Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 200 - Rose vs Gluttony

Red and Violet flames danced around Mei, all the previous enormous fortress had extinguished, becoming part of Mei's power. The flames swirled around as they started to take form, forming blazing vines. From each vine, multiple red-violet roses bloomed, creating a beautiful flowery blazing garden. Nevertheless, the power around Mei was incredible.

The roses started opening, their petals leaving their stems, slowly orbiting around her. The sky around them turned red, this was Mei's own domain, capable of controlling the energy inside it, everlasting supplying Mei while the plants resist, burning everything into pure energy.


While Myriad Demon King obtained the ability to control plants when it breakthrough over the 200.000 years, Mei didn't dispose of this ability. Instead, she made all the plants summit with sheer force and fear. It could be said that every plant spirit greatest fear was Mei, they were simple suppressed by her, their fear was so hight that they had the capability of even broke Myriad's control.

The truth was that comparing it with Myriad, Mei had a very different growth. Myriad didn't have many enemies due to his specie and cultivated more or less calmy without interruptions. On the other hand, Mei as a spirit flower, a Crystal Rose, had a very weak power, mostly being able to support others, and was pursued by many spirit beasts trying to take her energy. She lived most of her life hiding, running away from her predators and slowly killing and eating the near fauna. Thanks to her resistance, she quickly obtained great intelligence and willpower, but even with them she knew that she wouldn't be able to face strong spirit beasts, the best would be to run and hide.

Her turning point came when two high cultivated spirit beasts locked her, making escape impossible. They were a highly poisonous Violet Dragon Cobra and a mutated Fire Monkey. Once Mei was captured, they fought each other for the right to devour her.

The Fire Monkey won the match but was badly poisoned by the cobra. Mei took advantage, she absorbed the cobra, acquiring some of its poison and when the Monkey tried to absorb her, she boosted the poison inside it, killing him instantly.

Mei absorbed both spirits and she mutated. From a Crystal Rose, she became a 10.000 years old Red-Violet Rose. The most important was that she obtained actual combat strength and a potent flame, she was able to burn any other plant or organism and made it pure energy, even boosting the effect with a potent poison. While spirit beasts could pose some resistance, any plant in contact with her poisonous flame disappeared instantly.

Wanting revenge against every spirit beast that tried to take her life, she started burning her surroundings, quickly increasing her own cultivation. In less than a year, she broke through 100.000 years old, obtaining a body able to fight.

When the truly powerful older than 100.000 spirit beasts discovered her existence. She already had grown too strong, reaching a cultivation over 300.000 years old, her own domain extending over a huge area. Her own domain continuously growing, taking more energy from her surrounding, threatening to swallow the forest.

Finally, the one that stopped her was Myriad Demon King. He was unable to fight Mei directly, Mei's fire countering him, so his plan was to retract the forest area. He commanded the surrounding plants to withdraw creating a barren area surrounding Mei. Once Mei's fire arrived there, she couldn't continue using her high consumption domain, forcing her to personally chase after Myriad.

Outside of her domain, Mei was easily subjugated by Zi Ji who helped Myriad. She only survived thanks to the Black Rose choosing her as its guardian, Mei's ability perfect for its growth. With a promise of not attacking again the forest, Mei was let alive at her own while taking care of one the pillars of Star Dou Forest.


"AHHHHHHHHH!" Mayi charged across Mei's domain, each petal in contact with her was absorbed by Mayi's aura, finding herself not affected at all. It didn't matter how powerful was Mei's domain, it wasn't enough to affect a 1st class god like Gluttony.

Mei extended her hands "<Queen of Thorns>!" Countless vines surrounding Mei were shot towards Mayi, from each vine surged sharp 1 meter long thorns. The vines slashed at Mayi shooting thorns, at the same time, more roses grew over the vines, spreading more petals everywhere.

Mayi's aura surged from her stuffed helmet. Without even stopping, she opened her big mouth, a great suction force surged from it. All the vines were attracted by Mayi's mouth, quickly being devoured by it.

Mei grinned "Take this!" she clapped her hands, all the petals shined brightly, most of them being near Mayi. While the petals should weight less than the vines and be easier to absorb, they had resisted better, not being indirectly absorbed.

"<Bloom Boom!>" The shine of the petals increased, becoming blindly "BOOOOOM!" All the petals detonated creating a powerful explosion, creating a sea of fire surrounding Mayi, a poisonous violet cloud surrounding it. Even plants hundreds of kilometers away couldn't help to shiver at its might, all the plants that couldn't escape instantly dying.

The cloud quickly disappeared, revealing an unwounded Mayi, only her dress was a little damaged, having a strip at her skirt. Mayi was mostly unhurt, but for the first time her divine armament was damaged and she was stopped from her chase.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Mayi shouted in fury, her aura around her exploded, trying to devour every petal around her, not ignoring her instinct again in search of her hunger. Mei's own domain could collapse anytime, devoured by Mayi.

"I won't let!" Mei shouted "I have grown from before!" Mei put her hands over the ground "Hop!" she jumped, digging herself up, revealing her short little legs. Instantly, all the petals stopped still, quickly reacting and converging towards Mei, even surpassing Mayi's absorption, at last, the petals were part of Mei.

"<Garden Dress>!" The petals accumulated around Mei, forming a beautiful blazing red and violet dress around her. The flames were in constant movement, creating everchanging flowery patterns. Mei's eyes shined brightly, her left eye turning violet while her right kept its red jewelry color. Over her hands, flames extended creating a long red whip surrounded by a violet aura.

