Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 161 - Third Trial: Sharing 2

Bai was almost sure that the Sword Lord was the possessor of the Sword Fragment, and if not him, it would someone controlling him at the shadows. Bai hypothesized that the Sword Lord had as his intent, the power of sharing his comprehension. There's an infinite amount of Sword Intents, some of them could be very peculiar so he wouldn't be surprised by it.

Moreover, Bai calculated that he shouldn't be too strong. If he was sharing his power, he should gain something with or simply to increase his army strength. But he wanted and showed mercy to Shuang, meaning that the initial strength was important. However, he killed Shuang's master, why? The best would be to make him join him, taking all the academy as a hostage it wouldn't have been difficult to force him, and even if he negated, he could have been captured and used to force Shuang. The most probable was that he was unable to control Shuang's master, so his strength was similar to him. Or that he was an idiot that doesn't think too much about the big picture. Anyway, not someone that Bai should fear.

The previous Bingyian Academy laid over a little hill in the north of the city. Bai calmly walked towards it, followed by a hurried Shuang. "Stop!" Shuang tried to stop Bai "They had great numbers and are very strong. We should accumulate strength and improve our strength before. I know that you're strong but they are too many, going there is a suicide."

Bai ignored Shuang's pleading and continued walking. He arrived at the Sword Lord's headquarters.

"Stop! Why are your intention?!" two blue-dressed guards stopped Bai, they unsheathed their swords, sword domains surrounding Bai.

Bai ignored them turning towards Shuang "You know what happens when such a weakminded people face Death?" At Shuang strange and scared look, Bai answered invoking his twin swords. Slaughter Intent covering them, Bai slashed the towards the guards. The guards' heads were cleanly sliced falling to the ground "They run like headless chickens." The guards' body fell to the ground forming a pool of blood "Not like headless humans can run." Bai smirked.

Sensing the attack, it didn't take long for them to be surrounded by 50 guards. "How you dare!?"All 50 unleashing their own Sword Domains towards Bai "Die!"

Bai didn't even move, black aura started surrounding him "<Sword Domain: Slaughter>" Black aura exploded from Bai's sword engulfing all the others domain and covering all the guards that sensed as if they were killed countless of times, their minds being destroyed and dying.

For the lucky ones who weren't inside the domain, they fell to the ground scared about the domain's might. They pointed as Bai "Monster!" before running away with trembling legs "I don't want to die!" Leaving all the surroundings empty.

"See?" Bai said to Shuang. Bai started walking towards the big building, now without any disturbance

Shuang's eyes were shining and he hurriedly followed Bai. For him, this was true Sword Arts, not the fake of the others. If he must die anyway, why don't die seeing more of this true Sword?

Entering the headquarters' building, 6 people stood in front of Bai. 5 of them were old men and one might be only a little older than Bai.

"You finally came to die, little Wu." the younger said "Even bringing a companion to Hell." He smirked.

"Niang!" Shuang clenched his hands in fury.

Bai looked down at all 6 and yawned "More trash to eliminate."

"You think you have the power to face us?" One old man ċȧrėssed his beard "Young boys are truly unruly and impetuous now." Another said."They never respect their elders." Another said furiously "We'll teach you a lesson. It only will cost your life!" Another

At the five elders' hands, swords appeared. They lifted their swords "Sword Heart!" They swung downwards, 5 pillars of different colored aura shooting towards Bai.

"<Sword Domain: Protection>" White aura surrounded Bai and Shuang, followed by the formation of a shield over them. "Boooom!" the Sword Heart exploded clashing Bai's domain.

Seeing the result, the 6 of them were shocked "H-how could it be?" Bai was completely unharmed, his domain completely intact "It's impossible. How can a mere domain face against the might of a Sword Heart, more to 5 of them!" shouted one incredulous.

Bai's domain dispersed, over his swords black lightning started crackling. At a speed difficult to perceive, Bai appeared at the elders' backs "To call this trash Heart is an insult towards the Sword."

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" All five elders shouted while being electrocuted, falling to the ground crisped and dead, only leaving Niang alive.

"Take care of it," Bai said to Shuang without turning, walking over the inner part of the building.

Niang was scared shitless, falling to the ground trembling. But once, he saw that he was sparred and that Bai left, he recuperated his spirit. He stood up and invoked his spirit. A blue sword that seemed to be made of ice, under his feet 4 spirit rings appearing, 2 yellows, and 2 purples "He won't be able to defeat the Lord, he is invincible. Now that the elders are death. I will become the number one, gaining even more strength from the Lord." Niang pointed his sword at Shuang "I'll only need to beat you again!"

From Niang's sword, a pale blue aura extended "<Sword Domain: Ice>".

Shuang invoked his spirit, a long blue sword appeared at his hand, it was a beautiful blue that emitted a cold aura around, it was his Frost Sword spirit, surrounded by 4 spirit rings, two yellows, and two purples. Shuang closed his eyes thoughtfully, sensing his rival's domain. "This is not a true domain." He clenched his sword and slowly opened his eyes, glowing with a blue light and full of determination "I'll show my ideal!" He pointed the sword to Niang "<Sword Domain: Frost>!" cold aura surging from his sword.

Both domains fused together, creating a blue sphere over them, its limit started freezing trapping both inside an ice dome.

Shuang dashed towards his shocked enemy. Niang recuperated and swung his sword, blocking Shuang, but being pushed a little. Shuang started thrusting, completely forcing Niang towards defense. With each clash, Shuang showed his superiority, not only his comprehension was greater, but also his technique, wounds stacking over Niang's body.

At each block, the weakness of Niang became more apparent, his domain slowly disappearing being swallowed by Shuang's.

