The journey was smooth.

In less than a minute, they reached a place in the body where the ground was like a sponge. This was the chest of the mammoth.

But from here, there were many roads ahead, like a maze.

It would take some effort to find the gem meat.

But Weiss closed his eyes and smelled it, and quickly chose a path:

“Let’s go that way. I think the delicious meat should be on that road.”

For a foodie like Weiss, his nose is very sharp.

Besides, he has many abilities.

It might be easier to find gem meat.

“In that case, let’s move on.”

Su Ming spoke, choosing to believe Weiss.

Aru and his people had seen Weiss’s ability and had no doubts.

But just as they were about to move forward, a figure suddenly walked out of the passage in front of them.

This figure looked similar to the pink GT robot before.

The only difference was that the body size was similar to that of a human, and the hair was blue.

The person operating this GT robot was none other than Sedaro, the deputy chef of the Gourmet Club.

Seeing another GT robot coming,

Aru and his people looked solemn and alert.

“Damn it! It’s the guy from the Gourmet Club!”

“These guys are really haunting, they are everywhere!”

The blue GT robot saw the annoyed expressions of Alu and the others, and laughed a few times, then said:”It seems that Guido couldn’t keep you guys.”

“In that case, let’s draw the line here and stop here!”

However, Su Ming treated him as if he didn’t exist and said to Weiss:

“”Weiss, keep going.”

Weiss nodded and continued to fly forward with Aru and the others.

Finally, they flew directly past the blue GT robot.

The two of them didn’t take the blue GT robot seriously at all.

But this indifference also angered the blue GT robot.

“Damn it, how dare you ignore this chef!”

“”All of you, go to hell!”

After saying that, the beak-like mouth split directly.

Then an energy ray shot out from it, attacking Weiss and his companions.

But it didn’t hurt them, and they were all blocked outside.

This is Weiss wrapping everyone in an energy shield.

Even if the world explodes, it is difficult to hurt them.

The attack of the blue GT robot seems extremely fragile. No matter how it attacks, it can’t break the defense.

The blue GT robot did not give up, and directly opened fire.

Used more terrifying energy rays to shoot at Weiss and his companions again.

However, it still had no effect, and they were all blocked outside the protective shield.

“How could this happen?

He was in disbelief and panic.

That was his strongest attack just now.

Although the GT robot did not exert its true strength, it was almost the same, and could exert 70 to 80 percent.

This kind of power is difficult to resist even for beasts of level 60 or 70.

However, it was easily resisted by the protective shields wrapped around Alu and his men.

What the hell are these protective shields?!

When he was doubting his life, Su Ming turned around and pointed his finger at him.

“I don’t want to meddle with ants like you.”

“But no matter what, it will definitely affect my mood for eating gem meat.”

“Therefore, you go to hell!”

A cold voice sounded.

A beam of energy shot out from the fingertips and shot towards the blue GT robot.

Before the blue GT robot could react, it was hit directly.


With a loud explosion, the blue robot was blown to pieces.

The deputy chef Sedaro, who was in the control room of the Gourmet Club, looked ashen.

His expression was no worse than that of Guido just now, and it was extremely ugly.


Aru and the others around Su Ming were already somewhat immune to it.

Although they were still shocked, they were not as shocked as before.

Anyway, in their eyes, Su Ming and Weiss were very strong.

These GT robots were not good enough.

The few of them continued to move forward.

After a while, they came to a place where a meat ball weighing several tons was hung, emitting a dazzling golden sand.

This meat ball not only emits light.

It is also full of fragrance, with an extreme meaty aroma.

Just smelling it makes people intoxicated.

And this meat ball is exactly the gem meat that Su Ming and the others are looking for.

Seeing the gem meat with gravy flowing in front of them, they all became jealous.

Weiss, Aru and other foodies were drooling.

“Is this the gem meat? Sure enough, it smells really good!”

“This meat smell is simply! It’s simply wonderful!”

While being intoxicated, Aru couldn’t hold back any longer.

He walked directly to the meatball, cut off a large piece with a knife, and put it directly into his mouth to chew it carefully.

Suddenly, he closed his eyes unconsciously, and his expression became extremely enjoyable.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and a faint golden light wrapped around his body, and his muscles bulged visibly.

At this moment, Aru’s strength returned to its peak and even increased.

After swallowing it, his pupils suddenly opened:

“Delicious! Absolutely delicious!”

In fact, even if he didn’t say it, everyone knew it just by looking at his expression.

Weiss couldn’t help it now and wanted to cut a piece to eat.

Xiaosong and others were also eager to move.

However, Su Ming stopped him and said:

“Don’t be in a hurry, this is not a good place to taste”

“We might as well take it out and cook it properly before eating it”

“That might be more delicious!”

Except for Weiss, Xiaosong and the others also nodded.

Although they also wanted to eat it directly.

But what Su Ming said was not unreasonable.

Gem meat will indeed taste better after cooking.

Besides, the environment here is not suitable for tasting delicacies.

And several people are worried that the mammoth will wake up.

At that time, it may be difficult to go out.

For all these reasons, they have to choose to go out first and taste it later.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Weiss couldn’t say anything. No matter how greedy he was, he had to listen to the advice.

If the gem meat tastes better after cooking.

Then even if he endured it, he would choose to cook it before tasting it.

No objection.

Su Ming walked to the gem meat and cut off the gem meat directly with his hand knife.

Then he nodded to Weiss.

Weiss understood, mobilized his strength, and took several people out of the mammoth’s body.

When he came outside,

Aru and the others were shocked by Weiss’s ability again.

“This actually came out directly……”

“How come?……”

(Asking for flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!)

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