Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 124 - Rabbit, apple and bird

I finally found Xiao Wu walking around leisurely. "Xiao Wu" I called her who turned around "Hey, Bai"

I approached her and looked around "Is Tang San near?"

She shook her head "He is busy with some papers. I was bored and decided to leave him alone. Do you want to meet him?"

"No, it was only to know it. Truth be told, I prefer to talk with you alone" I explained "It's about what happened at Star Duo Forest. A big plant grew from the Flowery Garden and started destroying its surroundings, I needed to go and help my clan so I couldn't help. Do you know anything about it?"

Xiao Wu's face turned serious "I had already planned a meeting with the other Shrek's members so I only stayed 3 more days than you. I only listened a little about it, but I don't really know the specifics"

"What happened?"

"Mei was attacked" She told.

"Who in his right mind would attack one of Star Duo's Kings in their territory, it's almost a suicide" I thought loudly.

"The culprit didn't attack her, it took the Black Rose" I was shocked by this news, the Rose was the core of the Flowery Garden, without it the garden would lose its most important source and it would start rotting.

"What happened?" I inquired.

"The Rose was robbed and the culprit escaped. Mei was so furious that madly destroyed the forest trying to find the robber. For what I listened to, Mei was linked with the Rose and she depended on it. Losing the Rose almost cost her life. Finally, Lingling stopped her rampage and saved her life. Before I left them they were continually trying to find the culprit" Xiao Wu finished explaining.

"For someone to still the Flowery Garden's treasure and not being found, it must have been someone really powerful" I deducted "I don't know what will happen if the other cores are targeted"

"If this happens without catching the culprit, the spirit beast would start to rampage. It wouldn't be strange for them to attack humans, as they are the usual greedy ones"

"Are you saying that a war between humans and beast could start, even without any proof of the culprit being human?" I asked shocked by their rash behavior.

"The cores are the foundation of the Forest, without them, the Forest would perish so it would be normal" Looking at my shocked face she waved her hand and changed the mood smiling "Don't worry too much. This has nothing to do with you. Now the spirit beast is more alert, I doubt that it would be possible to rob another. Even Tian had started to move" she stopped a moment "Paf!" she clapped her hands "Oh! I forgot about that. Wait a moment" She then quickly left the place leaving me alone with a deadpan face.

After 2 minutes, she returned with a letter in her hand "Take!" she gave me the letter "It's from Lingling, she told me to give it to you if we met. Sorry for not remembering" she made a cute tehepero expression, hitting her head while showing her tongue.

I opened the letter and read its content.

"Dear Bai,

Anyway, I wrote this letter to tell you that you do not need to worry about our problem. The Rose of the Flowery Garden was robbed, greatly injuring Mei. We already had a solution to the problem so your help is not needed.

Knowing you, you may want to help, but I recommend you to not come to Star Duo Forest again. The first suspect is you, you being a human and having learned about the Flowery Garden little time ago, it was all a great coincidence.

I already placated them, convincing of your innocence, that I was there with you there when it happened and that you would never do it.

Even if they had accepted my opinion and they will not openly go against you. It will not stop some rash beast to try to attack you, thinking you are the culprit. So the best would be for you to not come here for a time, let time cold the tempers.

I pray for your well being.

Yours sincerely,

Xie Lingling"

"Really great, not only I must be wary of Hei Qi, now I even need to be wary of any spirit beast, all of them may be targeting me. Star Duo Forest is becoming a true death zone for me" I blamed "Anyway, I would let them be and solve their matters" I decided.

Xiao Wu continued looking at me expectantly "What had Lingling write you?"

"Nothing much. The same as you, plus that I may be persecuted by all the spirit beast who are thinking I was the one who robbed the Rose" I explained "For the time being, I won't be able to return to the forest" I said shaking my head.

"Don't worry" Xiao Wu tried cheering me "Spirit beast can be old monsters who keep grudges, but, they would quickly find the culprit and apologize to you"

"Ok" I answered, not that her phrase cheered me "Thanks for all Xiao Wu. Let's talk again at another time"

"We will meet tomorrow" she giggled "Third brother, I and Chenxiang are going all with you tomorrow to meet the single-attribute clans"

"Chenxiang is coming?" I asked intrigued.

"Of course" she answered, "As the heiress of one of the clans who would better negotiate than her?"

I nodded, I was looking forward to meeting her again, even if some part of me wad frightened.

