Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 132 - Sword vs Angel

Bai laid unconscious on the ground, he was tainted red due to his own blood, wounds covering all his body. Over him, a trail of destruction following him.

Suddenly, he completely opened his eyes. Both eyes shined brightly, his left one completely black while his right one was golden with a white glow. As reacting, his hair started changing according to the eyes, his left side becoming night-black and his right side snow-white.

He slowly stood up and did some stretches "[You really took a beating]" he said coldly "[Focus on healing, I would extract Death from us]" a black aura condensed around him, it was a vicious aura that resembled pure death. This aura wasn't in contact with his body, instead a white and warm aura was between the black aura and his skin.

Under both auras, the wound at Bai's body started healing at a speed visible by the eye. Bai then lifted his left hand putting it over his mouth. [mmssm] a black ring shined around his left hand as he murmured something, 4 Doble Stuff Oreos appeared inside his mouth and were quickly devoured, his healing speed even increasing.

He turned to one side and glanced over "(We need to help them, they're going to die)" he said this time with a more warm and melodic voice.

"[Now that we are working together we finally can use the outmost of the other personalities. Take care of Protection, I will attack]" he said for himself. His Nine Treasure Sword appeared at his right hand, surrounded by 6 rings. One black ring shined "[I will take Fire, Space, and Blood, use the others]". He lifted his sword that shined with a translucent light "(<5th skill: Sword Rain>)".

Around him 4 swords manifested, they were exact copies of the Nine Treasure Sword, the only difference was their colors. The two of the left were red and translucent while at the right were gray and green. "[Trace on!]". The swords were shot toward his gaze direction at different speeds. The translucent one broke the sky disappearing, the gray one doubled its size and shot forwards. Both of them followed, by the other two, the red one spitting powerful flames while the green one exuded a calm and healing aura.

The four swords were shot towards a group of people, the gray stopped the bull created by Jiang Long while the red pierced the bull which was dissipated in burning papers. The translucent sword broke the sky again suddenly targeting Renxue, forcing her to free Chenxiang, while the green sword caught Chenxiang with its aura and started healing her.

"([Let's win])" Bai said in a low voice that showed cold and warm at the same time. A rude seemingly normal black sword appeared at his left hand, a vicious black Slaughter Intent aura surrounding it. At the same, his Nine Treasure Sword started emitting a white aura. "([Renxue!])" Bai shouted. his voice resounding at a great distance.

Renxue, Jiang Long and Ci Xue were shocked seeing Bai standing after the beating, but quickly recuperated from their stupor. Jiang Long grinned at him "I thought you as dead. I will make you a beautiful picture!" he opened his Grimoire a purple ring shining, he put his right hand over his grimoire "Take this <4th skill: St-" he was interrupted by someone slicing his right hand and shouted in pain "Haaaaa!"

Renxue stood with a golden sword at her hands, she had cut Jiang Long's hand. She turned to Jiang long with a murderous look "He is mine! If you dare to touch him, the next time would be your head"

Renxue turned to Bai and flew approaching him. She stood flying 50 meters over him, looking down at him "I didn't expect for you to be able to stand again so quickly. I might have underestimated you, Bai. But-" She smiled "You should have stayed still"

She lifted her left hand that started shining "I evolved in this battle, take a taste of it" Renxue used her Light Control, creating countless light balls surrounding her. A golden ring shined and all the balls started shining with a golden glow. "A combination of my first skill and my spirit bone <Light Rain>"

Facing the rain Bai stood calmy. He lifted his black sword "Fenrir. <Devour>!" a black aura in the form of a giant wolf was emitted by the sword. The aura wolf engulfed all the rain and returned to the sword, not leaving any trail of any attack.

A pair of bat's wings appeared at Ba's back, the left one was red and black while the right one was green and white.

"[Let's fight with all]" Bai revolved his spirit energy at maximum, 11 spirit ring shined around him. One black shined brightly, Bai's right sword shining with a blood-red color "[<6th skill: Soul and Blood Collector>]" From all soldiers that died at the battlefield, their blood started emerging and being attracted by the blood-red sword, absorbed by it.

Bai grinned "[Burn!]". The red-blood color disappeared only to be followed by two pillars of black and white light shooting from both his swords, this time so powerful that even at a simple intent, they were close to a Heart Sword.

Renxue looked confused at this. She then glances dubiously at Bai "Who are you? There's no way for this power to be him.

Bai grin became even wider "[I am my true-self]". Bai's wings flapped and he flew towards Renxue.

