Chapter 150 The deal with Hanzo !

in the advance elite team of Yanhuang Kingdom was full of weird faces because of the title Hanzo gave to their captains and vice-captains ( Sannin of Yanhuang Kingdom ) .

Hanzo spoke again : ” Bai Wu , what exactly do you want to do when you Yanhuang Kingdom suddenly broke into our Yuyin Village !? If you can’t give me a reasonable explanation , don’t blame my subordinates for being ruthless ! The strength of the three of you is indeed true . Yes , with the three of them working together , they can indeed fight against me ! But ! I didn’t use my full strength just now because I was worried that it would spread to the village ! ”

” Respected Mr. Hanzo Yuyin Village , this is actually a misunderstanding !”

Bai Wu hurriedly said .

” Misunderstanding ?”

Hanzo frowned .

” Yes, Mr. Hanzo .”

Bai Wu nodded and continued : ” This portal is the treasure of our Yanhuang Kingdom , it allows our people from Yanhuang Kingdom to easily reach places thousands of miles away ! But it has a disadvantage , that is, the door The destination on the opposite side is not fixed and is out of our control .”

” For this matter , our country of Yanhuang deeply apologizes for this ! Mr. Hanzo , on behalf of our country of Yanhuang , I can provide your village with 1,000 tons of food for free , that is to say 2 million catties of grain as compensation . !”

” Two million catties of grain !”

Hear it !

Hanzo and the surrounding Ninjas from Yuyin Village shrank their pupils one after another .

Naruto World is a very chaotic world !

constant wars between big and small countries .

What will happen if the war continues ?

lead to food shortages .

Especially a small country like the Land of Rain that is handed over to several big countries at the same time .

As a buffer between great powers, the Land of Rain is also a country that is mostly hills .

There are not many fields in the country that could have been cultivated .

The arrival of wars one after another will easily destroy the fields that the civilians in the Land of Rain finally cultivated .

So. _

of rain is extremely short of food .

Two million catties of food , for Yanhuang Kingdom, an inter-plane superpower currently sitting on four planes , is completely a drop in the bucket .

According to the statistics of the General Administration of Grain of Yanhuang State .

last year .

the world of armored iron city alone , Yanhuang country has harvested 399.9 billion catties of grain .

After deducting expenses , nearly 200 billion catties were born .

Converted to 100 million tons !

So. _

Two million kilograms of grain is really just a drizzle for the Yanhuang Kingdom .

But for Yuyin Village, it is a huge number .

So !

After hearing Bai Wu’s words .

Including Hanzo, all the ninjas in Yuyin Village were stunned .

At the same time !

They all subconsciously restrained part of their killing intent .

One second !

Two seconds ! Three seconds ! three seconds later .

Only then did Hanzo calm down .

Facing Bai Wu’s sincere gaze , he asked , ” Bai Wu , are you telling the truth? Are you really able to represent your country of Yanhuang ? Your country of Yanhuang is really willing to compensate us two hundred for this matter. Ten thousand catties of food ?”

” Of course .”

Bai Wu nodded irrefutably , and then said : ” Mr. Hanzo , if you don’t mind , I can let our people pass through our national treasure shuttle gate and deliver the food .”

, Hanzo fell silent again .

After being silent for a while , he opened his mouth and said : ” Bai Wu , if your Yanhuang country can really transport two million catties of grain , no , no , you don’t need two million catties , one million … No , 500,000 ! If your Yanhuang country can transport 500,000 catties of grain , I will not hold you accountable for your rash intrusion into my Yuyin Village this time !”

” Mr. Hanzo, wait a moment , I’ll send someone back to transport food .”

After Bai Wu finished speaking , he gestured towards one of his team members .

After the man nodded , he quickly got into the shuttle door .

He just returned to Earth HQ !

he walked out of the shuttle door , he encountered the second elite team of 100 who was preparing to enter the world of the fourth plane to assist the advance elite team to deal with the siege of the rainy ninja led by Hanzo .

of this 100-person elite squad still possess lieutenant-level combat power .

who returned from Naruto World hurriedly reported the current situation of Naruto World to Zhang Zheng, who was in command at the scene .

” That boy Bai Wu, he did a good job , he deserves to be my soldier !”

Knowing the cause and effect, Zhang Zheng could n’t help but praise Bai Wu .

Then !

He immediately arranged the transportation of food .


Less than ten minutes .

100,000 tons of grain is ready .

At the same time !

There are also 900,000 tons of grain , which are being dispatched from the nearby granary quickly .

Yes !

You read that right, it is 100,000 tons of grain .

the Yanhuang country’s side , from the words of the returning elite team soldier , he learned that Hanzo and the ninjas of Yuyin Village were willing to stop immediately with Yanhuang country because of the thousand tons of food . A very bold idea came up !

That is

Use a money offensive , or a food offensive , to smash Hanzo directly , and buy the area where Yuyin Village is located from Hanzo !

After all, the shuttle door is located at the entrance and exit of the plane world , unless the god-level option is triggered alone , there is no way to move it .


And whether it is Hanzo or the ninjas of Yuyin Village , it is absolutely impossible for Yanhuang Kingdom to allow someone from Yanhuang Kingdom to be active in their village in the future .

So !

On the side of Yanhuang Kingdom , one million tons of food can be directly prepared in one go .

In fact, with the power of Yanhuang Kingdom .

If a team of 1,000 people is all overwhelmed, if you want to get Hanzo and Yuyin Village , there is absolutely no problem .

But !

Hanzo’s toxin is a big problem !

There is a high chance of casualties along the way .

And these thousand members selected to participate in the world of the fourth plane , without exception , are the most elite soldiers with the best cultivation talent in the Yan Huang country .

In the view of Yanhuang Kingdom !

Any one of these thousand people is far more important than a million tons of grain .

If one million tons of grain can be exchanged for the station in Yuyin Village without any bloodshed , this is definitely a good thing for Yanhuang Kingdom !

At the same time .

After one million tons of food is smashed down , the ninjas of Hanzo and Yuyin Village will definitely reach MAX in an instant!

Thinking of the next year , Yanhuang Kingdom must only rely on a thousand people to explore and develop in Naruto World !

If there is Hanzo, a demigod of the ninja world , who can have a general level of strength as an ally .

Yan Huangguo is acting a little more prudently ! Then .

is absolutely possible for those thousand elite soldiers to live unharmed until a few years later .


Chapter 151 Strange Time Flow

Ten minutes !

It only took ten minutes for Yan Huang Country to successfully prepare 100,000 tons of food .

And in order to express sincerity , these grains are all refined grains , not old grains .

Then .

The Earth Headquarters started to transport food to the shuttle gate .

With the help of a special oversized truck .

The Yanhuang Kingdom promised Hanzo one thousand tons of grain , and ten vehicles were sent over .

Then !

Under the command of Hanzo and others , the food from the car was unloaded successively in the huge mud warehouse made by the ninjas in Yuyin Village , temporarily using the earth escape ninjutsu .

Look at the warehouses full of rice and wheat ! Smell the aroma of rice in the air !

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