Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 108 - Lake number 3

"A familiar one?" I asked confused.

"Yep. I met her from time to time, which is good for her. Let's make it a surprise for you" She said smiling.

Continuing walking, Lingling started humming, she was making light jumps while walking. For some reason, a green aura appeared around her that seemed to completely blend with her surroundings. For the places that she passed the vegetation grew stronger, and it could even be listened to spirit beast voices following Lingling humming.

In all, it made a very beautiful picture, Lingling seemed to have become one with the forest making it stronger and the forest answered protecting her. As she walked the forest was moving, making a path for her, even at the extreme of always growing grass under her, her feet never touching the nude ground.

I recuperated from my stupor "Lingling, where exactly are we going?"

"You already know that there are subsidiaries of the Star Lake overall Star Duo Forest" Lingling started saying "We will go to Lake number 3. Like the Sea of Tranquility where you went. These places have traces of the water from Star Lake, making them purer. Of course, they cannot be compared with Star Lake, but they are imitations. The problem is that this pure state could not be maintained, year by year is weakening. The only reason that Star Lake could maintain its environment is thanks to Bi Yi. For other places, they are more suggestible to be contaminated. Once contaminated, the little water with impurities that came from Star Lake will not be enough" She paused for a moment "This is my duty, I visit this subsidiaries lakes and purify them, maintaining their properties"

"So you and people or beasts capable of doing the same are the responsible to keep the lakes pure like the Sea of Tranquility" I summarized.

"Half point" answered Lingling "What you said is true. However, the Sea of Tranquility is an untouched one, it's never purified. In the near future, it will stop its function and become a completely normal lake. That lake was also a relatively new created one, originated by a little leak of the Star Lake"

"I understand. But in this case, what is the condition for you to purify a lake? What difference are?" I asked.

"100.000 years spirit beasts. Having attained that cultivation is a great achievement, the Spirit Beast Linage decides to give them something in exchange for them to fight against others and to help in case of a disaster to the Forest. This gift could be a treasure or place. I very sought place, are the subsidiaries of Star Lake, so they are gifted to them. For this reason, the properties of the lakes are to be maintained. And at the same, this makes that spirits less pushed to attack as they know that it would cause the loss of this privilege" Lingling explained.

I nodded and we continued walking, arriving at a lake. The lake had a pure green and blue water, even if its size wasn't very big, high and pure spirit energy coming from it. It wasn't at the level of Star Lake, but it was much nearer than the Sea of Tranquility.

Having detected our presence a huge figure approached us. The strangest of all was that even with a huge body it seemed to move nimble and it didn't make any sound moving. Once near us, I could see what it was. It was a giant gorilla, with black fur, more than 7 meters tall, with all its body full of muscles. It was a Titan Giant Ape, for its size and presence there wasn't any doubt that it was over 100.000 years. It must be known that Titan Giant Apes is considered one of the apex of spirit beast, with great attack and defense power, a 50.000 years old one could even fight against another 100.000 years old beast, not talking about this one that had 100.000.

Seeing me, the Ape made a wary face and started analyzing.

"He is with me, It is my friend. There is no need to be wary, Er Ming" Lingling said.

The Titan Giant Ape, Er Ming, turned to her and made a light bow "I will trust you" Er Ming said turning to the lake. Bubbles started appearing from the lake, at that place a big snake-like beast emerged from the lake.

It had a bull's head over 4 meters of diameter, followed by a body of a snake, more than 30 meters long. I didn't know what spirit beast was, but for its sheer pressure, I could analyze that it was stronger than Er Ming. Excluding the Kings of Star Duo Forest, I doubt it would have any rival, but not having attained the realm of Hei Qi.

It inclined its head to Lingling "I welcome you, Embodiment of Life. Thanks for coming and please spent some time with Little Sister"

"You are welcome and there is no need to thank, Da Ming" Lingling answered. Da Ming nodded again and returned inside the water.