Renxue seeing him coming didn't falter. A golden sword appeared at her hands "Take this!" she shouted swinging her sword down, a slash shooting towards Bai.

Bai's black ringed at his left hand approached his mouth. He murmured something and munched, the white aura surrounding his right hands increasing to a new limit "(Sword Heart)" he said "(<Bloom: Rho Aias>)" a seven petaled flower formed by the white energy at the top of his sword, creating a seven-layered barrier.

Bai continued flying forward his white sword at the front, clashing towards the golden slash. The slash crashed to the first barrier, Bai without stopping swung his left black sword, cutting through the slash that dissipated. Only to be met by other slashes that came to him. Bai continued forward, using his white sword with the seven petalled flowed as a shield stopping each before destroying them with his black sword. At each strike, the barriers grew weaker, being destroyed and lowering its layers. Nevertheless, he was approaching Renxue.

Seeing him coming nearer, Renxue lifted her sword. A golden ring shined and her wings started closing, hugging her sword. "<Heavenly Slash>!" she swung her sword, a golden pillar of light shooting towards Bai.

Bai seeing the incoming attack, knew that he won't be able to stop like the others. He stopped and crossed his swords "<([Sword Heart])>" both of his swords shot a powerful pillar of aura "([Cros EX-])" he swung them in a cross "([-CALIBUR])" both pillars didn't touch between them, but somehow each one was absorbing the impurities of the other, making both of them stronger.

As the Cross Excalibur and the Heavenly Slash crashed, thunder broke between both, even the air started trembling. But, little by little the Heavenly Slash was pushing over. Bai clenched his sword and a black ring shined, he munched again. The Cross Excalibur increased its strength and started pushing over the Slash, as it was about to cut it, the Slash shined brightly and exploded, vanishing both attacks.

"You surprised me again, Bai. But when you decided to come to the sky to fight me, your fail was secure" explained Renxue "Arch-Seraphim is the supreme spirit in the air. I am a god-like existence!" her sword disappeared and she opened her arm. Renxue focused energy around her and in combination with her Domain and Light Control shot them towards Bai "Fall!" shooting countless bullets.

A smile couldn't help to scape Bai's lips, he truly enjoying the fight "[It's all or nothing!]" Bai extended his arms "(<5th skill: Sword Rain>)" and 6 swords of different colors manifested surrounding him, Red, Green, Yellow, Gray, Translucent and Blood-red, all of them shining with their own attribute.

Bai charged to her, his swords rotating around him "[<Wings Bone: Blood Boost>]" a red aura covered his wings boosting his speed. Black rings shined and he munched multiples times. Bai's forehead shined, a third eye like image appearing over it "([<Skull Bone: Bullet Time>])".

Bai charged to the bullets, seeing them approaching at slow speed. The sword around him charged to them, reflecting the bullets at the cost of being pushed. Bai twirled his wings, spinning to one side evading one, deflecting another one with his right sword, slicing another with his left sword. Each one, making him nearer to Renxue.

Lightning surged from his right leg "([<Right Leg Bone: Sky Walk>])" stepping at the sky, abruptly changing his direction, evading two bullets.

Renxue seeing him coming nearer, a light smile escaped her lips. She was also enjoying this fight. After more of 10 years hiding her true power, wasting the best years of her life, she was finally to open her wings and fight with all her might "Great, truly great. I always liked you Bai, strive more" she said grinning. Her wings opened fully and started shining very brightly "Experiment the true despair facing against gods <Angelic Truth>" the area around Renxue turned golden gaining solidity.

Bai could sense the suppression of Renxue's Truth. But, he continued forward, both his sword piercing forward.

Renxue grinned "It's useless, I bent reality to my will. Accept the Truth, Bai!" she shouted focusing her power at her Truth.

"([Bending to your will, eh?])" at that moment, thanks to fighting Renxue, experimenting her truth, pushing him to the limit, combining all his mentalities, Bai was enlightened, his sword reaching a new realm "([We only need to bend it!])" he shouted "(<All Sword: Retaliation>)" his white Nine Treasure Sword dispersed and the area around him became white and gained solidity

Clashing with Renxue's Truth, both of them started combining due to the similar holy nature. This caused, both Truth and All Sword to keep their positive effects, but their suppression towards the other banished.

"[<All Sword: Slaughter>]" Instead of dispersing, Bai's black sword absorbed all the black aura of its surroundings, all focused in one point leaving seemingly a normal black sword, but that sword was Slaughter condensed. Without the suppression, Bai's black sword pierced forward, penetrating Renxue's Truth.

