Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 12 - Forest and Cookies? A big Joke!

I am now running through a forest while being chased by 20 10 years old Silver Wolves. (Yeah. If you want to know what I'm in this kind of situation I will say it is not a good idea to enter a unknown possible infested with spirit beast forest shouting like there's no tomorrow. They surrounded me after running 5 km walking I need to use my intent to break through their encircled so now I'm tired running to the exit. I could kill 5 of them easily, 20 is overkill!). While I'm concentrated one wolf jumps to me I can evade completely and leave a cut at my cheek (If it leave a scar I'm gonna be sure to extinguish all the specie!). Suddenly the wolf stop and start running to the opposite direction "Yeah run! Little fuċkers!"I shout when my Mind eye warn me of and attack behind me. I quickly jump forward twisting my body mid air to confront the danger now before me. I invoke my sword blocking a big claw being pushed 7 meters until I recuperate and stand again.

I can see a big 5 meters two legged silver bear (With this strength it surely will be a minimum 100 years old beast) "Maybe I'm not confident fighting a large number of enemies but in a 1vs1 I have no rival!" I say while pointing up with my sword <First skill: Fire power> then I charge toward the bear activating my sword intent having my sword turning red illuminated by a white light "Eat this!" I easily pierce through the bear killing it. Manifesting above its dead body a white ring. (So it was 10 years old. Fuck! I spent too much spirit and physical energy being tired as fuċk!).

I quickly activate my Stealth Treasure hiding my cultivation and run cautiously to not find any beast. After 10 min a find a cave that it seems empty I active my Mind Eye at full power checking no live signs I sigh in relief and enter the cave. I rest a little and then start meditating trying to recuperate to top form. (Fuck this seems more difficult that I first expect. It's not only about strength, I must always take in consideration my surroundings and without a safe zone running out of energy it can be my death or at least the coming of grandpa's punishment).

I use my storage bracelet {he has a storage bracelet gave to him for his 7th birthday with a capacity of 5 cubic meters} and take some bread and meat and eat it (In storage I only have 1 week worth of food I'll need to restock and find some supply for my time here). After eating I open my left arm manifesting an Oreo (Finally I can use it without fear of being discovered, I wanna keep hide as a trump card). I approach the Oreo toward my mouth when suddenly an animal jumps an take it from me (WTF! I didn't detect it). I watch carefully and see a little 5 cm long hamster like beast eating it quickly (So its too weak to detect. The most weak beast an hungry hamster I don't sense any kind of danger from it). Suddenly the hamster starts doing some strange noise and stars coughing I become vigilant for some kind of trap of signal to other beast but after 1 min the hamster fall down I approach him touching it to see what happened and I find that it's dead manifesting a white ring above him (Woaw, I don't even think to be possible to a beast to die suffocated by a cookie, how weak). Suddenly the cookie that the hamster hold in contact with me touching the hamster illuminates and even before I can react absorb the white ring it didn't take 0,5 seconds. I watch dumbfounded the half eaten Oreo now with a white ring surrounding it after a moment my face change to an anger one (FUCK! FUCK! HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO ABSORB SOMETHING SO SIMPLY! FUCK MY RING CONFIGURATION PLAN! I HAVE NOW A FUCKING SPIRIT WITH A WHITE RING!) After 30 min cursing all the ancestors of the hamsters and promising revenge a calm a little and start meditating trying to find the spirit skill obtained. After 5 min I open my eyes knowing the skill and how it works. (Not only the skill sucks even the summoning is embarrassing, too weak!). I breath to calm down open my left hand and sing "♪Wonder if I gave a Normal Oreo♪". After singing that line ( yeah singing if only said it doesn't work) a bright Oreo appears above my left hand. I take one of the black cookie part and eat only the cream. After that I simple throw the black cookies. I don't sense any difference (So weak that is normal to not notice anything) I sigh (The ability is called Normal Oreo and increasing the cultivation speed a 5% so if someone spent some say 50 years to arrive to titled Douluo {It's a supposition} eating this cookie he will need like 47-48 years so very useless, not only that to maintain the effect you need to eat one everyday being impossible for me to produce more than 5 a day and not obtaining a greater effect eating more. There's also another thing, eating the cream is useful for tool spirit type increasing the speed by 5% and eating the black cookie part is useful for beast spirit types increasing by 10% if someone eats the wrong part the effect is reversed multiplied by 2. Summarizing a useless shit. At least it taste better than the original). I hit my cheeks with my hands saying "Concentrated! Ignore this mishap and concentrated in training".

