Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 166 - 4th Trial Final

Bai stepped forwards, new tornados were created charging towards him. Having faced them countless of times, he was already used to them. He lifted his swords and walked forward cutting the best path between the tornados, wasting the minimum effort and strength. His passive All Sword Protection covering him like an armor being enough to pass through them.

Without much difficulty, Bai reached the 30 meters mark. The air surrounding Bai turned a light green color, transforming all the air in wind knives that attacked Bai's body at all directions, breathing was like swallowing little knives.

Bai's 7th ring shined, his swords grew over 5 meters long. He crossed them, a white aura covered his body, and over that white aura stood a black one, the auras seemed to cut the air keeping Bai's body outside the light green domain. His Retaliation increased the defense of his body and natural healing while his Slaughter weakened the winds. Bai's 4th ring shined, increasing even more his defense.

Just as he passed through the 20 meters mark, Bai's rings disappeared as he exhaled all his air. Walking through the void, caused all the spirit energy of Bai's body to leave his body, filling that void. Not only was his spirit energy, even his blood and inside air was affected by the difference in pressure. Bai focused all his might in keeping them in check to not leave him.

After his tries, he discovered that the best way was to disconnect any external emission. This part was to be quickly passed, even not having any air inside oneself that could expanse. If Bai couldn't cross it in 2 seconds, he wouldn't pass it. Not that it was easy, as the 10 meters seemed an eternity with each step more dangerous than the last. Rather than a proof of strength, it was one of adaptability.

Finally leaving the void and arriving at the 10 meters mark, Bai closed his eyes and breathed loudly, recovering all his air and top condition. The true test started now, the one before was only a tutorial.

The wind started spinning, creating giant tornados with a light green glow in them. The high comprehension behind them was clear. Bai breathed one more time as his spirit rings appeared under him. Strength, stamina, speed, and defense, Bai's 4 rings shined increasing his attributes.

Bai's 7th ring shined illuminating his surroundings in red. Bai's swords grew becoming 5 meters long "Condense!" Bai's 7th ring shined even brighter and Bai's swords started resonating, they seemed like if the were alive, beating like hearts. With each beating, their size lowered until they return to their usual size.

Bai didn't need to destroy the tornados, he needed to pass through them. So it was much efficient to focus his power, rather than big areas attacks. After all his training, Bai learned to control his Spirit Avatar, controlling its size and power.

Bai opened his eyes "<All Sword>!" Bai's aura exploded but quickly focused all around him. He stepped forward putting all his weight at his left foot and jumped towards the tornados. Bai advanced while swinging his swords cutting the tornados in front of him. For untrained people, it could seem like Bai was madly swinging his swords at an incredible speed, making difficult to even see them. However, Bai's every swing was perfect, a big comprehension behind it as it sliced the right place followed by the next swing.

Bai's right sword beautifully and calmly shined in white, green, yellow, and light gray, while it flowed like dancing. On the other hand, Bai's left sword was more erratic and madly swung, more aggressive cuts while shining in black, red, translucent, and dark red. Both swords complemented the other, trying to not create any opening.

Even so, the wind was so strong that Bai knew that he couldn't pass intact. He focused his attack, protecting his most important parts of the body while letting himself being cut lightly. With each step, more wounds appeared in his body, each one worst than the latter, but anyone that would cause him to lower his pace.

"Ahhhh!" Bai sliced one last time, finally broke through the 5 meters line. Suddenly, the tornados disappeared and Bai almost fell to the ground due to the sudden disappearance of any resistance. All the winds attacking him were extinguished, space around him seemed to have opened, Tao Yi's body who should have been 5 meters away, it could be seen more than 50 meters away, but this time Bai could sense his strong aura.

The only thing interposed between Bai and Tao Yi was a man's body made of wind. He had two wings at his back and a katana at his hands. All his body and weapon was made of an unstoppable wind, that spun fast and powerful.

The man took his katana with both hands and lowered his body pointing the katana to Bai, prepared to charge.

"I lost some times before, but this one would be the last." Bai's rings shined maximizing his attributes, bai's muscles bulged as his face blushed.

Both charged at the same time. Bai's 5th ring started shining. 9 swords, red, green, yellow, light gray, translucent, dark red, blue, light blue, and green, appeared floating around Bai. Each of them was the condensation of his own comprehension in every element, each with different strengths and characteristics. Bai charging with his right white sword and black left sword crossed, followed by the other colored swords, seemed like a rainbow charging forward. It was incredible powerful but also have some kind of beautiful charm.

With each step, the man accumulated more wind around his sword. All the air around was being absorbed by him, creating a vortex with powerful winds over him.

Just as the rainbow and the wind vortex were about to clash ""<All Sword>!"". Both auras exploded, their strength reaching a totally new level as they painted the sky with multiple colors, light green being a majority.

Both clashed "Boom!" a powerful rain of colored energy shot as the aftermath. The man stepped back, twisted his ankle as he stepped forward again, his sword twisting like python attacking Bai's right side.

Bai leaned towards his right side while lifting his left sword stopping, spark running across it blade as the man sword passed over it. At the same time, Bai swung his right sword towards the man. It wasn't the best using his right sword to attack and left to defend, but the wind exploded this weakness, not letting Bai use his maximum strengths.