"I always been second to you!" shouted Niang "Even if I must injure myself, I won't lose again!" he vomited blood over his sword, his face turning pale as his sword shined brighter, the ice around them starting being attracted towards it "<Sword Heart Ice: Cocytus>!". A giant sword over 10 meters long made of ice, slashed towards Shuang.

Even if it was a fake Heart, even if it was necessary a blood sacrifice to accomplish, for the new promoted Sword Domain Realm, Shuang, it was too much to face. Anyway, he didn't surrender, he put all his strength, mental, spirit skills, comprehension... in his sword, a strong cold aura surrounding it, slashing towards the giant sword.

Ice Sword vs Frost Sword, Heart vs Domain. Both attacks clashing, it was clear that the Sword Heart was stronger, Shuang arms trembled, his sword being pushed. He moved his right hand, pushing it over the blade, trying to resist the mightiness of the attack, at the cost of being cut by his own sword.

Just when Shuang was about to arrive at his limit, the Ice Sword completely dispersed, like it was never there "Why?" Niang looked at his hand with a shocked and fearful face, his strength completely abandoning his body. At the same time, the frost energy of Shuang's domain started affecting him, freezing him. "Nooooo!" he shouted before becoming an ice statue.

Shuang's body was trembling, all sore about stopping the attack. He breathed making up his mind, his face turning cold. He advanced towards Niang "You're not worthy of the Sword." The ice statue crumbled in pieces as Shuang's domain dispersed.

Shuang looked towards the inner building, sensing some clash. He made a decisive look and ran towards it. He wanted to see the boy, who he didn't even know his name, true Sword.


Bai arrived at the core of the building, a big training ground with an open ceiling and a little lake. There, a man wearing dark blue clothes stood like he was already waiting for him. A sword was at his hands, it was a crude sword, that seemed to be formed by multiples patches of different colored clothes. Rather than a sword, it seemed a toy.

Bai sensed his own sword resonating with his, instantly recognizing him as his target, a Sword Fragment.

"For another Fragment Owner to come here." The man glanced at Bai "Not even a complete one, only a tester, eh?"

"Let's finish this quickly," Bai said.

"A young impatient one, eh?" the man laughed "You killed some of my followers, not that it really matters as they are easily replaceable. It's a pity that you are also an owner, I could have used you. Anyway, another fragment would increase my range. For you to know, I am a support spirit master, my strength is based on sharing powers between allies, but this changed thanks to a Sword Fragment. I trained in the sword gaining true attack power that I can charge to my followers."

He lifted his sword "Don't think that I am trash like the disposable tools" a strange aura started merging from his sword in the form of 3 tentacles, one went towards the lake, another touched the ground, and the last floated still "<Sword Heart Sharing: Cataclysm>" A powerful burst of wind shot towards Bai, followed by a torrent of water from the lake, and earth spikes from the ground. All of them twisting between each other, improving their strength and shooting towards Bai.

"Sharing your own power to the elements, to improve them and gain a little of control. At least, you're decent. But not near enough to face me." Bai lifted his right sword "Bloom!" the sword shined with a white light "<Sword Heart Protection: Rho Aias>" a seven-petaled flower made by aura flowed, creating a seven-layered aura.

The Sword Lord's attack was not even enough to breakthrough the second layer. "The spirit masters always looking down at the supports. But I changed thanks to God! My skills may be support and unable to support me, but, now I am able to gain power! All thanks to God fulfilling my dream!" He lifted his sword, for an instant shined with gray light. After that multiples colored particles came from outside and were absorbed by his sword. "As I can share my power with my followers, I can absorb them. Face all the power of the city, all my work all these years!" His sword shined brightly.

"<All Sword: Taking>". His sword disappeared, the air became denser and multicolored, it seemed the energy of my body was trying to force its way out.

"Pam!" a body fell to the ground. Bai turned, to see Shuang laying at the ground. He couldn't resist the All Sword at all, his energy leaving his body. Even so, by sheer willpower he stood awake with his eyes open, trying to see all the fight.

"Good eyes" Bai smiled "Look closely and try to learn about it" his both swords disappeared "<All Sword: Retailation>" the air around Bai and Shuang turned white, freeing them from the Sword Lord's All Sword, at the same time Shuang sensed his energy returning his body.

"Impossible!" shouted Sword Lord incredulously "How can someone so young and without completing his trials, be able to achieve one All Sword?!"

"I have two sword, idiot" Bai smirked "<and Slaughter>" the Sword Lord found himself being pierced by a black sword, his life energy running out "H-how...?" was the most that he could say before dying.

Bai approached the lifeless corpse "You're Sword Heart was not bad, but the All Sword was like that fakes that you shared. Even if you use other's energies, you should have made them your own before using" The corpse started turning to multiple colored lights particles that were absorbed by his sword. Bai reinvoked his swords and approached them, the Sharing Sword being absorbed by it "One less."

"Incredible!" Shuang jumped excited "Such a beautiful and pure power! And you should be about my age, truly incredible!" He seemed to be too much excited, he realized and coughed calming himself "Can I at least know your name?"

Bai liked the determination of the boy and it wasn't like he would be losing anything "Bai, Ning Bai."

"Ning Bai" Shuang repeated "Lord Ning, please be my master!" he kneeled to Bai "You're my benefactor"

"I don't want a student nor I have time to teach. Take the battle that you saw as my only teaching" Bai stated.

"But I want to learn from you! I will follow you anyway, I don't mind sacrificing my life for you, or do any kind of chore!" he quickly returned to his excited state.

Bai smirked "Try to follow me" wings appeared at his back. Without stopping to listen Shuang, he flapped his wings creating a burst of wind and flew up, leaving the building and it didn't take long before leaving the city "5 more to finish."

Shuang looked with gleaming eyes towards the sky "I will show what I am able to reach next time, we see!" he clenched his hand in determination.

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