I find a big stone and block the entrance of the cave then stayed all the day at the cave doing my routine finally falling sleep. The next day a wake up, have breakfast and sing to invoke the Normal Oreo and eat only the cream throwing the black part. "Yosh! Ready for today" I say standing up. I hide my cultivation and decide to explore the forest stealthily. I walk around the forest making a mental map to not lose my way. After walking 30 minuts I find a river (Great! Some water source, I can cross of the list the water and fish) I take some water into the storage and using my sword a fish some fish. After that I continue exploring I find 3 Silver Wolves. I inspect the surroundings checking that there's no other wolves I stealthily invoke my sword pointing to the sky <First skill: Fire power> turning the sword red I dash towards them (Revenge Time!) easily piercing and killing the first one, then swing my sword killing another one I evade with a light right step the last while chopping its head. (Suck that one! You're no so threatening alone). After some more time I decide that today was enough and return to the cave to finish my routine.

This continued for 2 weeks creating my mental map off the forest fighting some beast and hunting other to eat meat, also I found some berries to eat near the river I still have to be careful of not being ambushed by more than 5 beast, when there's more than 3 I need to use my skill an if they're more than 5 I run away. Today I wake up and decide to go to the center area of the forest confided to run away if I'm surrounded (At most there will be a 100 years old beast so no problem). Near the forest's center all noises seems to stop and I can't detect any spirit beast. Arriving at the center I saw a open space, a the middle of it stand a enormous tree of 50 m tall with a diameter of 5 meters. I close distant to the tree trying to have a better view. Suddenly a sense some danger behind me, before I can even turn or invoke my spirit I'm hit with great force at my back throwing me 10 m to the ground. Trying to stand up I cough blood, notice that my armor is broken where I was hit and a kind of big root with 0,5 meters of diameter the guilty to hit me. I see 8 more roots coming closer and I close my eyes waiting for dead. (Nothing happen?) I open my eyes at the lack of any action and find grandpa Bone standing there immobilizing all the roots with his mere presence. With and angry face Bone shouts "You! A mere plant how you dare to harm little Bai?! Courting death!" He invokes a black hole with a bone spear in it trying to kill the tree "NO! Don't kill it, it is mine I wanna kill it, chop it and make chopsticks" I say stopping Bone. Bone stop the black hole disappears and say to me "Ok, it's your decision" he then open a new black hole and taking me both of us cross it appearing outside the forest.

Then grandpa takes some kind of pill and make me eat it "Eat it will heal you, it was only a small hit thanks for your armor" Grandpa takes another identical armor and gives to me "Take another one the previously is useless now" He sighs and continue talking "If you want to kill that tree it will be big challenge I and your parents are not hoping for you to beat eat. That tree is a 10 Roots Demonic Tree a tree that after 1000 years gained conscience gaining every 1000 years 10 m length and 10 cm of roots' diameter, being a tree the main body is immobile so it attacks using it 10 roots. This tree have a very big vitality so it can regenerate the cut roots almost instantly to kill you must overcame the root and attack the main body chopping it down if not a complete chop it will be regenerate. Are you sure you want to kill it?" Bone asked.

I nod saying "Yes, I will train to overcome my debilities if in 9 month time I can't kill I will give up". "Why the 9 months?" asked Bone. "I big brother can't miss the 6 birthday and spirit awakening of his precious little sister" I answer.

Grandpa Bone smiles at my answer and disappears in a black hole. I vow "Be proud oh king of the forest because it only will last until the wrath of this hero descends to you" I finish saying "So now...TRAINING TIME!".

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