Lingling approached the lake and knelt on its coast. She joined both her hands like if praying, a green aura surrounded her, this caused for flowers to grow around her. This aura increased little by little.

She stood in that position for an hour until the aura started moving to her hands. Once all the aura was focused on her hands, she brought her hands in the lake. Like a pulse, a ripple of green water traversed all the lake.

Lingling fell back to the ground, laying exhausted. I approached her taking a handkerchief from my storage and offered her. She smiled at me and cleaned her sweet "Thanks, Bai"

I looked at her a little worried "Lingling, why didn't you use your spir-". "Lingling!" I shout interrupted me. Turning to the voice I saw a beautiful girl with long straight brown hair. This time a recognized her, she was the Soft Boned Rabbit humanized spirit beast, Xiao Wu.

She jumped to Lingling hugging her "Long time not seeing you. It's very boring here only with big brothers" Lingling forced a smile and signaled me with her face. This caused Xiao Wu to finally realize my presence. She glanced at me and tilted her head "You are...?"

I sighed (I defeated her two times, my sister is one of her best friends and she didn't remember me. What a hit for my pride. I must have a very low presence)

"I am..." "I have at the tip of my tongue," Xiao Wu said "You are...Oh! I know! You're Rongrong's brother, Bai! What are you doing here?"

"I cam..." just as I was about to talk she interrupted "Nevermind, let's focus on the important. How is brother San? And Rongrong? And all Shrek's members? How is..."

This girl was really making me angry, I must thank my training at the Star Lake, easier controlling my feeling and keeping calm, if not I would have shouted her to shut up and hit her and ordered her to listen. Not a great plan when there are two 100.000 spirit beast around, surely her friends, or as they called themselves brothers, would help her, attacking me.

"Breath, calm down, Xiao Wu" I said the most politely I could at the moment.

She seemed to realize her euphoria and not letting me talk, she blushed a little ashamed "Sorry. Could you explain what you know about Shrek, please?"

"I don't really have information about them. I am in the same case as you, just after the tournament I left all of them behind and I passed this year in Star Duo Forest. I only met Tang San last year"

Xiao Wu seemed to react to Tang San's name, her eyes sparkled and opened widely. She was having difficulty to control herself to ask again, even knowing that it would only delay the information.

"I only met him shortly, he was training with his father, Tang Hao. He seemed fine and his strength had increased. For what is he doing, no idea" I told her.

She was glad knowing that Tang San was fine after their farewell, she also was sad about not being with him and at the same time, she was disappointed by my lack of knowledge. These feelings were easily seen on her face.

She smiled looking at the sky "I'm glad that brother San is fine and continue growing" She clenched her hands "I'll need to become stronger or I will be left behind" She then turned to me and Lingling "Can I follow both of you? It would be a great help!" she requested.

"Why?" I asked with a strange face "I'm focusing on the sword path and Lingling is a support system, you would learn more with Er Ming"

She made a serious face "It's because you're humans. Once a spirit beasts evolve to humans, they need human contact to grow and become stronger. This is the reason for them to go to the human society. If not they could stay in the forest protected until they entered the mȧturėd phase, when they are undetectable, after arriving at the 60 rank. You won't be the same as being in human society but it would greatly help me. Please, let me follow you!" she said bowing.

I looked at Lingling waiting for her to say something. Lingling smiles "It is your decision. I am busy, and there are places where she won't be permitted, of course, Star Lake is not a problem for her"

Looking at the expectant eyes of Xiao Wu I sighed in defeat "Okay, you can come. I suppose that having a sparring partner would be good" I glanced at Xiao Wu "But never annoy me when I'm training"

She took my hands and waved them up and down "Thanks!" she shouted happily.

"I already have finished the purification, we can return anytime," Lingling said "Wu, say goodbye to them," she said signaling the ape and the lake "And remember to never break the peace at Star Lake"

Xiao Wu then ran towards her brothers and started talking with them, I suppose that explained the circumstances.

As I was bored waiting, suddenly I sensed something strange and my left arm started trembling "Oh, fuċk!"

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