Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 68: Gradually Darkening Naruto

"Fire Style Phoenix Fire Technique!"

In the examination room, Sasuke angrily sprayed several fireballs at his friend.

Shocked, Naruto quickly dodges Sasuke's attack.

"You're crazy!" Naruto yelled with a constipated face.

Sasuke roared with a ferocious face: "You pinched my dad's eyeballs! You killed him!"

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a speechless face and rolled his eyes: "That's not me! When did I do this before?"

But at this time, Sasuke saw his own father's death with his own eyes, so how can he control so much, anyway, Naruto is Naruto, so let's fight first.

He took out several shurikens and threw them towards Naruto.

There was a stern look in Naruto's eyes: "Don't make trouble for no reason! Wind Style · Gale Palm!"

Naruto clasped his hands together and blasted a gust of wind towards the shurikens in front of him, knocking them all down.

As the biggest beneficiary of three years of brutal root training, his strength is no longer the tail of the crane that was completely crushed by explosive energy in the original book.

The basic Three Body Technique and some low-level ninjutsu, Naruto is now using thieves.

And Sasuke was right, he opened his eyes, and the Three Tomoe Sharingan, who had been stimulated to turn on the projection before, stared at Naruto firmly.

"Hmph! The tail of the crane is always the tail of the crane!"

After speaking, his speed soared again, rushing towards Naruto at a speed far exceeding that of a normal Genin.

Naruto didn't get used to Sasuke at all, just blinked, and his eyes instantly turned into fox pupils to stare at Sasuke firmly.

Nine Tails Chakra!

The little Sakura on the side looked at the two anxiously,

"Naruto! Don't fight anymore, Sasuke was just impulsive."

Naruto, who was fighting Sasuke, was stiff all over, and Sasuke seized the opportunity to kick him out directly.

Ino walked up to the little Sakura with a speechless face: "It was obviously Sasuke who made the first move, why did you only let Naruto stop?"

Little Sakura was taken aback when he heard the words, and nodded awkwardly: "Yes, Sasuke, don't hit me anymore."

Ino looked at little Sakura speechlessly, they were all companions, and little Sakura's double standard was too serious, did she really think that being a ninja was just a joke?

Although Ino also likes Sasuke, but when she really meets on the battlefield, she will choose to help her companions without hesitation, rather than being a love brain.

If she hadn't experienced Tsukuyomi twice and seen the development of the projected world, she might have cheered Sasuke as well,

But after going through these things, her affection for Naruto has greatly increased. Although she will not empathize with others, she is somewhat displeased with the double-standard operation of little Sakura.

At this time, Shikamaru and others looked at Naruto and Sasuke who were fighting fiercely with melancholy faces.

"Hey, I thought Naruto would be the last one, but this increase in strength is too much."

Kiba on the side looked enviously at Naruto, who was fighting equally with Sasuke, and said:

"That's the power of Nine Tails? Why didn't I activate it then."

Although Infinite Tsukuyomi always used Naruto's body, not everyone was able to successfully harness the power of Nine Tails Chakra.

Most people are adapted to the root training and finally get the strength of Elite Chunin to withdraw from the Tsukuyomi world, which is why all ninjas successfully passed the Infinite Tsukuyomi test in the end.

Because they are ninjas, as long as they are proficient in Naruto's body, they can reach the level of Elite Chunin by accumulating combat experience.

To put it bluntly, they are just players brought into the RPG game, but Naruto actually seems to have obtained his own three-year memory from another world.

The anger, pain, and hatred during the period are also real, but because he has no memory of "Hokage Ninja", he can't control the power in advance by using the familiar plot and his own cheating method like the Naruto in the projection.

But even so, he still activated the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode with two tails, and his body was rapidly absorbing the 3 years of combat experience and memory.

If Sasuke hadn't turned on the three-god jade and possessed extraordinary dynamic vision, he would have been kicked out by Naruto at this time.

But even with the Three Tomoe Sharingan, his body still can't keep up with the movements of the eyes.

Naruto looked at the endless Sasuke with a look of impatience in his eyes. Naruto, who was already aroused by Tsukuyomi to bury the darkness in his heart, couldn't care about friends anymore.

Because after several times of Tsukuyomi's experience, he found that the so-called companion was just his own wishful thinking, and he was trying to change Sasuke and let him regard himself as a competitor by licking his face like a dog's skin plaster.

To put it bluntly, it was nothing more than seeing Sasuke become a loner like myself and feeling cowardly after meeting the same kind.

Now seeing his decisive killing without hesitation in the projection, Naruto's basic affection for Sasuke is also quietly changing.

So after Sasuke was forced back by himself again, Naruto burst out a more powerful Chakra in an instant.

A red tailed beast coat emerged, and Naruto's speed skyrocketed again!


With a muffled sound, Sasuke, who hadn't been planted with the curse mark, was kicked out in an instant!

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