The behavior of the two Grass Ninjas caught the attention of the group.

Uzumaki Naruto on the side couldn't help shouting: "Hey! Aren't you fellows?"

Grass Ninja Village sneered: "Companion? Our Ninja Village kindly took this guy in, shouldn't she make some contributions?"

Naruto was taken aback when he heard the words: "Accept?"

At this time, Nara Shikamaru looked at Xiang Rin's red hair and his expression changed. He leaned in front of Naruto and whispered, "Naruto, do you remember her name?"

Naruto was taken aback, scratched his head: "Forgot."

Shikamaru pointed to Naruto himself with black lines all over his head: "Vortex, vortex!"

Naruto was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at her with bright eyes: "Uzumaki? Uzumaki Xianglin? She belongs to the Uzumaki family!"


Chakra in Naruto's body erupted instantly,

"Let her go!"

Naruto shouted excitedly, and rushed towards the two Kusanagi.

Seeing this, Xianglin's two teammates turned pale in shock: "What are you doing!"

The two hands were not slow at all, and the shuriken was shot towards Naruto almost instantly.

After three years of hell, they have reached the level of Anbu in terms of combat experience, but they cannot reach the level of Naruto in Tsukuyomi due to physical reasons.

However, it is a pity that they are facing Naruto Motoming. If you want to say who has improved the most in root training experience, it is undoubtedly Naruto.

I saw that he easily knocked away the oncoming Kunai with his hand in his hand, and at the same time pushed forward with both hands together.

"Wind Style Gale Palm!"

A hurricane hit and the two Kusanagi were blown away without any suspense.

Naruto stood in front of Xiang Rin like a god descending from the earth, and there was a blur in Xiang Rin's eyes.

At this time, there was a burst of white light from the sky covering Uzumaki Kaorin, and the blackened Naruto's voice descended from the sky:

"Rewards Adamantine Sealing Chains for the Uzumaki Native Sealing Technique."

"Reward a Sarutobi Hiruzen Impure World Reincarnation Sacrifice White Zetsu."

Xianglin's eyes lost focus for a moment, and after three seconds, her pupils shone brightly again.

However, the temperament of Xianglin who woke up has undergone tremendous changes.


Xianglin shouted excitedly,

Naruto in front of him trembled in fright from Xianglin, he was about to turn his head when he was already buried in Wen Yu's arms.

The Twelve Xiaoqiang stared at Xianglin holding Naruto in his arms with disbelief.

"Naruto-kun, Naruto-kun, Naruto-kun!"

Karin rubbed Naruto like an idiot,

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Naruto struggled to get out of Karin's arms with a flushed face, but to no avail.

Little Sakura yelled at Xiang Rin with wide eyes, "What are you doing?!"

At this time, Xianglin changed her previous soft temperament, and looked at little Sakura with disdain: "What are you doing? Of course I hug my dearest Naruto."

At this time, the two Kusanagi Village Genins who were blown away by Naruto had already stood up.

Cao Ying in the chat room shouted: "Bring Xianglin back! You don't have to take the exam!"

At this time, the shadows of the rest of Ninja Village suddenly reacted,

The whirlpool family! Plus Adamantine Sealing Chains!

The perfect Jinchūriki candidate!

Two-day scale Onoki: "Damn! Why didn't we take the joint Chūnin exam this time!"

Black Earth: "Probably because we are not allies with Konoha, haha~"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Hmph, we don't need this kind of thing anymore in Cloud Shinobi Village!"

Danzo: "Quick! Hiruzen, leave her in Konoha!"

In the Hokage office,

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at White Zetsu standing in front of him in surprise,

He looked at Danzo's speech in the live broadcast room and sneered, he was really an idiot, can such a thing be said?

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Danzo! Our Konoha value peace, it is impossible to attack allies at will!"

Shimura Danzō: "Hiruzen, you'll regret it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Danzo, I am Hokage!"

Senju Hashirama: "Hahaha! The monkey is right this time, how can we attack allies casually, and the rewards are obtained by themselves, but... the vortex family?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Oh, I'm sorry, Master Hashirama, I sent it late. When we arrived, only one Kushina was rescued from Kushina Village, and the rest of the people were separated. Kushira Village was also taken by Kirigakure destroyed."

In Mizukage's office at this time,

Terumi Mei flicked through the information sent by Anbu desperately. She had just led the rebel army to overthrow the controlled Yagura, so she couldn't get any information.

She frowned at Qing beside her and asked, "What happened to Uzumaki Country back then? Why were we the ones who sent troops to Uzumaki Village, but we didn't get the relevant sealing technique?"

Qing shook her head, her face was a bit ugly,

"It is estimated that the Great Elder is more clear about this matter now, but in his current state, it may take three days and three nights to finish talking."

Terumi Mei's face darkened, she stood up and walked towards the residence of the great elder:

"To find out, it always feels like this old Yinbi Hokage is cheating us."

ps. Is there anyone else? Ask for data.

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