This was Mei's trump card, she had prepared in the case of the other beasts deciding to attack her some time. It increased Mei's strength, defense, and power, eliminating the dependence of her own domain. The truth was that her Flowery Garden was a big preparation for it, if it hadn't disappeared, it would have been a lot stronger this technique.

Seeing the petals disappear, Mayi forgot about them. She already had identified Mei's as an obstacle for her food, so she had decided to take care of her before. She charged towards Mei, opening her big mouth trying to swallow her.

Mei spun her ankle, her whip started swirling. It created a strong tornado around it, the whip twirling and twisting, creating a somehow shield in front of her.

"Bam!" Mayi clashed with the shield. Mei received the incredible strength of a god. To keep up with it, Mei dug her feet at the ground, dissipating a lot of force to the ground. Nevertheless, Mei was unable to stop being pushed by it, forming a trail under her feet, her whip twitching, threatening to break.

Just as Mei was about to be unable to continue stopping Mayi, a shadow appeared behind Mayi. It was Di Tian! He had recovered and waited for the best time. His intervention would have weakened Mei's domain but with Mei's new technique there wasn't this problem.

Di Tian swung its enormous claws towards Mayi, focusing his great strength and ultimate darkness in it.

Mayi's instinct kicked, warning that the attack was dangerous. As she was about to evade, she found herself blocked by Mei's whip curled around her right arm "Die, ant!" shouted Mei.

Mayi was unable to evade, receiving the full strength of Di Tian's attack, being shot over 10 kilometers away, crashing to the ground, creating an over 300 meters crater.

In the crater, Mayi supported on the ground to lift herself. Her dress was very damaged, her left side all in shatters, mostly destroyed, her left arm hanging unresponsive. In the last moment by pure instinct, Mayi twisted her left hand, as she didn't have time to put a defense by the surprise, she took the full attack, but she was able to focus most of it in her arm, being able to evade a possible deathly attack.

Mayi looked at her dress and arms "GROWLLLLLLLL!" this wasn't Mayi's shout, it was her stomach sounding, demanding for food.

Mayi turned to the culprit of her state, Mei and Di Tian"I'M HUNGRY!" A shock wave surged around Mayi, widening the crater.

Mayi opened her mouth, letting her long tongue out. A powerful black aura surged from her, it started taking form. Like snakes, six strings of black aura surged from her mouth, crawling around. Black liquid leaked from them, the liquid disintegrating anything in contact with it. Finally, it revealed their true form, they were tongues. With her own, seven 3 meters long tongues creepy crawled around Mayi.

Mayi jumped towards Mei and Di Tian. Her speed was even faster than before, instantly appearing in front of them. Mayi swung her tongues like whips, slashing at them.

Mei quickly reacted twisting her ankle, ordering her whip to protect her and stopping the tongues. On the other hand, Di Tian changed to his human form as his dragon form even if stronger was too big to evade such attacks. Thanks to his instant decision, he was only lightly touched by one tongue, evading a sure death.

"What!?" shouted Mei and Di Tian surprised. Black saliva was affecting Mei's whip, quickly invading her. She jumped back, quickly discarding her Garden Dress that was being devoured, it didn't take even three seconds to it. If she didn't have discarded, she would have been devoured by it. However, doing this, even if she evaded death, she also lost her strongest power, now unable to put a fight against Mayi.

Di Tian was shocked by Mayi's power. A light touch had devoured most of his energy. He needed to use most of his energy to stop the black saliva from extending, with this only attack he had lost more than 60% of his strength. It was several levels stronger than when he was bitten by her.

It didn't end there. Mayi's dress seemed to be repairing itself. Not only Mayi had attacked them, at the same time, she had absorbed their energy and made it her own, using to heal the injuries that they caused using their full strength, making all their efforts useless.

With an attack, Mayi had defeated them, now not her rivals. This attack wasn't simple, it was a divine technique unique of the Gluttony God that Mayi had awakened. For most gods, there's a need to learn and study about their own comprehension and self, expanding their divines senses and control to become stronger and be able to use more powerful techniques, most need to be taught before.

However, the deadly sins were somewhat different. Their power surged not from a physical element, if not a concept, a simple but very powerful concept. As such, they couldn't learn from their concept in the usual manner, the truth was that they didn't need to learn it. By pure instinct, wallowing in their sin, they could reach new levels. For Mayi's case, it was her urge to eat. Her loss of energy and damage to her armament, making her hunger stronger and her dėsɨrė and sin stronger following it, reaching a new level of strength and learning to truly use her godly powers. Showing what truly a first class god was capable of.

Mayi's tongues crawled towards Mei and Di Tian, trying to swallow them, they unable to put any defense.

"BOOOM!" Suddenly, a green pillar of energy shot up some kilometers over them. The green pillar pierced the sky, spreading thick life energy from it.

Mayi turned to the pillar, her tongues stopping and disappearing as she contemplated the pillar, completely forgetting about Mei and Di Tian for the new source of vitality. Her mouth was salivating madly, a rain of saliva falling and digging the ground as she licked her big mouth, her dėsɨrė to eat it overshadowing anything else.

From the green pillar, a figure appeared. Black and white eyes and hair wearing green and white robes made from leaves. Two wings at his back with two swords at his hand. It was Bai! He was completely unharmed! He was surrounded by 13 spirit rings, the energy around him surpassing a normal titled douluo.

"MAYI!" Bai shouted launching towards Mayi.

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