Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1139: Horror shock

His physical endurance is far from what a fighter can match.

Speed? With the support of pure power, his speed can also be, very! fast!

Out of the opponent's siege area, Lan Xuanyu raised a loud dragon chant from the sky. The huge golden light suddenly bloomed. Golden Dragon Roar!

This trick Lan Xuanyu was used in previous battles, and was also used in the dragon. Lin Zexuan naturally knows.

However, knowing it is one thing, and really facing it, it is another matter.

In an instant, Lin Zexuan only felt that his bloodline seemed to be solidified, and the twisted space around his body shattered instantly. The body is revealed, and the body is instantly stiff.

His tenacious fighting will and powerful fighting skills seemed to have become useless when the bloodline was suppressed.

This is the advantage of Lan Xuanyu when he is against the dragon clan. The suppression of the blood line often makes the other party unable to exert their true strength at all. In particular, the opponent he faced was still the median dragon, and the bloodline gap was even greater.

And in the moment when the other party's body stagnate and appeared, Lan Xuanyu has returned.

The golden dragon wing flapped suddenly. The slammed air appeared to roar violently. Immediately afterwards, he was almost like a golden meteor, and he almost reached the other party in an instant.

Lin Zexuan's stiffness was only momentary, but when he recovered, Lan Xuanyu was already in sight.

But his combat experience is indeed rich, even under such circumstances, he quickly responded. The surrounding space was twisted again, making his figure unreal. At the same time, the wings flapped and the dexterous one turned around, making it the easiest and most rapid in a small area.

The twenty-meter-long body twisted and flashed, while the right dragon wing swung up suddenly. The body has no dragon wings to maintain a natural decline due to weight. Clever defense, dodge and counterattack.

Unfortunately, the opponent he met was really different from the previous one.

Lan Xuanyu came over, Lan Xuanyu did not dodge. The body completed a fold almost instantly. Folding completely contrary to the principles of mechanics.

If you carefully decompose Lan Xuanyu's movements, when he rushed to Lin Zexuan's front, his wings suddenly erected, suddenly shot forward, so that his original fierce forward speed suddenly stopped. His body completely withstood the impact. Then the figure rotated and the dragon wings swept.

The golden scales on his body suddenly became bright at this moment, and on the sweeping dragon wings, the scales reflected the light like a mirror.


The two dragon wings collided fiercely. The situation that Lin Zexuan least wanted to face was still there. The collision of power!

In an instant, Lin Zexuan only felt a slight shock from his right dragon wing. Yes, there seems to be only a slight shock. But the next moment, starting from the scales, the shock quickly magnified and went straight to the body. Wherever he passed, scales, bones, meridians, flesh and blood were broken apart.

Lan Xuanyu's body, which was hardened by the dragon force and also refined by the thunder **** thunder, how terrifying the strength is. More importantly, in this blow, he also comes with the ability of the Golden Dragon Overlord. Instantly completed the process of unloading, borrowing and struggling. It is equivalent to using one's own strength and the other's strength to unite together. Attack the opponent.

That concussion was realized by him in the process of continuously using the thunder **** thunder to refine himself.

The God of Thunder cannot be used easily, so as not to be seen. So, in the Thang Long Competition, he will inevitably encounter strong opponents, how should he face it?

After constant experimentation, Lan Xuanyu developed another way to use Thunder God of Thunder. Even more horrible than the original Thunder.

Similar to Palm Thunder. Contains the power of the extinct **** thunder in his bloodline. Just like when the body is quenched with the thunder **** thunder. When the God of Thunder, Lan Xuanyu, attacked in a tempered place under such circumstances. The God of Thunder will explode inside him.

The terrifying power of the **** thunder will instantly enhance the effect of smelting to the extreme, thus generating a powerful explosive force. This explosion will transmit the power of the Thunder God Thunder, but it has no attribute characteristics. Only pure explosive power. That is to say, Lan Xuanyu is equivalent to letting himself already have terrifying power, and then adding the explosive power of the **** of thunder.

This way of fighting is no different from suicide for normal creatures, first bomb yourself, then bomb others.

But Lan Xuanyu's body strength is different! His physical strength is enough to withstand the destruction of the Thunder God Thunder. Because it has always been this way. Although it will also be affected, the repair of Longqi came immediately. As long as there is enough dragon energy to repair, he can fight in this way.

Is there less dragon spirit? Dantian just got a bunch of liquid ones.

Today this is Lan Xuanyu’s first attempt after developing this fighting method, which was used on the unlucky dragon Lin Zexuan.

The effect is better than expected, Lan Xuanyu's own dragon wings are violently concussed, he is also a bit uncomfortable. Then he clearly saw that the opponent's dragon wing, starting from the position where it collided with him, quickly softened. Like, softened. It seems to be dissolved inside. And quickly spread to the other party.

At this time, Lin Zexuan showed his strong qualities to enter the round robin. He almost did not hesitate, while falling. The left forepaw fastened to the root of the dragon wing on his right side, and then tried his best to tear it suddenly.

In a raspy sound, blood flashed and sprayed out. He dragged his right wing down.

At the same time quickly release the dragon claw. Let the dragon wing fall.

Even so, there was still a trace of that terrifying shock transmitted to him. A weird scene appeared, and the thin blood spewed out in the air instantly, and turned into a **** ripple, trembling in the air like a wave.

The wound became bigger instantly, and the bones inside were broken.

In the mumble, Lin Zexuan fell to the ground in an instant.

Lan Xuanyu's attack was also uncomfortable, barely controlling the dragon wings in the tremor to maintain his body, barely controlling the balance.

It's a little too fierce! The fierce self cannot continue to attack. This thing is still not easy to use! Need to adjust again.

At that moment he didn't pay any attention to the **** of thunder. Wong Yuen Long's plan, Lan Xuanyu, supports it. It's about breaking up the opponents that Xiu Xiu will face later.

But I did not expect that the thunder **** thunder exploded in the body, and then the shock it brought was terrifying. Even his body under the condition of the Golden Dragon King had some difficulties. The Golden Dragon King's bloodline violently oscillated. A large amount of dragon gas penetrated, and the bloodline vortex violently rotated, and then the shock was gradually calmed down.

After such a full blow, Lan Xuanyu's right wing took almost ten seconds to fully recover. The flight returned to nature.

However, there is no need for another one. If not, Lin Zexuan responded fast enough. Just this time, he is likely to die.

Knowing his own affairs, Lan Xuanyu knew how hard it was. However, the spectators cannot see so many details! Even the Dragon Knight can only see that he used a special attack to control his power. I can't see what the source of this shock is, it's only when it's pure power.

In the eyes of the participating dragons, this battle can only be described in one word, that is fast!

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