did Sun Wutian realize that he had lost.

“Goten, let’s go up”


Then the father and son flew to the audience.

No matter what happened, they would talk about it after returning to the audience.

After returning to the audience, Krillin asked Son Goten:

“Goten, did you lose on purpose?”

“You just crushed the opponent easily, didn’t you?”

Everyone was staring at Sun Wutian. They didn’t see the movement of Frost’s poison needle stabbing out, and didn’t find anything unusual, so they didn’t know how Sun Wutian lost…

Sun Wutian shook his head,”I don’t know either.”

He himself didn’t know how he lost. He only remembered that after taking Frost’s punch, he woke up outside the ring.

He couldn’t even remember many of the processes.

But it was Su Ming who spoke:

“He lost because he was stabbed by a poison needle and lost consciousness for a short time.”

Everyone looked at Su Ming, and Su Ming continued:

“There is a small hole on Frost’s wrist, and there is a poison needle hidden in the hole.”

Everyone understood it after hearing this.

Beerus looked at Xiangpa, who was secretly happy for Frost’s victory in the audience of the sixth universe, and said:

“Hey, Xiangpa, did you hear me?”

“That guy called Frost used despicable means.”

“This match doesn’t count!”

Xiangpa retorted:

“You are slandering me, you are refusing to admit defeat”

“What despicable means are you talking about!”

“Besides, what evidence do you have to prove that Frost used despicable means?”

Without waiting for Beerus to answer, Su Ming said:

“Then check his body.”

“See if it is slander.”

Xiangpa was not afraid and said to the referee of the ring:

“Referee, check the body!”

Because Frost’s movements were handled very well.

There were almost no flaws, making him think that the poison needle was not used at all.

Everything was slandered by Beerus’s people who couldn’t afford to lose.

As long as they couldn’t find out, let’s see how he would fight against Beerus and others.

At his words, the referee on the ring quickly came to Frost’s side, looked him up and down and checked him carefully.

Finally, he found the needle exposed from the small hole in the wrist.

The referee touched it lightly with his fingers curiously.

But suddenly he felt dizzy, weak all over, and finally fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Especially Xiangpa, with an unbelievable look on his face!

At the same time, he gritted his teeth and hated Frost.

He really wanted to win the game, but not by such despicable means.

While he was gnashing his teeth, the referee who fell on the ring also woke up quickly.

The first moment he woke up, he immediately shouted loudly:

“Frost fouled and was disqualified”

“The winner of this match is Sun Wutian!”

However, Frost was not convinced and argued:

“This is not a hidden weapon, it is a part of my body, it cannot be considered a foul.”

The referee immediately refuted:

“No… this is not something that comes naturally to the body, it’s more like it was carefully designed!”

“Therefore, you have lost your qualification to participate!”

After being told this, Frost had nothing to say, but just smiled softly.

But Gabe in the audience of the sixth universe stood up and said puzzledly:

“Frost, how could you use such a method given your character?”

For a long time, Frost’s image in his mind has always been a good man.

A good man who contributes to the universe.

He doesn’t understand why such a good man would use such a despicable and illegal method.

Frost didn’t explain, but just raised a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Bardos began to explain:

“This is actually his true face.”

“The space pirates who attacked the planet Egg Sauce were actually the underground pirate organization led by him.”

Everyone was shocked when this was said. 1.4 No need for much explanation.

Just hearing the four words”pirate organization”.

They knew who Frost was.

Frost was not nervous at all, but retorted softly:

“You are slandering me, Bardos.”

Then he laughed a few times and continued with some pride:

“You start a war, you have to settle it yourself”

“Then they bought up the land that was devastated by the war at a low price.”

“Then make a fortune from the rights after redevelopment and revitalization”

“This is… what I invented, it can be called a business model.”

He stopped pretending and showed his true colors.

This also let everyone know his true colors.

Xiangpa gritted his teeth, stood up, facing Frost on the ring, and said coldly:”This guy made me lose face, I want to destroy him!”

But when he was about to destroy Frost,

Vegeta’s voice suddenly sounded:

“Wait, there’s no need to destroy him or make him quit”

“It’s my turn next. I will defeat this scum with my own hands!”

Just destroying it won’t make me feel better.

Vegeta must make the other party feel pain.

After all, he hates Frieza very much.

Now Frost uses this method again, which makes him hate him even more.

Before Xiangpa can say anything, the referee’s voice rings:

“However, this match was won by Sun Wutian.”

“According to the rules, he will still participate in this match, unless he loses, another player can come up.”

Vegeta said:”Goten said he gave up.”

Then he looked at Goten on the side and said:

“You said so, Goten.”

This made Sun Wutian confused and he didn’t know how to answer.

He also looked at his father for help.

Sun Wukong nodded,”Goten, you have a good rest, and then I will teach Uncle Vegeta and Dad.”

Although Sun Wutian was young, he could understand and immediately said:

“I abstain”

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