Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 182 - Mayi's Diary 2


Bai and I went hunting a spirit beast for Bai. I was hurt in the fight against a white dragon and fell asleep, but Bai rescued me. Then, Bai absorbed the spirit ring and we cultivated together, I created my own spirit ring, both spirit rings increasing in age! We are the best! We will always be together.

I also met Bai's family, all of them are very strong! I am happy that they accepted me as Bai's lover and that they didn't mind that I was a spirit beast. Thanks goddess for it, or I would have been killed by them.

The darkness inside Bai seemed to have grown and its more active, but I doubt that it would do something so it's not important, anyone has dark inside them!



Buahhh! Master (Bai's mother) is terryfying, I am very afraid of her. She is very strong, much more than my brother and her training is more like beatings. Is that what people feel when I fight with them?

Ahhhh! It doesn't matter. Next time I fought against someone weak, I will beat him even more, I'll need to vent my frustration and I learned some techniques from master.

Knowing master better, I really like her! She even taught me techniques to keep other girls from approaching Bai, and she is so strong, I really respect her, but...

I don't want to train again with her, especially etiquette. I hate etiquette, etiquette die!



Today, I met Bai's first and best friend, the prince of the empire, Qinghe. I don't like him. There's something wrong with him, he seemed too friendly and he approached too much towards Bai. Bai is the only mine!

He had some hidden intentions, and somehow his smell tells me he is male, but my instinct tell that not. That he is dangerous, an obstacle to keep Bai always with me.

As I didn't talk with Yan about it, I stopped from trying to hurt him, it might don't like to Bai.



I was scolded by Yan. She said that I am crazy, how could someone think to attack the people that his lover loves? She said. Now that I think it has sense, but I don't really like to think too much, especially about human relations.

Yan told me that it didn't matter to scary unknown flies (That is how Yan called people that approach your lover), but it is better if I hid from Bai, and that it was better if I don't leave any lasting injury in them. But for people close to him, it must be more subtle, putting your dominance over the others.

I don't really know what she is referring to, but I will try to stop them without using my fists. It will be difficult.



Hahaha! Finally, I was able to impart master's teaching to others. As long as I don't cripple the other teammates, I was able to tortu-train them as much as I wanted. It was very entertaining to train them, especially Feng. My instinct told me that she was approaching closer to Bai, she might become something dangerous in the future, but at least she kept her distance.

I can sleep well again, without master's nightmares. The best solution was showing it to others :)


Bai didn't come. He promised me that he will return before the afternoon and he didn't return yet and it's night. Maybe something happened to him. What will I do if something happens to Bai? I'll need to rescue him! Thank goodness, that I already put some pheromones to Bai so that I can track him for this cases.



Bai was angry at me :(

I was forced to tell him about the pheromones and about me attacking flies. It's Yan's fault! Not mine!

After supplicating, Bai forgive me but I should stop doing it. I will keep the pheromones as my secret, I like to know Bai's position, I'll need to protect him!

For the flies, I'll need to be more subtle about them.

We also met grandpa today, he seems to have a bad relationship with Bai's father, calling him a calculative monster.

I discovered that grandpa always had known that I was a spirit beast. Grandpa accepted me and took care of me all these years, never thinking about taking advantage of me. It makes me happy, I love grandpa. I won't be his lover as I already had Bai, but I don't mind being his little sister. Grandpa is my family and I suppose that I can also accept Long, even if he is silly.



Grrrrrr! Feng became more beautiful. She was always dressed as a boy (I don't understand why even when she told me)but now dressed like a girl. Not only that, but she approached even more at Bai! My instincts went mad, she is dangerous, very dangerous. I'll need to show her my dominance!

Fortunately or unfortunately, I couldn't show her place. She was expelled from the academy, I don't know why because if it were for her strength I will kick out Osler before her.

Yesterday, we had a party to say goodbye to her. Someone must put some poison at my drink because I fell very quickly asleep without remembering anything of the night before.

When we wake up, I could feel Chenxiang (The true name of Feng) even closer to Bai. Something must have happened at night, Chenxiang must be the one who poisoned me! She is very dangerous! Before leaving she whispered something at Bai's ears that I couldn't listen, but Bai blushed a little. AAAAHHHHHH! I must kill that bitch! (bitches are bigger and more dangerous flies according to Yan).

I preferred Feng over Chenxiang.



Scary, very scary! Bai, master and I went to Star Duo Forest for Bai's 5th ring. I always liked the forest as I remembered when I lived there, but we were attacked by Hei Qi! The hateful Hei Qi! The most hated spirit beast of the forest. I thought that I was going to die at this moment, even my brothers couldn't do anything against him and this wouldn't change no matter how they cultivate.