Renxue's face distorted, she clenched her teeth and focus all her power on her Truth trying to stop Bai. Even more than Bai, she was continuously improving at her first all-out fight. All her golden rings shined even brighter. Then, Renxue grinned "You pushed me, making me stronger, Bai. I would like to continue, but this must finish" her golden rings position in line in front of her "<7th skill: Arch-Seraphim Punishment>" a incredibly powerful golden light passed through all the rings, each time becoming stronger and shot towards Bai "Take the power of a god!"

Seeing the incoming attack, Bai new that he couldn't stop, erase or evade it. It already reached the level that a normal common titled douluo wouldn't reach, this was far stronger than anything he faced.

Suddenly the time seemed to stop for Bai, he could see Renxue's smiling face full of enjoyment, the attack coming over. All had stopped still, even his own body "[Is this what happens when you're about to die. I am gonna revive my shitty life]"

"Congratulations" multiples voices resounded inside Bai's head that he quickly recognized as the Sword God "You completed your All Sword. You passed your second test. Here is your reward"

The time seemed to return and Bai looked at the incoming attack "[You told yourself as I god]" he grinned "[That... is also good]" at his right hand condensed his usual Nine Treasure Swords, a new black spirit ring started forming surrounding Bai's sword "[The evocation is the breath of the planet. I will walk together with the humans.]" the ring shined brightly with a gray glow surrounding it.

<7th skill: Sword Avatar>. All Bai's rings started turning gray.

He extended both of his arms and started spinning, both white and black aura twirling between them, leaving a trail behind them. With each spin, Bai was pushing both swords forward, finally creating a twister of black and white aura, each one boosting the other.

"([Therefore ― <Enuma Elish>!])" The twister condensed together forming an imposing half-white, half-black sword, each twist incredibly sharp. Bai transformed sword, shot toward crashing Renxue's attack "AAAAAAAAAAAA!" Bai shouted putting all his strength.

Renxue's focused all her strength in her attack "AHHHHHHHH!"

Bai pushed the attack forward crashing both to the attack and Renxue's Truth.

"crack" Renxue's Truth for the first time started cracking "CRACK!" Renxue's fell in pieces, completely destroyed. Not only her Truth but her Spirit Avatar also broke, exhausting all her power forcing her to withdraw her spirit, becoming powerless, she closed her eyes exhausted.

Bai's Sword Avatar dissipated, showing Bai with both of his swords at hand. He lifted his left hand "[Die!]" Bai slashed forward targeting Renxue's unprotected neck. "Clank!" only to be stopped by his own right white sword that somehow moved stopped the black one.

"[Really?]" Bai shouted angrily "[Even now you want her alive. Your truly stupid!]". Bai left hand clenched his left hand but seemed to be unable to move "[As you will]" he said clenching his teeth "[You will regret this]". Bai's swords were withdrawn, and she approached at Renxue catching her in a princess carry.

Just at this moment, Renxue slowly opened her eyes, putting all her strength even when she was exhausted. Finding herself in Bai's hands, she couldn't help to blush highly "W-what ar-" before she could speak. Bai lifted her chin and leaned to her, kissing her. Bai's tongue invading her, forcing her to play along.

After 10 seconds and a little mȯȧn of Renxue, Bai finally broke the kiss. He looked at the blushing and panting Renxue and grinned.

"Wha-" Renxue was again interrupted by Bai touching her lips with his index finger "[You continue owing me one. Don't forget it]" Bai said releasing Renxue from his grip, Renxue without spirit energy falling to the ground.

"We need to save her highness!" Jiang Long and Ci Xue reacted, they knew that Renxue was even more important than this mission, her survival the most important. If she were to die, they won't last long before they follow her. They didn't doubt for even a minute choosing escaping with her rather than fight, every wasted second would be an opportunity for a new player to appear.

Jiang Long black ring shined "<9th skill: Giant Dragon Talisman>" forming a dragon with his Grimoire, he mounted over it, followed by Ci Xue. The dragon charged to the falling Renxue, Ci Xue carefully and safely picking her. Then, the dragon speed up and quickly left, disappearing at the horizon.

Bai who was floating with his wings, suddenly fell a great pain in his head "(What happened? This is not normal exhaustion)" he said holding his head.

"[71th. The trial will finally start. And I will win!]" Bai said coldly, his eyes going blank, becoming unconscious, and falling to the ground.

"Bai!" as he was falling, Chenxiang flew at him, all her rings shining, even reaching a speed never able to her, she catches Bai a few meters over the ground. Chenxiang looking at Bai, started crying and hugged him "Bai!"

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