Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 3 Can The Thing That Seals Kill People?

"Master Kazekage, the situation of this ninjutsu is unknown now, so it is better not to talk casually in it, what if our Sunagakure information is leaked out?"

what are you thinking, what are you coming

One second before Orochimaru was wondering whether he would go through the gang, and the next second several Sand Shinobi executives around him had already begun to speak to Orochimaru to warn him.

Nowadays, all the people talking are undead, and the ninjas in this world mainly collect information cautiously, and no one is willing to disclose their own information at will.

Orochimaru laughed awkwardly: "Haha, yes, I was too careless, I will pay attention to it in the future."

But he had just finished speaking,

Senju Tobirama: Hehe, who knows how long you have been dead, don't our memories stay at the time of death?

Senju Hashirama: Yes, we are all dead, Tobirama, is this the Forbidden Technique you researched again?

Baki: Hehe, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Kazekage-sama is still alive and well!

Fourth Kazekage: ? ? ? , You trash haven't found my body yet? !

Everyone in Sand Shinobi Village:? ? ?


A big snake suddenly appeared in Fengyinglou, and Orochimaru escaped from Sand Shinobi Village with an MMP face. What the hell is this screen? I carefully planned Konoha's rebirth plan, because this guy was delayed.

Fortunately, Sand Shinobi Village's ability to keep him is undoubtedly a dream, but Orochimaru's exposure directly brought the atmosphere of the chat room to the highest level.

"Orochimaru, one of Konoha Sannin, killed our Fourth Kazekage! Should Konoha give us an explanation?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Hehe, Orochimaru is already rebellious. All his actions have nothing to do with our Konoha, and your Sand Shinobi Village is about to move around the border of the Fire Country. We are not blind. Who knows that this is not a scene directed and performed by you. .”

Senju Hashirama: No matter which era, ninjas cannot avoid disputes. By the way, what generation of Hokage is Konoha now?

Uchiha Madara: Hasi hot mom, so your original path was wrong!

Shimura Danzō: Mr. Hashirama, Konoha is now the Fourth Hokage, but now there is no leader. Since the death of Fourth Hokage, Konoha's Hokage position has been suspended.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Danzo, what do you mean? I'm still alive!

Shimura Danzō: Hehe, I don’t know who said that we should wait until the younger generation grows up to abdicate, but now 12 years have passed, and a certain sinner shamelessly occupies the position of Hokage.

Onoki: To elaborate, I like to hear it.

Fourth Raikage Ai: You Konoha B have so many things to do, unlike our Cloud Shinobi Village, which is like a monolith.

With the exposure of Orochimaru, the live broadcast room became lively.

However at this moment,

The screen in the sky suddenly changed drastically.



A blue bird theme song sounded in everyone's ears, and everyone's attention was turned to the sky.

【The giant Nine Tails roared upwards, its figure covering half of the bright moon in the sky. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice comes from the narration: Once upon a time, there was a demon fox, who gave birth to Nine Tails, and when the fox moved its tail, landslides and tsunamis caused great disturbance to the people, so they gathered ninjas to attack it. 】

What was played on the screen was a scene from the night of Nine Tails!

The villagers of Konoha Village are whispering, many people now have experienced that night of Nine Tails first-hand.

In Hokage's office,

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was ashen, and he had an extremely ominous premonition in his heart.

This set of rhetoric is exactly the one he used when brainwashing the civilians, the purpose is to make the villagers hate Naruto, so that he can PUA him himself.

Sure enough, bullet chatting began to appear on the screen.

Senju Hashirama: This thing is Nine Tails, how did it become a demon fox? Didn’t I catch this thing back then?

Konoha Village Citizen A: ? ? ?

Wang Defa? This guy who destroyed a large area of ​​Konoha was actually captured by First Hokage?

Senju Tobirama: What's going on? With the Jinchūriki of the whirlpool family, how could Nine Tails be released?

Namikaze Minato: I'm so sorry, but someone took advantage of my wife's weakness during childbirth to release Nine Tails.

Senju Hashirama: Are you...?

Namikaze Minato: Ah, sorry, Master Hashirama, I am Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

Senju Hashirama: Oh~! It was Fourth Hokage, how did you die?

Namikaze Minato: ...

At this time, the picture on the screen changed,

[A large group of Konoha Shinobi players are frantically attacking Nine Tails with injuries all over their bodies]

【"Stop it before the Fourth Generation arrives! Don't let it get any closer to the village!"】

Namikaze Minato: Ha~haha... I died sealing Nine Tails.

Senju Hashirama:? ? ?

Senju Hashirama: Sealing that thing can kill people?

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