Thankfully, we escaped from him thanks to master and Bai's uncles. I really like Bai's family, they accepted me and saved me, like grandpa they are also my family!



We went to another forest to hunt for Bai's spirit ring and Grrrrrrrrr! We had to find Chenxiang there, she even dared to flirt with Bai, she is a big bitch, I need to get rid of her!

She had joined Bai's sister's academy, Shrek Academy. The problem was that Chenxiang and Rongrong seemed to have joined forces to take me out of Bai's position as his most important. Yan said that having the family's support is very important. I'll need to do something. Why I can't simply beat her! Buahhhh! :(

Bai obtained his 5th spirit and we cultivated together, creating my own 5th ring. For this I'm the best for Bai, our spirits are one, not like Chenxiang or any fly or bitch around!



The Continental Tournament started. It's a pity that we can't participate. So much people waiting to be beaten :(

Something happened to Bai. Bai's darkness awakening, I could see movement of it, but I didn't know if it was a good or bad thing. The black aura exuded death, but it wasn't like all death was bad. Hopefully, that darkness kills or at least make run away Chenxiang.



It was a good thing! Bai's darkness awakening was good.

After an unfulfillment match against a weak school, we fought against the favorites, Spirit Hall.

Bai and I became one! Our spirits fusion perfectly, the strongest possible, the even so-called god rank fusion! All thanks to the darkness that regulated Bai's spirits making it possible. Now I could feel Bai's spirit, I can feel Bai nearer. We are a match made by Heavens.

That darkness seemed to have his own mind, but as he was always part of Bai and he helped us become one, I suppose that I can accept him. After all, he is part of Bai and I love Bai!



That bitch of Chenxiang! How could have she become so strong?! I fought against her and almost lost. I even lost my consciousness, it was only by sheer force that I win, losing my sense and letting my instincts to act.

I can't lose Bai. Bai is my life. What I can do without him? I won't let Chenxiang have him! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!

I would have like to have killed her.



We won the tournament, all thanks to Bai and me. I defeated Tang San using Bai's sword. I like his sword it's warm, like being hugging him.

If we are together we are unstoppable!



Sniff*Sniff* Bai had left! Buahhhh! Why? Why he left me alone? We are one, he should bring me there with him!

At least, I know that he didn't leave with Chenxiang. He left me a letter explaining that he needed to do an important and necessary thing, that he loved me and that it would take him 3 years to return.

I don't know what I will do without Bai. All this time, I spent it with him or searching for him.

I will trust him and don't be too pushy. I'll need to be strong and wait three years.



I left Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. There was nothing there for me to stay, and somehow it seemed that for the others were also the same. All of them returning to their clan, even Lingling left. I could have kept a little more smelling her, I really liked Lingling's aura full of vitality.

I'm waiting for you, Bai.



I passed the time at the Strength Clan, but I don't really know what to do, I didn't have much too do other than eating. It was even worst than before. Last time I was searching for Bai, someone that I didn't know. Now, there's a void in my heart.

I want to see you, Bai.



I broke through rank 60. I should be happy, now that I was at this rank I could use my own spirit ring, greatly boosting my strength, making me even more difficult to find my identity as a spirit beast, most spirit beasts die before achieving this rank. But without Bai, it's like it didn't matter. I will wait for him to materialize my ring, he should be also waiting for me like the rings before.

I want to touch you, Bai.



There's no need to be with humans as I reached my rank 60, there no need to interact with them to cultivate and all human-related makes me remember Bai. I will run away.

I want to hug you, Bai.



I had abandoned anything human-related, staying in the interior of Star Duo Foret. Feeling the wind, trees, beast around me, remember me the time before meeting Bai, the time with my brothers. Somehow the pain of my hearth lowers a little, but every time I remember Bai it returns. Is this so painful called love?

Are you also thinking about me, Bai?



I met my three brothers again. They were very happy meeting me again as they thought that I had died at that time. They were shocked when they found that I cultivated to 100.000 years. They are still at 90.000 maybe if Bai was here, he could have help them like me.

I found them planning their revenge against the ape and snake. I really smiled at their antics, but they were my antics before. Now I realized how much I changed, I was really influenced by humans.

It made me a little sad having worried my brothers living them so long, but I was more pained missing Bai.

Is this the difference between little sister and lover?



3 years had finally passed. I will be able to see Bai again! I'll need to find him or he would find me? I want to saw him, hug him, kiss him. Be always with him. I miss you so much.

Bai, did you miss me?

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