Xiao Wu then leaned to me and softly said at my ear "Chenxiang would be alone in her room. You know? In case you want to make some night visit" she separated from me and smirked.

"W-what are you saying?" I answered shyly blushing.

"Her room is at the main building too floor, her name written outside" she said giggled leaving me alone.

"That rabbit, always taking any opportunity to have fun at the cost of others" I sighted. Nevertheless, I wanted to meet Chenxiang so I went to her room.

Following Xiao Wu directions, I arrived in front of Chenxiang's room and I knocked on the door. After 5 seconds the door opened letting me saw Chenxiang. She was dressed only with a towel that hugged her body while drops of water fell from her hair, she must have left the shower. These years she had become even more beautiful. She had grown into an enchanting young woman, her hɨps are wider, her bȯȯbs a size bigger, her face became even more charming with wide red lips and shining brown eyes. The water on her blonde hair like gold only made her image more charming causing me to blush a little.

Looking at me, Chenxiang stayed still, she widely opened her eyes and blinked twice surprised. Her shocked face changed to a smiling one and she jumped hugging me, leaning over my neck I could sense her ċhėst leaning on my ċhėst, only making me blush harder "Bai! I missed you so much!" she shouted excited.

"I missed you too, Xiang" I said recovering my stupor and hugging her, even when she was wet I could feel her warmth.

We stood there without any move for 5 minutes, Chenxiang then broke the hug, took my arm and brought me inside the room. Once inside she freed me and looked down a little sad "I listened about Mayi. Sorry, Bai. I had my bad moment with her, but I never wanted this outcome and never wished her to die"

This was like a wash of cold water, all ŀustful thought leaving me, replaced by sad ones. I couldn't protect Mayi and she died due to my problem with Paul, if only she didn't follow me. How could I even thought something about Chenxiang, I won't force anyone with a relation with me until I finish with Paul.

I fȯrċɨbŀƴ smiled at Chenxiang "Don't worry, I am sure that she would have thought the same about you. It doesn't have anything to do with you, it's only my fault"

"You shouldn't blame yourself!" she shouted "I know how kind can you be. Don't take all the blame. I am sure that you did everything to save her" she leaned to my ċhėst "It may be better if you talk about it, I am here for you"

I pushed her aside "You know nothing!" I cried "I could have prevented her death, I could have stopped, but I did nothing! How different it is than having killed her myself?!"

She stepped forward and lightly kissed me, breaking the kiss she said with a sad voice "We can't change our mistakes from the past, we can only accept them as part of us and continue forward" She then looked at me decidedly "Bai, I love you!" she confessed "I always loved you, even before when I was Yu Feng, how much effort you put, you wanting to help the other, I like it, even I don't mind your defects. Don't take it as taking advantage of Mayi's death, but I am here for you. Can you accept me?"

I looked down thoughtfully. Lifting and looking at Chenxiang's shining brown eyes it made my decision even clear, I didn't want to hurt her. I was clear in love with her, this was even when I was with Mayi, I always liked her. It was only that I didn't want to hurt Mayi, so I decided that staying separated would be the best.

Even with these feelings, I couldn't stay with her. If I reciprocated her feeling and Paul won over it would be a big hit for her. I can't let her suffer.

"Sorry, I can't. I have something to do, I am unable to answer your feeling" but I didn't want to lose her "However, I would answer you in the future. I can't ask you to wait for me, but, I need more time"

Chenxiang looked at me a little pissed, she then leaned to me. She tiptoed leaning kissing me, this time her tongue invaded my mouth, playing with mine. An explosion of warm occurred, it was much better than years before. I closed my eyes letting my body act, our tongues became one and my hand moved to her waist and started going down.

Suddenly, I sensed some danger. It was so sudden that I could only try to focus a protection aura around my stomach. A powerful attack hit my stomach and throw me forward, crashing and destroying the room's door and stumbling to the hall, finally landing with my legs and arms on the floor.

I looked up seeing Chenxiang who had her right leg lifted, a pair of translucent wings at her back with seven spirit rings floating around her, 1 yellow, 2 purple, and 4 blacks. Clearly, she was the one that attacked me. Even though, I was more shocked at how it complimented her, rather than the fact that she was a spirit sage.

She lowered her leg and looked down at me "This is what you might miss. I won't wait forever" She then turned around, further to her room, before turning to me one last time "So quickly decide" she shyly said leaving my sight.

I laid at the floor some minutes, my resolve to win over Paul growing even stronger "I won't lose".

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