Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 175 - Completing 5th Trial

Bai walked to the middle of the hole as he invoked his twin swords, eight rings under him. Then, he lifted both swords pointing at the Giant Sword Mountain, his 7th spirit shined brightly, a gray glow over it.

"Finally, I am to be free of this hell," the Sword Will said, his body became spectral without legs. He started twirling around Bai's swords, before shooting himself up towards the Giant Sword.

As the Sword Will was absorbed by the Giant Sword, the Mountain started trembling. Its tremors expanded, affecting the air and earth. Its reaction was many times greater than with Renxue. Renxue's golden color instantly extinguished being replaced by a gray glow.

Bai turned towards Renxue "Stay aside. Don't try anything" He quickly returned to observe the Giant Sword.

"RUMBLE!" The Giant Sword stopped floating and started falling towards the hole. The air pressure was so high that Bai was bȧrėly able to move, the gravity of the Giant Sword pushing him, cracks extending at Bai's feet.

Bai let himself being pushed, he leaned his body backward and fall to the ground. He was laying on the ground facing the Giant Sword coming towards him, completely still.

Renxue opened her eyes widely, realizing what would happen next "Bai!" She shouted before the Giant Sword fell, impaling Bai. 2 kilometers of an unknown weight sword pierced Bai. However, there was no blood, the tip of the Giant Sword turned liquid and was absorbed by Bai's body, the following blade twisting itself as it reached Bai, becoming a 1 cm wide but concentrated metal liquid that was inserted in Bai's body.

"Haaaaaaa!" Bai started shouting as the pain was almost insufferable, Bai required all his will force, mental, and physical strength to keep conscious.

This was the truth of the torture trial by the Sword Will. It was simply impossible for someone who wasn't used to be able to endure this kind of pain. The torture trial improved a little the strength and resistance of the body, but the true aim was making Bai's body able to receive the last part of the trial. This was also the reason why Renxue didn't have the need to take it, as for her own trial of creating her own divine weapon wasn't necessary.

Bai's blood vessels started exploiting, the pressure too much for them to endure, making Bai all bloody. Bai's strength was focused all on keeping with the process, he was even unable to use any intent to keep up with his wounds.

Finally, the Giant Sword showed its true form, its core, a long gray sword of only 2 meters long. Observing the aura of it, Renxue instantly knew what it was. It was a torso spirit bone, by its power it should be older than 100.000 years old, but how much? She didn't know it.

The long sword pierced over Bai "HAAAAAAAAAAA!" Bai's body convulsed as this time the sword pierced his ċhėst, spraying blood all around. His consciousness was hanging from a thread, his eyes blurring, he was near to pass out. If this happened, he should be unable to control the absorption and would die in the process.

"Bai" Renxue said slowly. Seeing Bai's contorting in pain, she was truly worried about him, some tears threatening to fall. Some pressure prevented her to even move, not being able to act anyway. Sadness and worry painted Renxue's face as she looked at Bai. She shook her head and gazed resolutely at Bai.

She extended her hands, her palms pointing at him "With this my debt is paid" She made up her mind to help him, even when she knew that the best should be letting him die, that it wasn't worth affecting herself. Renxue went against the pressure, revolved her spirit energy at maximum strength, a shining golden light, the shiniest of all her life, was emitting from her hands. It was <Sacrifice>, her strongest holy power, activating she would be weakened during a month, losing her vitality and years of life. The holy power slowly clung around Bai, whose face instantly calmed, his pain reducing considerably, even healing his wounded body.

"Haaaaaaaa!" This time his shout was not from pain, it was for resolution. Just before he was about to pass out, he felt some holy power healing him. He wouldn't die here. He used all his strength, he didn't know how much he could last so he decided to make it the fastest possible. The absorption increased its speed, his ribs were ground, replaced by metal ones, followed by his organs that were replaced and improved.

After a time that seemed an eternity, Bai shouted one last time "HAAAAAAAAAAA!" All his strength leave his body as his head fell back. He was exhausted, all his body was sore, pain all around that evade him to even fall asleep, he couldn't move even a finger, but he achieved absorbing the spirit bone.

He panted erratically as he looked at the blue sky, the sun already at its peak. ""Congratulations"" Bai listened the voiced of the Sword God "You accomplished absorbing the 1.000.000 years old, making your body strong enough to receive our power." A wave of spirit energy surged from his body, dying all around. As it passed, his wounds were instantly healed and his energy recovered, even his mind was refreshing. Moreover, his cultivation reached rank 87.

Bai stood up. His body was all sore, but he was able to move around without any problem. His body now was nothing different than his swords that he sensed were also reinforced when absorbing the spirit bone. His body strength soaring and intent and spirit energy flowing much better.

Instead of calmly cultivate to experiment the actual changed. Bai quickly turned his view to a side. Renxue was there, she looked exhausted and was panting loudly.

Bai knew that she had helped to complete the trial, that she was the source of that thick holy energy, by her state, she must have paid a price using it. If it weren't for her, he could have died there. Bai was touched by her actions, not really knowing how he should react, his feeling for her blooming with a mix of confusion "Renxue..."

"There's no need" Renxue slowly stood up and tried to put a strong front "We promised to help each other pass this trial. It's only normal for me to help." she said panting. Renxue turned around "Now that you finished, wait some time here. I will make Spirit Hall's forces retire. They won't be able to find you here, there's too much energy there."

At Renxue's back grew 5 pairs of wings, just as she was about to start flying, a refreshing wind full of vitality surrounded her body, it was warm and fresh, and Renxue could sense the aftereffect of sacrifice lowering. "Thank you, Renxue" Bai slowly said, all his body glowing with a light green light.

Renxue flapped her wings and started floating. Just before leaving, she turned to Bai "Don't die, Bai. I will be the one finishing you" She flapped her wings one last time disappearing into the distance.

Bai looked at her leaving and said for himself "I would prefer that not. BUT..." he made a resolute face "I will be prepared to face you!"

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