Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 150 - Revenge

Tang San lowered his body, putting his hands at the ground, around him vines were shot towards Bai.

"I'm a little bored with your plants" From Bai's left sword a vicious black aura was emitted. With a simple swing of Bai all the vines wittered even when the sword didn't make any contact, Bai's Slaughter was enough to it.

"Oscar!" shouted Tang San "We will need to use all our strength, let's go all out"

Oscar nodded and his rings started shining. At his hands appeared 4 sausages, 2 pinks and 2 dark brown, he threw one of each towards San while he ate the other two. San received and ate them, obtaining a boost of all his attributes and a powerful boost of spirit energy, making his spirit energy no much different than a spirit sage.

At San's hands, his Clear Sky Hammer appeared, surrounded by his own Deathgod Domain. He charged towards Bai, while hitting multiple times the air, spinning his body, gaining momentum.

Oscar invoked and ate a red sausage, turning his hair red and feathers appearing around his body. Having obtained the powers of Hongjun, he shot a fire blast towards Bai, even if he knew that it won't cause much damage, it would enough to gain a little time.

For Bai, even Hongjun own flames were a joke, not talking about this imitation that could at most copy 70% of the power. He stayed still and the fire extinguished even before making contact with him.

Oscar didn't waste time, he ate another sausage. His feathers were gone, replaced by cat ears and tail. Using Zhuqing's skills, he charged towards Bai at an incredible speed. He jumped at Bai at his peak speed, at the same time that he ate an already prepared sausage inside his mouth. Without stopping his speed gained thanks to Zhuqing's skills, his cat characteristics disappeared and at his hands Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer appeared.

He swung the hammer towards Bai, even if the hammer was too heavy for him, he took advantage of his momentum to swung it around. At the same time, Tang San arrived at Bai and swung his hammer towards him.

Bai finding himself being attacked by both hammers from two different sides, he lifted his left sword. With this small gesture, Tang San's Deathgod Domain was instantly dissolved. Bai's own comprehension int he domain was many times stronger than Tang San, being even able to fuse it with his others domains. This difference, created a high suppression, making San unable to maintain his domain. Without his domain, he was unprotected from by influence.

7 black rings appeared surrounding Bai's sword, 5 of them started shining. Oscar and San found themselves weakened, Bai's debuff not only made Oscar support non-existence, but it went over it, reducing a lot their attributes at the same time that Bai's increased a big deal, widening the abysm of their strength.

With his new speed, Bai jumped back evading both attacks that simply hit the air. At the same time, the preparations of his 5th skill were activated, at Oscar and San's position, swords' tips surged from the ground, there were more than 50 and each of it was surrounded by a colored aura, increasing their strength, speed...

Tang San had one sword piercing his right shoulder. Oscar was even worst, three swords continued pierced in him, one at each leg and another at his left arm.

Bai approached at the groaning Oscar and lifted him by his shirt "Food spirits are only good to support. If you think that copying some little abilities you will arrive at their level, you're wrong" Bai said looking down at Oscar "I won't recognize you, with this little strength you won't be able to protect my sister"

Bai threw Oscar at the other Shrek's members, the swords that were piercing him, disappearing at mid-flight "My sister loves you, be stronger next time". The Bai turned to San who stood up while pushing his injury, stopping the bleeding.

"Hum!" Bai sneered "Fall!" black aura shot from Bai's sword, it concentrated in a single attack and was shot to San. This was at the same time a physical and mental attack.

In his state, San couldn't resist and vomited blood, falling again at the ground. Bai approached at San who was laying at the ground, withdrawing his swords "You don't know how much I suppressed myself" Bai lifted his leg and kicked San at the stomach, shooting him spinning crashing multiple times to the ground falling 10 meters over.

"Third brother!" Xiao Wu cried, tears falling her eyes "Stop Bai! Please, stop!"

Bai turned to the still caged Xiao Wu "I already expected your reaction. This why I caged you in contrast with your friends, you will jump over me to protect him" Bai said coldly "But!" he sounded a little warmer "I consider you as my friend and I won't like to injure you"

Bai returned to San looking down at him with cold, dead eyes. He bend down and lifted San's head holding him by his hair "Now that you have lost your backing, you are completely unprotected. You're too weak and your enemy too strong. I don't think even for a moment that I'm afraid of your little Tang Sect, even with Shrek's help, I am sure to at least be able to run" Bai lifted again his leg "With your sophistry of destroying Slaughter City, you killed Mayi who was there, she didn't do anything to deserve that end" a little tear fell from Bai's eye while Tang San's eyes shot open in surprise "This is for Mayi"

He kicked San again, this time his back crashing to a tree 20 meters away. San dented the tree and fall, his back supported by the tree with his legs laying at the ground.

Bai approached San, one sword appearing at each hand. Once he arrived, he lowered both sword piercing San's tights. A red aura was emitted by the sword that crawled inside San's body, increasing his sensibility to pain.

"Ahhhhh!" shouted San in pain with a bloody form.

Bai lowered his body, a sword appeared at his hand. He positioned backing his sword, preparing to thrust it forward.

"Big brother!" shouted Rongrong crying "St-!" she was about to run towards him but was stopped by Xiangxie who shook her head "Rongrong, let him act. He was suppressing his feelings all this time if this continued, it would become a mental demon, preventing him to advance further. Trust your brother, he would stop before it's too late". Rongrong looked at her mother with glassy eyes and nodded while she tried to clean her eyes.

Bai thrust his sword forward, the sword cut the air and easily penetrated San's skin, piercing his heart. He stood up and stretched his arms "A big weight left my shoulders. It feels good when I finally discharge what I kept for myself. What a relief!" Bai said smiling at the same time turning towards the spectators' group who all had shocked or devasted looks, with the exception of the titled douluos who stayed completely calm and nodded at Bai.

"Third brother!" Shrek's member cried "H-how could you kill him?!" they blamed. Their faces became furious and they were prepared to charge towards Bai even putting their life in line.

Bai looked at them strangely "He is not dead. As I said, I only was going to beat him" He signaled at San "Look at the sword closely" Attentively looking at the sword, they finally saw a green glow being emitted by it. Green aura was permeating San's body and slowly healing his wounds.

Bai approached at the group. Arriving near Oscar, he invoked another green sword and thrust towards his heart before any could react. As with San, the sword easily pierced him without any blood trace, it was like it was passing through the air. The sword then pulsed green aura that started healing Oscar wounds "Don't doubt me so much. After all this time, I am able to control myself"

Bai backed some steps making the distance from the group and turned to his family "I changed, I am not the same Bai as before and he would never return"

"Clap!" Fengzhi clapped his hands taking the attention "Let's talk about this in a more comfortable place while taking a tea" He then snapped his fingers, a group of white robbed people with the Seven Treasure Clan's insignia came from the Clan. Fengzhi turned to the Shrek's members "They will treat your wound. If you excuse us, we will have a family reunion" All the titled douluos nodded and with Bai and Rongrong, they returned the clan while Shrek's members were being healed.

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