The man put his weights over his right foot. He leaned to the right his body as he contorted his body, lifting his left leg. Bai's sword grazed the man's body, white aura failing to hit him and shooting 30 meters away. The man took his momentum to the right and spun his body 360º with his right foot, kicking Bai with his left leg surrounded by a strong tornado.

"BOOOM!" Bai was pushed away by the strong winds of the kick as the man used the strength of the kick to jump back, creating distance to prepare himself for another attack.

Bai reacted quickly, commanding his swords to attack. The swords shot forward toward the still in the air man. Wind condensed at the man's feet creating a footstep for him. He easily evaded the swords with weird footwork while flapping his wings, needing to reflect with his katana a yellow sword, and a dark red sword.

Bai's ring shined brightly, 8 swords reappearing floating around him. Bai lifted his two swords "Take this!" the other swords moved towards the two swords, aura exploding from them. With the world under his will due to all the All Swords, Bai unleashed his strongest technique, a Sword Heart that was the condensation of all the will. Instead of a rainbow pillar of light, the colored auras joined Bai's white and black, increasing their strength, but reducing the size to a small aura surrounding both swords.

"Die!" Bai swung his swords downwards like if it was one. It wasn't an energy attack like before, Bai's swords simply 'cut', air, wind, space, everything. Bai's strongest technique took the form of a simple 1cm wide cut that sliced all in his path.

"Not bad" the wind sounded for the first time in the fight "However, it's too slow to create in a close fight" The man flapped his wings twisting his body doing a somersault, Bai's cut only slicing one of his wings "And easily evaded in long distance."

"Hm!" Bai hummed grinning "There was never the need to 'kill' this windman". "Crack!" Bai disappeared from his position appearing 50 meters away near Tao Yi's body.

"Of course, 8 swords." The wind said.

Bai's attack wasn't to cut his rival, instead, it was to cut his own domain. In that instant that the domain was cut, he was able to twist the space. We wouldn't be able to warp far without a medium, but he already had it prepared, condensed as his sword. Bai had recalled all his swords for the final attack except his Space Sword. This one was shot, especially in a place for the windman to evade it rather than reflect, arriving near Tao Yi.

Bai looked at Tao Yi's body. A half-assed attack won't be able to cross the aura around him, but with Bai's full strength he thought he would be enough to alternate the weak state of Tao Yi, breaking his equilibrium and simply dying of old age.

Bai's sword shined as he swung them in a cross towards Tao Yi. Just as Bai's swords were about to cut Tao Yi, Tao Yi's eyes opened. Tao Yi's eyes were light green, Bai could sense himself being absorbed by them. These weren't the eyes of someone dying, they were full of strength Bai stopped still, he couldn't move his body at all.

A beautiful katana appeared on his hands. The handle was black with green patters resembling birds while the curved blade was light-green, long and slender, beautifully shining. 9 spirit rings under him, 2 yellows, 2 purples, 2 blacks, and 3 reds.

The aura of Tao Yi changed completely, from a dying corpse to a man at the summit of the world "You arrived" A powerful voice sounded as Tao Yi moved his lips while he had a serious face, his aura expanding over his surroundings.

Bai started trembling. At that moment, he discovered the reality, there was no way for him to escape here. There's no way to win or escape from this man. His power and presence were over the human limit, it was closer to a god rather than a mortal. Bai couldn't comprehend the limit of him, but something was sure, even comparing with his mother when she showed her full strength, Tao Yi was stronger.

This trial was impossible. Bai's fate was sentenced when he stepped here.

"Ho, ho, ho" Tao Yi's aura collapse as he laughed "Good job" Tao Yi's legs became dust, his body slowly disintegrating in dust "Even a little movement was enough to cause my death" Tao Yi smiled warmly at Bai "Thanks. With this my end it seems to have some meaning" Tao Yi's body had collapsed, only his head resisting. "Can I consider you as my disciple?" he laughed.

Once the aura disappeared, Bai was able to move again. Bai withdraw his swords realizing that it was only the last strength of a dead man. Tao Yi was going to die now. "You taught me a lot. My strength won't have reached this level without you." Bai nodded "I will glad to be considered your disciple."

Tao Yi smiled "Take this as a graduation gift" Tao Yi's remains started shining brightly with a light-green light. His aura exploded in a cloud of spirit energy that charged towards Bai.

Bai couldn't detect any malice from it, so he let the spirit energy surround him. The spirit energy entered Bai's body, nourishing it, making it stronger. Finally, Bai realized what was the last act of Tao Yi. Spirit Beast immolation, Tao Wi had always been a spirit beast reincarnated as a human.

Bai sat in a lotus position with his eyes closed and started cultivating. 76, 77, 78, 79. Bai could sense his spirit rank quickly increasing under Tao Yi's spirit energy, finally achieving the 80 rank. A bright red ring appeared over Bai's head, it started decreasing its size as it was approaching Bai, easily being absorbed by him.

After 10 minutes, Bai opened his eyes. He invoked his swords, 8 spirits ring under him, his right arm glowing with a green color. He clenched his swords and stood up. A gush of wind seemed to pat him, thanking him before flying up towards the endless sky.

Bai breathed loudly and bowed "Thanks, master."

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